Sanfear a écrit :
First, Thanks for the build!
One question,is a good build for Delve? (Around 275/350)
Up to the "usual depth" ( up to 300 ) it will work, while i assume the sulphite nodes are tricky ( although they work somewhat like ultimatums ).
The Breathstealer Gloves might help a lot here.
Posté parbex_HB#1414le 31 mai 2021 03:38:03
HELLERcz a écrit :
etherel90 a écrit :
HELLERcz a écrit :
Can you give me advice what now pls ? :)
I am lvl 95 and I am thinking about second cluster jewel path in tree.
ITs worth to refund normal tree nods and go to 2 good passive skills in large cluster ? (not so rich to go 3 )
Or where to invest currencies now ? thanks :)
Ok, gear wise you have a couple options. First off you have no double curse from either an anoint on your amulet or an Awakened Hextouch setup. I'd consider that first. Second, I would try to roll a new ring that has a T1 or T2 resist on it to help alleviate in other areas. Next gear upgrade would probably be a Bottled Faith flask. You can also consider swapping out your gloves for a pair of Breathstealers with a damage anoint. High QoL for ultimatums.
On to your tree. In order to free up some points for an additional cluster, reroute your starting nodes from the life/mana all the way up to Sanctity, for the Damage and Mana then Int nodes. That will use use 4 instead of 6, saving you 2. Other points you can drop are the 3 into Arcane Capacitor, the 3 into Nimbleness and Coordination if you don't need the dex. And Firewalker, not sure if you took that for res or not. Out of those possible 10 points I would first use 5 of them to get Throatseeker. The other 4 could get you to the next cluster jewel socket. I don't think I would bother with a 2 passive Large cluster. Just get a medium if you can't afford another 3. If you go double curses, I'd recommend a jewel w/ Wish for Death and Master of Fear. I also prefer an Ancestral Echo / Sleepless Sentries jewel over Repeater / Streamlined. I like having the Onslaught on Totem Cast, it's a very nice QoL upgrade.
I did huge changes ... Can you chest my profile now pls ? I have only 220k dmg in HO. Whats wrong ?
i got 280k, and the difference between both is somewhat this :
- aw. cold damage level 5 -> +1 cold gem
- +2 proj. on chest
- wands : while both have +1 main-hand little low crit chance, while offhand lacks "raw spell% / cold% dmg"
- dps enchant on helm ( while this just 10k, i would keep proj. speed )
... so this are some options visible at first glance
Dernière édition par bex_HB#1414, le 31 mai 2021 03:42:49
Posté parbex_HB#1414le 31 mai 2021 03:40:42
HELLERcz a écrit :
etherel90 a écrit :
HELLERcz a écrit :
Can you give me advice what now pls ? :)
I am lvl 95 and I am thinking about second cluster jewel path in tree.
ITs worth to refund normal tree nods and go to 2 good passive skills in large cluster ? (not so rich to go 3 )
Or where to invest currencies now ? thanks :)
Ok, gear wise you have a couple options. First off you have no double curse from either an anoint on your amulet or an Awakened Hextouch setup. I'd consider that first. Second, I would try to roll a new ring that has a T1 or T2 resist on it to help alleviate in other areas. Next gear upgrade would probably be a Bottled Faith flask. You can also consider swapping out your gloves for a pair of Breathstealers with a damage anoint. High QoL for ultimatums.
On to your tree. In order to free up some points for an additional cluster, reroute your starting nodes from the life/mana all the way up to Sanctity, for the Damage and Mana then Int nodes. That will use use 4 instead of 6, saving you 2. Other points you can drop are the 3 into Arcane Capacitor, the 3 into Nimbleness and Coordination if you don't need the dex. And Firewalker, not sure if you took that for res or not. Out of those possible 10 points I would first use 5 of them to get Throatseeker. The other 4 could get you to the next cluster jewel socket. I don't think I would bother with a 2 passive Large cluster. Just get a medium if you can't afford another 3. If you go double curses, I'd recommend a jewel w/ Wish for Death and Master of Fear. I also prefer an Ancestral Echo / Sleepless Sentries jewel over Repeater / Streamlined. I like having the Onslaught on Totem Cast, it's a very nice QoL upgrade.
I did huge changes ... Can you chest my profile now pls ? I have only 220k dmg in HO. Whats wrong ?
- Different helmet enchant. You want cast speed instead of projectile speed
- Your Awaken Gemes are only Level 2
- Change your gloves to some Warlord influenced Fingerless Sils for Spell Damage and Culling Strike
- Try to get a double hatred watchers eye
- change your quicksilver flask to an silver flask for onslaught
- try to get the elementel resistance penetration enchantment on the boots
- most important stats on the wands are +1 cold/spell, spell damage, cast speed, crit multi. in that order if i remeber correctly.
Dernière édition par fre4kyyyyy#8218, le 31 mai 2021 03:51:13
bex_HB a écrit :
Sanfear a écrit :
First, Thanks for the build!
One question,is a good build for Delve? (Around 275/350)
Up to the "usual depth" ( up to 300 ) it will work, while i assume the sulphite nodes are tricky ( although they work somewhat like ultimatums ).
The Breathstealer Gloves might help a lot here.
Thanks for the info bex_HB!
Posté parSanfear#6892le 31 mai 2021 05:37:00
Hi all!
Thanks for the build.
I need advice more experienced players about Large Cluster Jewel and 3rd Passive Skill for typical:
Disorienting Display + Blanketed Snow
1. Prismatic Heart
2. Blizzard Caller
3. Vengeful Commander
Which one is best ?
And also question about Medium one:
Astonishing Affliction + Cold Conduction
Master of Fear + Wish for Death
Is it worth price difference ?
Also what should I upgrade 1st in my char, i assume its clusters, am I right ?
Thanks in advance.
Posté parGrothart#3275le 31 mai 2021 15:25:04
Astonishing Affliction + Cold Conduction is the way to go. you NEED that. that made a huge difference for me
How do you cap resists using "Breathstealer"??
Dernière édition par Sanfear#6892, le 31 mai 2021 17:56:03
Posté parSanfear#6892le 31 mai 2021 17:55:45
Sanfear a écrit :
How do you cap resists using "Breathstealer"??
25@ helm
cold from amu
most from boots
some allres from magic ring
... and the Alira bandit 15%
... of course with active 4 endurance charges from ascendency ( = 16@ total )
this caps for me with BS gloves.
Dernière édition par bex_HB#1414, le 1 juin 2021 05:41:28
Posté parbex_HB#1414le 1 juin 2021 05:40:25
bex_HB a écrit :
Sanfear a écrit :
How do you cap resists using "Breathstealer"??
25@ helm
cold from amu
most from boots
some allres from magic ring
... and the Alira bandit 15%
... of course with active 4 endurance charges from ascendency ( = 16@ total )
this caps for me with BS gloves.
Oh Alira! I have the 2 points. Now I can do it. thanks!
Posté parSanfear#6892le 1 juin 2021 08:15:56
Lunethzz a écrit :
Alright. After a long time following every page and comment I'm going to ask you guys which thing you would upgrade first to get better. Ive checked for wands that have +1 cold gems but they only add about 2% increased dmg. Pls review my character :)
budget 15ex
Posté parLunethzz#6302le 1 juin 2021 11:44:42