[3.8] Gladiator Cylone | Fast, Big Dps, Tanky (~7,4k eHp + Slayerleech)
this is my attempt of cyclone in 3.8 and it turned out pretty amazing. I was inspired by FastAF and his cyclone gladiator build (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye4YujDXSbk but i like to build my characters a bit more tanky. So i decided to build around the Soultether belt to get slayerleech. This build provides so much survivability and perma leech of ~ 2350 life on hit while having ~5700 life and ~1900 energy shield thanks to 26% of maximum life as maximum energy shield provided by Soul Tether and Glorious Vanity Jewel My english isnt the best, im sorry for that. CHANGELOG
23.10.19: Added Pantheons, Update Gem Section (POB up2date) 07.10.19: Added a new pastebin with a LVL90+LVL100 variant 06.10.19: Added flask section (oops) 06.10.19: first forum post VIDEOS
juiced up elder alleyways w/ Alva + blight (w/ boss, no towers) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EQJGBvNbFc&feature=youtu.be Currently working on a Consecrated Path Slayer, Video and POB here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd-8yqnwzBI PROS
+ Very very fast + very good speedclear + very good boss dmg + relatively tanky: ~7,4k ehp + slayerleech to life and ES + vaal pact + easy gear progression CONS
- cant do phys reflect / no leech - no mana regen is kinda annoying since we only have like ~20 mana - expensive to minmax (like every other build lol) - we need to focus a lot on range since pulverise and range scaling nerv PATH OF BUILDING
In this pastebin are two trees, on for lvl 100, one for lvl 90 (change trees in the bottom left in Path Of Building) https://pastebin.com/cW6hSaDk GEAR
Helmet Devotos for more speed, best enchant would be cyclone attack speed or blood rage attack speed. Weapon Exquisite Blade with fortify support, basicly the same as in 3.7 try to get as high pdps as possible. Body Armor Carcass Jack gives us the range we highly need + some life and resists Gloves Elder spiked gloves with "supported by level x Faster Attacks" for a decent boost to leap slam speed. Life, range, dmg while leeching and resists as needed. Boots Rare Boots with high life, movement speed and resistances. on the boots you have the possibility to get intelligence too, that we need for infused channeling. Rings One Assassins Mark ring + any other ring with life, resists and if you can afford, some offensive stats like added phys damage. On both rings should be craftet -3 mana cost! Amulet Onyx or Amber Amulet to help with intelligence points + life and resists as needed. Offensive wise crit multi would be the best. Look out for open prefix to craft area dmg + area of effect. Anoint Lucidity (30% dmg while channeling + -3 mana cost. Belt Very important Soul Tether Lether Belt! This gives us the slayerleech (not removed at full life) to both life and energy shield. Also provides decent amount of intelligence! JEWELS
you need to get 1 Glorious Vanity Jewel with the affix "in the name of doryani". this will transform "point blank" to give us 20% of maximum life as maximum energy shield" Fill other slots with regular Jewels with x% life and any matching offensive stats like Melee dmg, global phys dmg, area dmg, attack speed. You can also fix resistances here. GEM LINKS
You can swap around the 4-links, just make sure your leap slam sits in the gloves! Weapon Body Armor Helmet Indisponible Gloves Boots PANTHEON
Minor: Soul of Shakari Major: Soul of Solaris or Soul of Lunaris FLASKS
Flasks are pretty straight forward, you can change cinderswallow to a rare if you feel you need any kind of immunity. I hope i could explain the important things, didnt do any porum posts till now. If you have any questions oder suggenstions, dont hesitate to comment :) Il update this build every time i change anthing or i feel like i have to go more in detail with certain things! enjoy Dernière édition par xPharrix#1673, le 22 oct. 2019 18:31:19 Dernier bump le 12 déc. 2019 17:46:58
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Hi, why you have skilled Pont Blank? Which Projektiles have teh Build? And a lvl 100 POB is ok but better is a Lvl 90 Build. The Most Player never see more than 94 :)
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" the glorious vanity jewel transforms point black into "corrupted soul" giving 20% of maximum life as maximum energy shield, wich is fundamental for this build. i am currently lvl 95 and i did not spec "disemboweling" wheel, which saves 5 points. enough damage is by far no problem with this build, but you can still drop other nodes. anyways, id suggest what i said earlier :) |
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If you allocate IR you get even more ES btw.
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" correct, but if you allocate lucidity you can bring down cyclone to 1 mana cost which is basicly 0 because of alira mana regen. this allows us to nearly reservate all of our mana :) |
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Very nice build! Could you, please, tell what is the best Pantheon gods to choose?
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Am i missing something or do you run 2 curses (vulnerability and assassins mark) without any method of being able to apply an additional curse?
Loving the Build thus far though! |
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" i usually go for Soul of Solaris or Lunaris for general mapping + Soul of Shakari. I dont really change pantheon for specific situations^^ ill add that to the guide, thanks for the hint! |
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" You are completely right there. I dont know how this happened tbh xD so id definetly skip the Vulnerability in this case. Another option would be to annoint whispers of doom. Downside is, you have to reserve less mana if you dont annoint Licidity. I think for now id just replace vulnerability with increased duration for a longer immortal call. Ima change the guide later, thanks for the hint tho :) |
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Nice! Made a couple of adjustments but took down Uber Elder (not deathless). Like the soul tether + timeless jewel idea a lot. Was running FastAF's version but was having damage and life (5700 total life vs. 6100 life/es with this build) issues. After making some adjustments to the tree, this version worked out great. Thank you!
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