[3.8] One Quack Man - 1-Shot the Shaper with Discharge
The video above is the "entertaining" breakdown of this build. If you don't want to look at a bunch of math, watch that instead, because here there be dragons. This build is optimized solely for boosting 1 Discharge's damage high enough to 1-shot everything in the game. Everything else (survivability, map clear, MF) is secondary to that goal. Therefore, if your goal is NOT to kill everything in one hit, you should play something else. Pros: - EXPLOSIONS - Damage cannot be defined by the usual metrics - Looks like a Christmas tree - Uses self-cast effectively! - Can do reflect maps! (If you rush the boss and don't care about dying when you 1-shot it.) Cons: - "Limited hardcore viability" - Limited SSF viability (lots of uniques) - Sucks at No Regen, reduced flask charge gain - Limited viability in general. You can do all content, but it will be frustrating. Path of Building code (from video): https://pastebin.com/SDS1uag6 Core mechanics:
We use the Badge of the Brotherhood unique amulet to set our maximum Frenzy Charges to our maximum Power Charges. This means that if we have +2 maximum Power Charges, and +1 maximum Frenzy charges, we will have 5 maximum Power Charges and 5 maximum Frenzy Charges, because the +1 maximum Frenzy charges is ignored.
We take this even further by using the Masterful Form node in the Slayer ascendancy, which sets our maximum Endurance Charges to our maximum Frenzy Charges. With 11 of each charge, you can do some pretty crazy stuff. I chose to use Discharge to 1-shot everything in the game (that doesn't have invuln phases. Ugh.) We use a 4-link Storm Burst for map clear (which easily does millions of DPS because of our insane damage buffs) and Discharge for anything that we want to instantly remove from the screen. Using Storm Burst without needing to hit an enemy will grant Frenzy and Endurance charges, due to using Scold's Bridle and the Charging Offensive notable. Hitting an enemy will grant Power Charges due to Power Charge on Critical support. If we have prep time, like with the Shaper, we can use Ralakesh's Impatience to generate charges while standing still and doing nothing. We need to swap back to our other boots before moving close enough to the Shaper, then swap back to Ralakesh's Impatience until we get another Power Charge, because the Shaper's Dialogue takes longer than 14 seconds to complete. Using Storm Burst for about 6 seconds will grant Infused Channelling (Phys + Lightning) and Arcane Surge, which will continue to exist if we weapon swap. Our charges will also stay the same if we weapon swap, until the next time the number is updated. So, we can weapon swap to Shimmerons for an insane damage boost, Discharge, then swap back to playing normally. So, to 1-shot the Shaper, the procedure is: -1. Get the Shaper to his 3rd phase 0. Wait literally 10-11 minutes for him to regen from 25% life to 100% life (Don't kill The Unshaped or he will stop regenerating Life. Make sure you save your Vaal Souls for Vaal Righteous Fire.) 1. Ralakesh's Impatience all 33 charges 2. Swap boots, move to the Shaper, swap boots again 3. Swap boots after Power Charge duration refreshes 4. Storm Burst until at least Infused Channelling comes up 5. Wave of Conviction as Shaper becomes vulnerable 6. Dodge the Shaper's opening attack (Dash behind him?) 7. Weapon Swap, use all 4 damage flasks, Rallying Cry, Righteous Fire, Vaal Righteous Fire 8. Discharge (BOOM) 9. Hybrid Flask (extinguish RF) and Weapon Swap Gear explanation:
Badge of the Brotherhood: Required for the build to work. Anointed with Infused (+1 Power Charges) to save a ton of points.
Void Battery x2: Chosen for its +1 to max Power Charges, and for being better than Storm Prison. If all you care about is the 1-shot, you can use Storm Prison instead. These merely triple the clearspeed. Shimmeron x2: The perfect wand for POB warriors. Configure everything for maximum damage with 11 power charges, and POB will say that these deal double damage compared to having your Void Batteries out. Luckily for us, we can make this a reality by swapping to the Shimmerons immediately before using Discharge, then again immediately after. All of the benefits, none of the drawbacks. Scold's Bridle: Needs to be corrupted for the +1 to maximum Power Charges implicit. This requires item level 60, and is the rarest corruption. Be prepared to corrupt about 100 of these to get it. It's necessary, not only because of the massively increased spell damage, but so we can self-damage to proc the Charging Offensive notable to generate Frenzy and Endurance charges. Precursor's Emblem: We need to craft 2 Precursor's Emblems with +1 to maximum Power Charges. I've written a brief guide here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vz1laCpAka2UDTYZrWHq-rxwzSxK07O9Mvbc6cDqdyg/edit?usp=sharing They have 15% to Lightning and Fire resistances so that I can use 2 Abyss Jewels with 15% to Cold Resistance to balance out the resistances perfectly, for our Wise Oak. Shroud of the Lightless: Chosen solely for its Level 20 Elemental Penetration Support. The abyssal socket is a bonus. Surgebinders: 7% increased Physical damage per Endurance Charge, 7% increased Elemental Damage per Frenzy Charge, 7% increased Spell Damage per Power Charge. With 11 of each charge, these are insane. Best in slot by FAR. Inya's Epiphany: I chose these because of the damage per power charge, which makes them Best in Slot, but the chance to gain max power charges is pretty nice to have, especially if you Discharge often. The increased intelligence is wasted on this build, and its life and movement speed are lackluster, and it has no resistances. If you were to replace a piece of gear, this is it. Should enchant it with 10% elemental penetration if you haven't killed recently, to aid in 1-shots, but that's the rarest one, and it's "only" 1 million more damage to the Shaper. Darkness Enthroned: I chose this belt so that I could put 2 Abyss Jewels with 10% to all Elemental Resistances in it, for 30% to all Elemental Resistances, for balancing resistances for the Wise Oak. I didn't want to try to craft a Stygian Vise with exactly 30%+ of each resistance AND T1 life, which would be Best-In-Slot. The jewels in the build are the only rare items, so they are the only ones with any kind of variation. You basically only need to get the resistances perfectly balanced (as all things should be) and get as much life and damage as possible along the way. Global Critical Strike Multiplier is your best damage stat here. I managed to snag some triple crit multi jewels, which are godlike, but they aren't necessary. Gear from the video:
Gem setup:
Chest: B-B-B-B B
Discharge (21/x) - Concentrated Effect (20/20) - Power Charge on Critical (20/20) - Elemental Focus (20/20) - Controlled Destruction (20/20) This is socketed in the Shroud of the Lightless, so Elemental Penetration is the 6th link. Concentrated Effect is used here because we only care about the damage, not the AOE, and Concentrated Effect provides the most damage here. Controlled Destruction is used despite its 100% reduced Crit Chance because it's already so high that it's basically a guaranteed crit anyway. If you want actually 100% chance to crit, you can use something else here (Cast on Death would double the damage!) and then you have 100% crit without the Diamond Flask, so you can drop that for something else. Gloves: B-R-R-R Cold Snap (20) - CWDT (20) - Steelskin (20) - Summon Flame Golem (20) Cold Snap is just for the chill and occasionally clears trash. Could be replaced with a low-level Clarity if you really want the mana regen. Steelskin is our best Guard Skill option here, since we have no armor, and we need to keep our Endurance Charges. The Flame Golem is just for the damage buff. Boots: B-B-B-B Storm Burst (21) - Infused Channelling (20) - Arcane Surge (20) - Power Charge on Critical (20) This is our main clear setup. It's a 4-link! We don't have the sockets for a bigger link, because our 6-link is dedicated to Discharge. Don't worry, this does ridiculous damage anyway. We're railroaded into using a Channelling spell because we have to use wands, and there are no Channelled attacks that can use wands. Storm Burst is the best choice for clear. Divine Ire is passable but gimmicky. Our cast speed is extremely low, so you'll almost never get off a 20-charge Divine Ire before you die from standing still for too long. Power Charge on Critical is both our 2nd-best damage support (behind Concentrated Effect) and generates all of our Power Charges for our Discharge. Infused Channelling will give us a buff that gives 10% more Physical and Lightning damage, and 10% less Physical and Lightning damage taken. This is 10% more lightning damage for our Discharge! Helmet: B-B-B-B Blasphemy (20/20) - Elemental Weakness (20/20) | Zealotry (20) | Vaal Righteous Fire (20) Elemental Weakness is by far the best damage curse, and Zealotry is by far the best damage Aura. That's 85% mana reserved, so not much else can be used. Vaal Righteous Fire grants us both Vaal Righteous Fire and Righteous Fire. If we use both, that's 67% More spell damage, which is amazing. We can cancel Righteous Fire's degen using a flask with Ignite immunity on it. I like to use a Hybrid Flask that doesn't end when Mana is full, because it also doesn't end when Life is full. We also really need the mana, because we can't regen mana for Storm Burst fast enough without the flask. Void Battery #1: B-B-B Wave of Conviction (20) - Combustion (1/0) - Elemental Proliferation (20) This is the weirdest gem setup in the build. Wave of Conviction is used to apply Exposure (-25% resist) based on which element did the most damage. Although it converts 25% phys to Fire and 25% phys to Lightning, the two will almost never deal exactly the same damage, since conversion doesn't work that way. Nevertheless, I used a level 1 Combustion gem, which gives 10% more Fire damage, to balance out the 10% more Lightning damage that our Infused Channelling will give. It will almost never work, but I held on to the vain hope. If you don't care about the 1-in-a-million chance that it applies both exposures, just use a level 20 Combustion gem. The Elemental Proliferation is just to give extra chance to ignite, to make it more likely to apply Combustion's damage boost. Void Battery #2: B-R-R Flame Dash (20/20) - Inspiration (20) - Empower (For Leveling!) We use Flame Dash to move and to dodge things, and Inspiration makes it cost less mana so we can spam it more readily. If we have all of our buffs up, Flame Dash is enough to kill trash mobs by itself, so the damage boost isn't really wasted. Empower technically makes it do more damage and recharge faster, but we already have 110% increased cooldown recovery speed from Badge of the Brotherhood with 11 Frenzy Charges, so it's not noticeable. Could put a Portal gem there or something. Weapon Swap: Shimmeron #1: R-B-R Rallying Cry (20) - Faster Casting (20) - Increased Duration (20) Just for the slight damage buff as we're about to Discharge. The mana regen isn't even particularly useful. Shimmeron #2: B-R-B Flame Dash (20) - Inspiration (20) - Faster Casting (20) We don't want to disable our Flame Dash on weapon swap, so we have a second one! The Faster Casting is there in case we spam it too hard, and its internal cooldown gives it a cast time instead of being an instant cast. Really, anything else could go there. Pantheon:
Soul of Arakaali is a good choice for the 50% increased Life Recovery Rate if we stop taking DOT. This happens a lot, and we rely on Leech and our Flask for healing, so this helps us survive very often. If we didn't have the Endless Hunger Slayer node, which gives immunity to Stun while Leeching, Soul of the Brine King would be the best choice. For the minor, we have some choices. I prefer to run Soul of Ralakesh for bleed, labyrinth traps, blind, and maim, but Soul of Gruthkul is very good, because we will basically permanently have 5% physical damage reduction.
Dernier bump le 24 mai 2020 10:13:24
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love your videos definitely giving this a try <3
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What's the estimated cost for this build?
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I seriously love the idea and the commitment you put into this.
But i was wondering do you need that much dmg to one shot everything? Could this work by sticking with the Void Batteries and without the rings? Could you explain why the Helmet is so important for this build? |
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" POB says you lose 2/3 of the Discharge damage by not swapping to Shimmeron and not using the 2 rings which is only a 6.6m average hit with full charges The helmet's self-damage triggers the Charging Offensive notable to generate endurance/frenzy charges. |
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Hi, I really love this build. Do you think farrul fur for charges is better?
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Farrul's Fur would increase charge generation speed, but lower the overall damage. The whole point is the 1-shot, and in most cases, you have infinite prep time. Not to mention, a 6L Farrul's Fur is very expensive. There's no good reason to use it with this build, because we're Discharging an average of once per map.
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How did you leveld this build?
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To awnser m01t4, i am currently leveling this build and what i did in the early level since i find it hard to level a duelist with their restrained AOE abilities. I asked for a witch to trade with me a stormburst and infused channeling gem, with that you are good to level for a while, you should be clearing everything pretty easily, also i went right away for the channeling passive abilities (south east of the passive tree giving in this build). I also dropped a orb of storms gem so i use that for added AOE. Hope this helps a little.
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" i just did toxic rain/herald of agony till lv 65 . but ty nway =D |
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