we can farm t19 with this build?
Dernière édition par Skura#0796, le 21 janv. 2021 04:22:33
Posté parSkura#0796le 21 janv. 2021 03:11:00
cassianno a écrit :
VyersReaver a écrit :
Hey there! I am trying a variant of this build this league, just got the Pledge.
I am still debating Arcane Surge usage, instead of some utility on Frostbolt. There's been reports that Arcane Surge on support is overridden by our Ascendancy Arcane Surge (and it's a long-standing bug).
Even if it gets overiden, as someone already said, the point in having arcane surge linked is to have it as soon as you cast, instead of only when they hit. So its an actual 100% uptime even for the very first hit.
Because of the lack of chromes/sockets/links, im still relying on ascendacy, tho i consider getting it later (for now i have frostbolt/gmp/faster casting/spell echo).
Ive been using lvl 13 arcane surge, so it procs every 2 frostbolts casts, and its a significant boost. Sadly when i finally get Sanctuary of thought, max level for proc every 2 casts would be 10, but its still a decent enough change from lvl1, so until theres a better option, id still go arcane surge on frostbolt.
Also i havent seen the ascendancy arcane surge overriding the normal, so its probably not that common to happen
Btw, does anyone know how are we supposed to use the PoB's tree? We would need 124 points to actually use all the clusters and the shown passives (the curse one is for some reason not correct? It allocates all the passives without the tree). Should we just forget about the most bottom jewel? (the one on the shadow's zone)
Posté parHeronik209#4719le 21 janv. 2021 05:42:40
cassianno a écrit :
VyersReaver a écrit :
Hey there! I am trying a variant of this build this league, just got the Pledge.
I am still debating Arcane Surge usage, instead of some utility on Frostbolt. There's been reports that Arcane Surge on support is overridden by our Ascendancy Arcane Surge (and it's a long-standing bug).
Even if it gets overiden, as someone already said, the point in having arcane surge linked is to have it as soon as you cast, instead of only when they hit. So its an actual 100% uptime even for the very first hit.
Because of the lack of chromes/sockets/links, im still relying on ascendacy, tho i consider getting it later (for now i have frostbolt/gmp/faster casting/spell echo).
What would the benefit be of having spell echo on your frostbolt?
Posté parAigooo#0640le 21 janv. 2021 14:40:00
guys, i found a way to increase the dps by a significant margin. Basically, if you have enough +fire or +lightning damage from jewels to make frostbolt damage primarily fire or lightning, it is possible to replace controlled destruction with trinity. No changes in gameplay or skill rotation are necessary. We get similar amount of %more dmg, but we don't lose crit and get additional penetration as well as 5% increased cast speed.
Nothing here Dernière édition par trolldemort#3883, le 22 janv. 2021 08:45:54
Posté partrolldemort#3883le 22 janv. 2021 08:45:01
Hi, why movement speed and stun avoid on cinderswallow urn and boots? Wouldn't critical chance during flask effect be better on the flask?
Posté parcyrus750#4543le 22 janv. 2021 15:32:42
hi, thanks for your guide
how do you think running this build as starter?
with your guide, rush into map was easy for me.
but yellow tier with maven/ritual was hard with descent gears.
that's the "got pledge 5link, gem leveling on progress, no essense worm..." era.
you wrote "basic build" at p.27 on your presentation, at that point, this build has far less defensive mechanic. so, after "basic build", I had some hard time to earn currency. jewels are expensive, also pandemonius, enough fusing orbs for 6 linking expensive too.
I suggest to use redeermer's "10% chance to gain F/C on hit" and "nearby enemies are blinded" armour for that hard era. it's way cheaper than cluster jewels, F/C gives us good QoL.
how about taking ascendancy node "conviction of power", E/C and P/C helps much at earlier currency making stage. for now, replica fur is 27 exa. I guess i can't earn that much currency sooner.
then...I'm using L1CWDT-FrostBolt-GMP.'cause there's so many mobs flicking to me.
Dernière édition par PeaceK#7936, le 23 janv. 2021 00:45:24
Posté parPeaceK#7936le 22 janv. 2021 20:29:59
Build is viable for all Maven Invitations and Maven herself btw. I've cleared them all with level 94, 6L Pledge, normal Farrul's, Pandy, flask charge on crit belt, 1 large cluster, 1 medium cluster (cold conduction), and the rest of the gear is throwaway.
Posté parRoflsALot#5811le 22 janv. 2021 23:52:37
Heronik209 a écrit :
cassianno a écrit :
VyersReaver a écrit :
Hey there! I am trying a variant of this build this league, just got the Pledge.
I am still debating Arcane Surge usage, instead of some utility on Frostbolt. There's been reports that Arcane Surge on support is overridden by our Ascendancy Arcane Surge (and it's a long-standing bug).
Even if it gets overiden, as someone already said, the point in having arcane surge linked is to have it as soon as you cast, instead of only when they hit. So its an actual 100% uptime even for the very first hit.
Because of the lack of chromes/sockets/links, im still relying on ascendacy, tho i consider getting it later (for now i have frostbolt/gmp/faster casting/spell echo).
Ive been using lvl 13 arcane surge, so it procs every 2 frostbolts casts, and its a significant boost. Sadly when i finally get Sanctuary of thought, max level for proc every 2 casts would be 10, but its still a decent enough change from lvl1, so until theres a better option, id still go arcane surge on frostbolt.
Also i havent seen the ascendancy arcane surge overriding the normal, so its probably not that common to happen
Btw, does anyone know how are we supposed to use the PoB's tree? We would need 124 points to actually use all the clusters and the shown passives (the curse one is for some reason not correct? It allocates all the passives without the tree). Should we just forget about the most bottom jewel? (the one on the shadow's zone)
you can always use arcane cloak to proc surge or link archmage to frostbolt
Nothing here
Posté partrolldemort#3883le 23 janv. 2021 05:53:38
kubicka a écrit :
How do you off color your body armour to 5B1G? Its almost impossible.
the easiest way to get specific off color setups is to roll chromes (or chromecraft) until you get at least 4 colors right and then run betrayal for white sockets
Nothing here
Posté partrolldemort#3883le 23 janv. 2021 05:59:34
Arcinde a écrit :
Versallius a écrit :
My idea is to have Added Lightning Damage and Trinity supports on Frostbolt so that its main damage is lightning, allowing it to generate Cold resonance and grant the benefits to Trinity support on Ice Nova.
Certainly seems pretty strong. Main concern would be the ramp-up time plus your Frostbolt actually has to hit the target to proc resonance (a lot of times Ice Nova already kills stuff before Frostbolt hits anything).
Illuvatar_82 a écrit :
That being said, the last couple upgrades I made, as per your guide, somewhat felt like a loss in power and I'm not really sure why that would be. Those upgrades were Lv5 Awakened Hextouch Support and Lv21 Frostbite and Elemental Weakness, losing Faster Casting in the process.
I have actually removed that variant from my guide in the last update. It is definitely more DPS even though you lose Faster Casting, but I think people would generally prefer having the better quality of life gem setup at that point. I didn't use that version of the build in the last league.
schiporemi a écrit :
I was wondering if a switch to Elementalist would be possible since the new cold nodes seem very powerful and also the new aegis skill seems good for defensive purposes.
You will lose EHP and AoE when switching from Hiero to pretty much any other ascendancy. You may also have mana issues but you can always put Inspiration in the main 6L. So you'll have to decide whether what you gain from Elementalist, is worth it. I personally think probably not but you are welcome to try new things.
Pyromancer4 a écrit :
My question is, other than subbing the helmet, is there anything else I would need to modify in the guide?
Interesting idea. I'm not sure if it would work with exactly my build because Hierophant lowers the Ice Nova mana cost down to ~72. So you would probably need increased mana cost somewhere. I'm also not sure how he does the startup, as I assume putting Frostbolt in the helm prevents you from casting it manually.
frostbolt having to hit isn't as much of an issue imo. Most of the time even with 5l nova devastates regular enemies. Those who are tough enough get hit by bolt and you regain full dps. In fact, mostly bosses and beefed up delirium require that. Clear speed loss is minimal but dps against bosses vastly improves
Nothing here
Posté partrolldemort#3883le 23 janv. 2021 06:05:08