Absolute lowest cost for red maps?
Posté parKatKira#1749le 25 juil. 2021 06:50:00
oestergreen a écrit :
DotsandDashes a écrit :
I reached maps alittle while ago on this.
The build is solid. I've died ALOT though. I'm not blaming the build, but so more the bad balance changes combined with my more haphazard way of going through the campaign by not putting effort into keeping gear up to date
The big issue is mana cost. I have lvl 1 clarity and wrath. If I try to turn on skitterbots or discipline it's just constant mana issue and that's just a 4link so it'll be worse as i upgrade to 5-6 links.
I dont see all auras working anmore, even with enlightens and the 6% reservation node I think sacrifices will need to be made
EDIT: ok i tested and respecd 4 points to get the -mana reservation and I can run clarity lvl 1, wrath, and discipline with a 4 link. Even if I had an enlighten I dont think skitterbots would work
Usually the dying part is just needing to get used to the playstyle and then getting to a *decent* gear level. (not WOW gear or 10ex invest, but just average ok gear, 5-6k mediocre ES gear). The most important part in staying alive is simply the playstyle, getting used to drawing benefit of the huge defensives built into our ascendancy (blinding everything on-hit and having constant 10% regen running), which works best when you are used to throwing traps always in the direction you are moving/blinking, so that packs of monsters are always blinded before they get to hit you.
I'm lvl 61 only atm, no deaths and was doing everything with negative resists because I didn't work on my gear at all from act 1-7. I'm running Skitterbots, Wrath, Clarity.
I can't yet speak for the true changes of the mana multipliers they globally nerfed, but so far everything has been smooth, no mana issues that I wouldn't normally have in previous leagues in this "level of gear".
What will fix and improve my mana to the point where I usually can toss away the mana flask completely is:
+ Leveling my enlighten to lvl 3 (or buying a broken corrupted lvl 3).
+ Bench crafting -mana cost for non-channeling skills on 1 or both rings should also alleviate any mana issues.
+ Getting my block to max/picking up glancing and the remaining block points in the skill-tree combined with Mystic Bulwark for the 75% mana regen.
+ Leveling inspiration support gem = 34% reduced mana cost of our trap skill.
+ Picking up perfect crime ascendancy = 25% reduced mana cost of our trap skill.
+ Getting the sovereignty skill nodes in the tree.
There are even heist gems that reduce mana cost/reserve as well, but imo those won't be required.
Imo, start by simply replacing one of your supports for inspiration support.
I would drop pierce and use the pierce jewel from the quest in act 5.
There are many mana improvements that people don't see until they level to 85+ and invest a little time with the build and/or know the build in advance from having played it before already :)
Thanks for the info.
Yea I pin my fuck ton of deaths on not having played traps in probably a year as well. just a new playstyle for me. It's gotten better as I've gone along though
I totally forgot about the peirce jewel from act 5. I even took it with intention to use it then tossed it in stash then forgot. I just bought a 5c corrupted 5 link and threw that jewel in the tree.
Lightning trap > cluster trap > trap & mine damage > inspiration > light pen(I may swap this to ele focus)
leaves me with a 21 mana cost and is easily sustainable. I still can't activate skitterbots, will need enlighten for that
Dernière édition par DotsandDashes#5054, le 25 juil. 2021 07:00:09
RockZombie85 a écrit :
So I am leaguestarting this and enjoying it thus far - confused at prices this league though. Tinkerskins seem to be going for more than shavs at the moment - am I just going insane?
Nope, not going insane. Actually 5-linked Shav's is cheaper than a non-linked Tinkerskin. It is very weird.
Dernière édition par Mecielle#3021, le 25 juil. 2021 07:50:06
Posté parMecielle#3021le 25 juil. 2021 07:49:22
I'm sorry.
with %25 sabo is the most played ascendancy this league...
jewels are going to be insanely expensive.
not to mention crown of the inward eye
Dernière édition par kertenkel#1110, le 25 juil. 2021 08:20:16
Posté parkertenkel#1110le 25 juil. 2021 08:19:39
kertenkel a écrit :
I'm sorry.
with %25 sabo is the most played ascendancy this league...
jewels are going to be insanely expensive.
not to mention crown of the inward eye
Yeah. Better stay away from traps. They are extremely meta right now.
Posté parKatKira#1749le 25 juil. 2021 08:57:07
How much ES should i have b4 going CI?
IGN: hyrenfreak
Posté parhyrenfreak#3397le 25 juil. 2021 09:06:34
hyrenfreak a écrit :
How much ES should i have b4 going CI?
Around 5k - 6k ES (4k minimum but I don't recommend that)
kertenkel a écrit :
I'm sorry.
with %25 sabo is the most played ascendancy this league...
jewels are going to be insanely expensive.
not to mention crown of the inward eye
Jewels are only for end-game, around 90 levels or above. Just focus on LL uniques, items and gems.
Posté parkrzkn#4395le 25 juil. 2021 09:49:59
hello is my pob: https://pastebin.com/vWEqDPKp
can you advise me how to improve it?
Dernière édition par TragedyOfExistence#3500, le 25 juil. 2021 10:31:45
RockZombie85 a écrit :
So I am leaguestarting this and enjoying it thus far - confused at prices this league though. Tinkerskins seem to be going for more than shavs at the moment - am I just going insane?
Thing is there are a lot of people playing traps, but most play different life build which makes tinkerskin valuable
Posté parTheReaperEU#1507le 25 juil. 2021 10:33:15
I'm not even bothering with tinkerskin. just use a rare until you can afford a shavs