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Ils devraient revenir en ligne dans environ .[3.10] Immortal CI Guardian(Ascendant) support.15-19 auras. Lag friendly. Solo play viable.
![]() [3.10]Huge nerf to ES pool. Build still works, but you get 1-2k less es. No more legacy 12% RMR necks aswell. With new cluster jewels Glorious vanity is now redundant. Also Scion is strictly better now. At least for the actual Immortal version with Aegis Aurora. This is my take on a Guardian support. It's by no means my single-handed creation, it was inspired by a scion version https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2550195 which i highly recommend to check out aswell. This build is well suited for both chill mapping on some dangerous maps and fast clearing of some easier. It has insane amounts of defence(not just ES), while being speedy(up to +210 ms) and providing obscene amounts of damage and tankiness to your carry. While this build can easily do any t15 map and uberlab solo, it's highly recommended to have a carry or 2, which will do quadruple damage because of your auras.
Little bit about my PC and why i made this build
My PC is very bad, having frame drops to 1 while casually mapping is pretty much normal thing for me. Yet i wanted to push for 100 in maps. So, this is the build i've finally managed to do it with.
Pros and Cons +Tanky to the point i did 2 t15-16 synthesis boss fights and few guardian bossses while being halfway through lvl 99 and my 99-100 was on 80% just 6 man t16 mapping. +Lots of auras with mad aura effect + guardian ascendancy lets you boost both Offence and Defence of people you play with. +Everyone wants you in party. Even more than other bots, because you are not afraid of anything and will never die, leaving them to their own devices. +Can solo farm if no friends are online and no PA public parties are up. +Relatively cheap to start, scales defence and offence a lot with more budget. +Can run any map mods(without 2 mana cost mods on rings no regen is a bit slow.) +Solo uberlab is a breeze. Wicked ward and phys reduction take care of traps and zombies take care of monsters and izaro. -Pretty slow as a solo-farmer. -Some people have a terrible minion AI (KEKW). -Can't solo farm uberelder or any serious stuff without a lot of gear and tree swaps. -Support gameplay is pretty boring, expecially such tanky one. You can fix that by having your carry in discord chat or by netflix and chill during mapping. -Develops some serious loss of cautiousness, which may turn lethal when you gonna play another build.
Breakdown on defences
+6-10kES +50-100k armour +40% physical migitation not counting armour. +fortify +82-88 all res +Blind, providing 50% chance to evade +Molten shell providing +10k eHP for 70% of time or on demand for 7sec. +Zombie's taunt, providing 10% less damage taken and drawing fire from you. +Wicked ward, which makes us recover 4+k es/s for 4s if we were hit and then not hit for 1.5 sec. +Vaal grace, which gives cappped(75%) dodge and spell dodge. Has 9 sec duration, so ideal for legion and map bosses. +Last but not least is your carry killing any possible threats.
Breakdown on auras
Defence: grace, determination, quadruple purities,stone stance, discipline, vitality, guardian's mana ES, up to 34%phys reduction to your carry from guardian, aspect of the spider, fortify for all party via vigilant strike. Offence: Anger, Hatred, Wrath, Malevolence, optional pride, Haste, Dread banner, Zealotry, aspect of the spider, guardian's buffs for speed and damage, smite, precision.
How does it work
This build stacks %reduced mana reserved to the point that our auras reserve very little mana. We get that through global(conqu effic) and local(victario's influence) %Reduced mana reserved. Then we augument those auras and make some of them into our defence and some into our carry's offence. For example, we get grace's evasion, convert it to armour via Iron reflexes, then boost that armour with Determination. Ending up result is a lot of armour. Guardian's ascendancy also lets us stack mana and get energy shield for us and our carry in return.
But you don't have any ES regen, how you don't die?
Well, might surprise you, but i got asked this question a few times. Answer is you don't need regen. We barely take any damage even from things that straight-up oneshot other builds and Wicked ward just lets us recharge ES non-stop. If all goes to hell, you have a panic button, which is your vaal discipline.
Slot by slot gear analysis
Helmet Alpha is best in slot. Yes, i know you can craft 10% RMR hubris with redeemer exalt and essences of loathing, but Alpha provides just too much QoL imo. Build works without enchant, but enchant will let you add +1 aura. This build can farm uberlab solo while even carrying people, also there are quite a few good enchants, so farming one on your own shouldn't be a problem. Endgame enchants: everything for your not in Victario auras:purities, Discipline, grace, malevolence, determination, even flesh&stone enchant works. Body armour A madlad of a chest. Makes DPS auras almost free of reservation, while giving them insane boost. No need for any links, obviously. Look for ones with 15% aura effect roll Boots No 2 ways about it. 6% reservation is a lot. Don't start this build without having budget to afford these. Technically you still can make this build without them, you just won't be able to run determination(twice less armour). In this case, buy decently-rolled Sin Trek boots, those are cheap and provide a good ES. Shield The only real requirement here is 15% reduced mana reservation. Any amount of shield mana and attributes is always welcome though. Requires ilvl 80 shaper or hunter base to craft. If you get enough 1%RMR corrupted jewels to not need RMR on shield, you can choose to go with Aegis Aurora it's simply amazing. You will have to use Rumi and get a couple of block points on tree, but it's 100% worth it. Weapon After 3.10 you can alt spam redeemer base sceptre to have aura mod and good mana roll. Ideally you want to roll high mana, delve aura mod and +1 to spells. On ultrabudget you can use ephemeral edge for 50% increased energy shield. Gloves Best in slot gloves. Mana, inc eva(inc armour via Iron reflexes) and inc es all work well with this build. Amulet It has to have 5% reduced mana reserved and open prefix for %inc es. All, flat es mana and attributes are just a sweet bonus. As for annoint, i suggest you go Arcane Guarding. If you are going 2 Voices version You'll have to anoint Champion of the cause. [3.9 update] Redeemer influenced amulets can roll 4-5% reduced mana reserved with 79 ilvl req. Rings All you want here is mana, es, attributes and -cost craft or incursion hybrid one. Faster start and socket are luxury bonuses. Belt On ultrabudget you can go with darkness enthroned for 2 shitty reduced mana reserved abyss jewels. if you don't need those, you can go with either bated breath, Essence of Spite crafted belt like this or go zoom zoom with Jewels Since grand spectrum got annihilated, using abyssal jewels is a good choice now. Look for ES, attributes, mana, armour if you haven't killed recently. ------------------------------------------------------ Mandatory. (Thanks to very balanced Purposeful harbinger these with RMR are very expensive now) -------------------------------------------------------------- A nice jewel to fortify your party and yourself. Again, try to get 1 with RMR corruption if your budget allows it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socketed right below Leadership, Might of the meek gives 2% RMR even without corruption, almost mandatory to use. RMR corruption here is normally quite expensive. ---------------------------------------------------------------- A good jewel to save 3 points. Sockets next to Charisma. -------------------------------------------------------------- Clarity mod gives over 2k ES, it's an expensive, but very potent upgrade. Alternatively you can look for bleed, ignite immunity, ms, block, Spell block. ----------------------------------------------------------------- New cluster jewels are very good for this build, you can use multiple if you have passive points to spend. Look for first among equal, replenishing presence and stalwart commander. Also it's the reason why scion is now actually better than guardian. Flasks That's my setup. You should use ignite removal instead of shock(i have watcher's eye for ignite). On ultra budget version you might need a jade flask instead of one of elemental to cap your molten shell (caps at 50k armour). If you are rolling in currency you can use bottled faith if your carry needs it. Is a wonderful flask, works wonders combined with aegis aurora.
Soul of Lunaris and soul of abberath. For uberlab can use soul of ralakesh.
Gem links
These will heavily depend on amount of 1%RMR jewels you have and your minion preferences. I'll just say some general good idea links, which likely won't change. Gloves: Phase run-Smite-Molten Shell-Increased duration Helmet: Purity of Fire-Purity of Lightning-Vaal DisciplinePurity of Ice Note, that vaal impurities work and are usually cheaper as lvl 21 gems than their pure counterparts. Shield: Vaal Grace,Determinationand either purity of elements or malevolence depending on your budget. Chest: All dps auras and banner+flesh&stone on budget. Boots: Raise zombie-Meat shield-Vigilant strike and either flame dash or banner depending on your budget again. Weapon: Precision--Clarity and either generosity support or purity of elements depending on your budget again.
Animated Guardian
If you don't feel too socket starved you can fit in anime boy for even more auras. He should be in same links with zombies, so he gets meat shield. I highly advise to not go with dying breath or kingmaker, but instead give him the sign of a sin eater and the oak shield. Sign of the sin eater will make you and your carry immune to elemental ailments, and oak shield will give AG lots of regen. You might want to spec into Sacrifice on the tree, so the boy doesn't die once in a while.
You can level with ease as a summoner. Just grab life and minion damage around the paths of a build's tree and use 4l Animated Weapons and 4l SRS to clear.
a level 55ish leveling tree
Path of Building+trees
Warning, my charaters from previous leagues are not templates for current build, but more of a history of it. Game changes, so does the build. I'll 99% will play support in any league, so if you go beyond budget setups refer to either my support from current league, ask me about advice or better try to improvise with PoB to figure out ways to improve. My personally recommended is lvl 90 ascendant. My decked out lvl 100 guy from Blight league(TheBigDaddyNotail). You don't need that level of gear even for a 100 push. https://pastebin.com/nvFfCMum web version: https://poe.technology/poebuddy/nvFfCMum My more or less decked out lvl 100 Guardian from Metamorph(Path_of_BS). https://pastebin.com/2XDgbeUq https://poe.technology/poebuddy/2XDgbeUq My lvl 100 Necro from Metamorph league(Skelletonochka). https://pastebin.com/Vm3zeiSv https://poe.technology/poebuddy/Vm3zeiSv My lvl 100 champion from Metamorph league(The_boy_next_door) https://pastebin.com/m7KjMxki https://poe.technology/poebuddy/m7KjMxki My lvl 100 Ascendant from Delirium league (Jewels_Maketh_Build) Absolutely dirty power and budget of 1.5 mirr. https://pastebin.com/cgnKwEs3 My another lvl 100 Ascendant from Harvest league (Gardeners_helper) It's a 2 voices version with regen and about a mirror budget, feels tankier in general, but aurora version was performing better under heavy hit load(when you have full screen of mobs hitting you) https://pastebin.com/RCXcLHSr A theoretical very budget lvl 90 ASCENDANT https://pastebin.com/Z0HCirdP I'll try to make a midrange version with a budget of 10-15ex later, but through upgrade process you want to move out banner, flesh&stone and purity of elements from their warm positions into just being in boots, weapon and ring. This is to make space for zealotry and vitality in chest and malevolence in shield. All of above web links have trees and gem links inside, so if you are looking for a tree, just open it up.
Kill em all
Uberlab/solo mapping
Remove vigilant strike, use 4l zombies (zomb-melee phys-minion damage-multistrike) and change your anger to Pride. When you need zombies to not kill something in izaro fight, you change minion damage to meat shield. ![]()
Uberlab run with 1 passenger. My potato decided to show full lagfest at the end XD. https://youtu.be/rG_fqdcmCJ8 In any case, keep a PoB of your character at all times so you can try on stuff that you are planning to buy like that and try to keep your unreserved mana under 1%. Thanks for reading, let me know if you have any questions or corrections about the build, post if you have a similar setup. All feedback is welcome. This guide is still work in progress and i will try to keep it up with PoE updates. Vaal Pact is dead, long live Vaal Pact! Dernière édition par Kek_is_love#6156, le 15 sept. 2020 11:00:04 Dernier bump le 20 janv. 2021 08:22:04
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Vaal Pact is dead, long live Vaal Pact! Dernière édition par Kek_is_love#6156, le 19 nov. 2019 13:23:53
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You forgot to mentioned you need a croatian carry that will keep yelling at you that you are far away for maximum efficiency <3
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Have you thought about using a animate guardian with something like kingmaker?
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Please upload an actual PoB. Yours has invalid mods.
In addition, Soul of Steel is not worth the anoint slot. Dernière édition par bvanharjr#5617, le 23 nov. 2019 04:17:40
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"I have been using AG(not with kingmaker tho) for some time, but without minion nodes it dies here and there, plus i'm socket starved as is, Getting AG in would mean a change of my paua ring to 2nd unset. It's an option, but i prefer to go without him. Vaal Pact is dead, long live Vaal Pact!
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"Everything there is valid, That prismatic jewel is imitation of my Glorious Vanity(PoB doesn't really support them). And Soul of steel is 100% worth the anoint. Unless you have Glorious vanity with 50+ Aura effect, which requires an anoint. Vaal Pact is dead, long live Vaal Pact! Dernière édition par Kek_is_love#6156, le 23 nov. 2019 13:19:32
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" seed 7652 is 52% with an anoint . right where you've got yours socketed. I can't link the jewel for some reason on forums, tho. |
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"Well, Nice jewel then. I'm quite happy with mine, but yours sounds even better. How many points does it eat?(not counting ones to pick jewel slot and anoint? Vaal Pact is dead, long live Vaal Pact! Dernière édition par Kek_is_love#6156, le 25 nov. 2019 09:45:58
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Hi man ^^
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