[3.14] Kami's Life | LL | CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin | all Content | deep Delve | max Block
" I usually do keep moving but theres sometimes where I'm picking up something or doing a master mission and they will just explode when I least expect it lol |
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looting during derilium. haha, u sort of very risky player :D its very annoying but i always loot only after derilium, very boring but safe.
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Bricked the craft.. well it is what it is, will a divine orb reroll the CDR or am i wrong? Don't want to mess it up more. TIA. |
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" yes it will, from range of this tier. press alt to see a range. u can hit 16% for example i think? or 12. but generally u worst part of this is behind. u cant mess stats hard anymore. |
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" Can't check your character as your profile is private, so I'm not sure what you're doing differently from the builds (offensive and defensive) proposed in OP. In the PoBs provided in OP, we have this: DEFENSIVE version: - Main body cyclone-proc'd Ice nova: 158k average hit. - Cospri's Ice Nova: 66k average hit (supported by Energy Leech) - Cospri's Frost Bolt: 99k average hit (supported by Energy Leech). OFFENSIVE version (no Energy leech support so dmg of Cospri's spells doesn't increase that much): - Main body cyclone-proc'd Ice nova: 232k average hit. - Cospri's Ice Nova: 79k average hit - Cospri's Frost Bolt: 119k average hit (i) From an exterior point of view all these numbers seem freaky low, even if that's acknowledging the high number of Ice Nova explosions per second, a self cast Ice Nova build is just 10 to 20 times higher average hit, for a cast rate (number of casts per second) of 5 to 7. So taking into account that here we have a cast rate (or aps for this build) of 10, that's still around 7-9 times lower dps. Which is why I was initially concerned by the boss dps performance. Obviously being able to constantly cast while cycloning, moving, dodging has immense upside (QoL, survival and actual dps) compared to a build where you have to stand still and cast your Ice Nova, even if you do move a bit in between. (ii) Frozen Tail: casts 3 frost bolts, but they're thrown own quite spread if you're staying still on target (cursor on your position, therefore close to you, therefore bigger spread of Frostbolts like in a Lesser Multiple Projectiles support), not sure we could consider they all hit. As for the Ice Nova, the fact that there are multiple Frostbolt to cast from doesn't cast multiple Ice Nova, so you don't multiply by 3 here. You can do the test with self-cast Ice Nova cast from a Greater Multiple Projectiles Frostbolt: you will cast 5 Frostbolts, but when you cast Ice Nova (once) only 2 of the frostbolts (closest to your cursor as per spell description) will create novas, irrespective of the number of FrostBolts around (you still need minimum 2 around). I agree that in the heat of it since you cast multiple frostbolts and generate many Ice Novas it looks like all frostbolts may be generating novas, but in reality only two novas get cast per CoC trigger. You got just 20 (or 40 if including the weaker ones from Cospri) gettting generated per second from probably different frost bolts so you don't see it if you don't think it through. (iii) So if I assume 2 of the 3 frostbolts will hit the target, using the Defensive version of OP's PoB get (158k*2)=316k avg hit per cast from Cyclone-Ice Nova vs (66k*2+99k*2)=330k for damage generated by Cospri's casts. Not twice as much but still definitely good. The Cospri Ice Nova is actually not a big part of it surprisingly. Trying to think what would be a potential replacement. In general spells with cooldowns are not great since they don't benefit from the many casts per second. If you're not using Frostbite (using Assassin's mark in ring) then you could use more resistance lowering (especially as this one isn't a curse so doesn't get nerfed on bosses, where resistance lowering actually matters), so a Frost bomb would add maybe 19% more dps despite only casting once every few seconds. But chances are there isn't really a great alternative and sticking to Ice Novas for an extra (weaker) 20 novas (10 casts) a second is the best for mapping, and Frostbite is there to solve resistances on big bosses. Btw what do you mean by "half of fame"? |
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Found this formula to calculate Ice Nova dps.
Ice Nova: Ice Nova average hit (160,000) * 2 (Frostbolt procs) * 7.50(triggers per second with CDR) * 0.99 (Crit Chance)= 2,376,000 DPS Not sure if this is completely accurate but yeah |
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I spend a lot of currency on my gear. But i am rather dumb if it comes to builds. https://pastebin.com/ynYpCUDy My boss dmg is terrible. I did Sirus 8 just now but it took forever. Like not even "okasish" more like 2mins per phase. |
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" its not profile with characters so dont bother. rly. i think i was using double curse setup, that the only difference from defensive version, i just dropped ES wheel in witch area, and picked whipers of dooms to use elemental weakness. well, its really looks like every frosbolt triggers nova during fight, but does it actually in fact - i dont know, visually its hard to say. so u maybe right here about 2 novas per trigger if this works just like in selfcast. but still it leads us to same conclusion that cospri trigger provides us more dmg than chest nova. mostly u stay close to boss and cycloning around him at close range, so all 3 frostbolts mostly hit a target, well its depends from how disgusting boss is, but in simple way we do exactly this if its not leads to death. so its 99k x 3 for frostbolt dmg and 66k x 2 for nova damage. more then 400k dps per trigger according to pob. so its still more than chest nova provides. im absolutely agree what if u add some.. with frostbomb there u will get even more dps thats correct, but u gonna lack a lot of sustain. i assume for best dps u can use frostbite ring + ele weakness + curse on hit + vortex + bone chill support, and add frostbomb on top of it to manually cast it. this gonna provide some good dps, but to me it looks like glasscannon. reason is why this build is popular because its balanced playstyle, u still zoom maps pretty fast, and still u can be decent bossing because of QoL ability to move constantly and providing stable dps. sadly this build is sad when in comes to actually calculating how much dps u have, as all ur dps spread between so many gems. also i think u can run chaos version of this build with eternity shroud - its extremely expensive, but due to how chaos dmg works, u can hit pretty big dps i think? Dernière édition par tffiad#0007, le 23 mars 2020 09:54:07
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" thats for cospri setup. hm seems pretty reasonable. ill investigate it bit later. might simulate in pob bonechill from vortex and all sources of resistance lowering properly, just curious which numbers i really had, because even then, i still felt like i dps is low, or maybe just my zombie necro was too over geared. |
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Hey guys, recently switched to CoC assassin from ED, been playing the raikudou's version, while enjoying the gameplay i feel its bit too glass cannon for me and was looking at this version of the build.
The question i have is besides the obvious swap of ES gear, can i do the build with double circle of fear and cospri's or is it overall better idea to run one of each and then replace the other with different gear? |
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