[3.10] Complete Cobra Lash Assassin Guide | >10m Shaper DPS | All content | Noob Friendly | Video
didn't think my tree through too much Just started in Heist a few days ago and decided I'd try this build out. I'm quite a fan of the build's playstyle but wanted a shield and this is what I came up with. Sharing for others to see and maybe input some ideas on where to take it. Dernière édition par 7thFullMoon#2880, le 28 oct. 2020 15:48:23
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Hello, i am new in game and i choose this build for my first i gather almost all items and gems but i dont understand how can i have all auras on co of reserved mana :) i can run only herald of agony and haste in one time....how can i activate melevolence and spider aura ? btw it very fun !
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Why don't you get Twin Terrors?>
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i am too squishy sadly , :(
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Question about whirling blades button assignment and when to press them. The author writes, " You can keep the right mouse button (Cobra Lash) pressed while jumping around with Whirling Blades, which makes you start shooting as soon as you land somewhere."
How? I have whirling blades assigned to left mouse button for movement and cobra lash assigned to right mouse button. When I hold the left mouse button down, I walk most of the time. To activate WB, I have to release the button, then push it again. Holding both buttons down doesn't activate CL. It only works if I alternate clicks between left and right buttons. |
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Hey man, i really enjoyed this build back in 3.10 and wanted to revisit it. Got to red maps and was about to craft the claws, but the mod with the 100% poison damage got removed :/ could you maybe help me with "creating" new claws that would be a possible replacement?
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Hi, I tried to implement this build (more or less) till lvl 92 on standard. I don't trade (this kind of game pleasures me a lot although i like to party from time to time) so it took me some time to gather necessary staff. With several awakened gemes and no -# to mana cost my cobra lash used to cost about 30 mana. I invested several points into mana nodes, gave up on 1 aura, used mana pots a lot and I was hardly able to manage mana to be able to use cobra lash comfortably. After recent changes the cost increased to over 52 mana points per usage. The effect is that if I happen not to hit anything with several hits I'm instantly out of mana. I tried to use Vaal Clarity and Lavianga's Spirit but it makes my fingers hurt, it's not working very well against bosses and the game is still not as smooth and enjoying as before. Is this build fixable? Even with full set of items with mana cost reduction I will still be at 20-30 mana cost therefor I won't be able to use all the auras. I cannot find a good way to use 6-link Cobra Lash anymore.
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I adapted this build for Venom Gyre back in 3.13/3.14 and it worked great I actually preferred VG to CL, not exactly the same tho since a lot of stuff got nerfed even back then, but it seems now that it has gotten much worse, launched PoB with the 3.16 tree and immediately noticed a 50% damage reduction, been trying to tweak the tree but considering that GGG also made changes to max life nodes, had to spend more points into life.
Seems like GGG nerfed DoT really hard and focused more on base damage, so I really don't have much hope for this type of builds, I could be wrong tho, since I'm not experienced in PoE build making. Edit: Btw, the mana issues seems have been reverted recently. Pff, who even plays Standard? Dernière édition par ZarkBit#6794, le 21 oct. 2021 09:03:31
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After mana cost on supports has been reverted I was able to have a playable (however super weak and irritating) character. Now in 3.16 I reworked the tree completely and I was able to create something I kind of enjoy playing. Bosses are really hard though.
I had to gave up on some dmg and life for utlility (like mana reservation for 3rd aura and spell suppresion for general defence) as I don't have super items yet (everything except a couple of gems is self found). It's not minmaxed or something but I think this is a good point of start. https://pastebin.com/rXjpHfrE |
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I`m struggling with this build as well, albeit i haven't given it much time yet, am only lvl 79 on hardcore.
Boss damage seems really awful and the evasion based survivability seems lackluster at the moment. As Cobra Lash is one of my favorite skills in game i`m determined to get it to work somehow although the dagger version might as well be a dead build by now. Will update after i get a 6L and some more levels. https://pastebin.com/ugDpvZ4b |
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