On a side note: isn’t there a cluster jewel passive that gives you wither on it? Allowing us to replace the 3 link totems with something else??? Hoping someone knows so I don’t have to go through every skill.
The only cluster jewel that factors in Wither is related to Skeletons, so it won't effect our build.
However, it was mentioned earlier in the thread that there is a timeless jewel that can give the stat "chance to wither on hit" to a nearby notable.
Just wanted to share my build so far. Recently switched to Apep's/MOM and it is night and day difference how tanky it makes you. If you are having one shot issues, but have plenty of DPS I highly recommend. Deadly Ailments Watchers Eye, Temp Chains Helmet Enchant and was able to craft the same Large Cluster Jewel in OP's guide, Chaos dmg on belt mod is good as well. Highly recommend removing Asenaths and getting a Temp Chains on hit gloves so you add some life/help balance resists. The chest is enough explode to usually melt anything. I have 2 corrupted Iron points for Sirus, but other than him I don't really ever need them.
Probably going to cut a few points while still using MOM and start a 2ND medium or small cluster jewel depending on where I can sacrifice points. Build is a lot of fun once it gets going, but I'll admit it takes a while to min max once you start hitting higher tier maps. Would love some suggestions as to what I can go for on another medium/small cluster to push even further.
Anyways hope this gives some people ideas to help them where they are stuck.
when doing bosses with no adds, main guy being sirius on anything that is Alvl 6+
do you not have problem with MOM build because one hit and suddenly you are out of mana/es to cast whriling blades and other skills?
i've been running the golden rule combo, but without the mom and apep and that seems to offer a lot more damage with two CIP.
your thoughts on this?
Running the same setup as dolphin, if you have issues with sirus swap out your faster attacks for desecrate for extra regen via diadem. I Swapped to 2 large clusters now so 4 surging vitality are Def noticeable especially for sirus. Also put in a lethal pride and getting a good rolled one netted me more life, damage and defense via 8% physical taken as fire dmg.
Edit: you won't have es issues for casting with mom as long as you have poisons up you will have 250es per sec regen from apeps.
Dernière édition par Rezechs#5670, le 9 avr. 2020 11:35:07
So first things first, thanks for all the replies helping me.
I did upgrade my build a bit now but my clear feels worse now.
Should i get my Bino's back?
Im also upgrading my Gems one by one to 20%.
Anything im missing from the replies?
Sorry to have not seen this sooner dude, but there is absolutely something you're missing! You need to have a source of an additional curse. Your asenath's can't perform it's clear correctly without it because it specifically says that non-aura curses, and your despair curse aura is bigger than your blade vortex which is applying the aura that would allow clear. It really is counter-intuitive but it was intentional game design for the devs to not allow your curse auras to give you clear.
Usually this is done by anointing your chest piece or amulet for whispers of doom, of which you haven't even anointed either!!!! Bino's is garbage compared to asenath's once you get the additional curse.
So i upgraded my Build and got the extra Curse mod.
And thanks for the reply it helps ALOT, the clear is so much smoother.
Going for the Curse + Explosion Chest next buts its a bit expensive.
So first things first, thanks for all the replies helping me.
I did upgrade my build a bit now but my clear feels worse now.
Should i get my Bino's back?
Im also upgrading my Gems one by one to 20%.
Anything im missing from the replies?
Sorry to have not seen this sooner dude, but there is absolutely something you're missing! You need to have a source of an additional curse. Your asenath's can't perform it's clear correctly without it because it specifically says that non-aura curses, and your despair curse aura is bigger than your blade vortex which is applying the aura that would allow clear. It really is counter-intuitive but it was intentional game design for the devs to not allow your curse auras to give you clear.
Usually this is done by anointing your chest piece or amulet for whispers of doom, of which you haven't even anointed either!!!! Bino's is garbage compared to asenath's once you get the additional curse.
So i upgraded my Build and got the extra Curse mod.
And thanks for the reply it helps ALOT, the clear is so much smoother.
Going for the Curse + Explosion Chest next buts its a bit expensive.
So ty again for all the replies :D
if you intend to keep asenaths explode chest is a waste imo I've tried it, a +1gem curse chest is much better and helps bossing tons. Get a power charge on crit corrupted cold iron it will add at least 4m dps.
Dernière édition par Rezechs#5670, le 9 avr. 2020 13:41:47
Can anyone tell me what to change for more defence? Sometimes i got one shot.
Got 10 ex
chest with curse and life, more life on gear you won't avoid most 1 shots that's how dodge builds are. If u want more chunky Ness go shield with mind over matter
Just wanted to share my build so far. Recently switched to Apep's/MOM and it is night and day difference how tanky it makes you. If you are having one shot issues, but have plenty of DPS I highly recommend. Deadly Ailments Watchers Eye, Temp Chains Helmet Enchant and was able to craft the same Large Cluster Jewel in OP's guide, Chaos dmg on belt mod is good as well. Highly recommend removing Asenaths and getting a Temp Chains on hit gloves so you add some life/help balance resists. The chest is enough explode to usually melt anything. I have 2 corrupted Iron points for Sirus, but other than him I don't really ever need them.
Probably going to cut a few points while still using MOM and start a 2ND medium or small cluster jewel depending on where I can sacrifice points. Build is a lot of fun once it gets going, but I'll admit it takes a while to min max once you start hitting higher tier maps. Would love some suggestions as to what I can go for on another medium/small cluster to push even further.
Anyways hope this gives some people ideas to help them where they are stuck.
I am thinking of getting a +2 corrupt cloak of defiance (apeps) and speccing out of MoM on the tree for a 2nd cluster jewel cluster. That would free up around 13 points.
Have we decided on the absolute best cluster jewels? I just switched and am running 2 large setups with Apep/MoM variant with 4.7k life.
Currently using 2 large, 3 medium, 4 small jewels.
Large 1:
Touch of Cruelty
Unspeakable Gift
wicked pall
Large 2:
grim oath
wicked pall
not used
med 1:
wasting affliction
med 2:
circling obvlivion
wasting affliction
med 3:
circling oblivion
low tollerance
4 small jewels:
surging x 2
Which of these can be upgraded?
I want septic spells somewhere right? Currently don't have explode chest, don't think I need it for clear? all shit dies fast, even 20/20 simulc... ?
Order for large in importance...
Malice, oath and paal are bis with 2 sockets ofcourse. You can sub in unwavering or the other one that gives chaos dmg and cast speed. For paal if u feel duration of bv is fine.
Mediums order is
Circling or pall... Circling little more dps but paal more duration for qol
If you like low tolerance you can sub it in but is unessesary once you have asenaths.
Septic spells is one of the worst to use. Use pob to choose clusters for your build add 10% to your total dps on pob based on amount of wasting afflictions as pob won't calculate the faster posion mod.
Dernière édition par Rezechs#5670, le 9 avr. 2020 16:25:55