Raikudou a écrit :
BuggyPie a écrit :
would you recommend going this build for a starter ?
Since you can play Orb of Storms or Arc mines until you make the switch with basically the same tree, absolutely.
Btw arc mines i guess stronger than stormbrand, but you need to pick saboteur ascendancy for it and some nodes in tree like "saboteur", "clever construction" etc, it will take a lot of regrets to change tree back.
Still thinking what skill take for leveling and early mapping, thought about Pyroclaster/arc mines - but a lot of changes in the tree scares me.
What do you think?
Dernière édition par p4fsoveren#3942, le 12 déc. 2019 00:17:22
Posté parp4fsoveren#3942le 12 déc. 2019 00:10:53Banni(e)
N333mo a écrit :
gokudin a écrit :
oooooh now we have an awekened cast on crit with 22% cooldown recovery speed.
So we could theoreticly bring down cooldown recovery speed by 57% holy shit. 22% from gem, 15% from boots and 20% from belt. So that would bring down cooldown recovery to 64.5ms which is 15.5/s. How much attackspeed would you need to match that? Is it possible?
You would need 52% cooldown recovery from your gear and get close but not over 10.10 Aps
0% = 6.06
14%+ = 7.57
52%+ = 10.10
Raikudou a écrit :
Nordatheman a écrit :
Have a few "questions":)
Sometimes math doesn't add up to reality in this game and we are better off picking less optimal versions because it simply plays better. I just want to make sure that I'm not leaving any stone unturned.
1. With two cospri's malice and the 14% CD Recovery and only one spell in each weapon, you would need just under 15.14 APS to get the most out of your spells (alternating between each weapon 7.57+7.57). How are your weapon gem links optimizing the damage and triggering potatial? You have right now two trigger gems in each cospri's (only 3 will trigger normally -frostbomb 2 sec CD)
2. It's hard to see on the video, but it looks like ice nova is triggering a lot while frostbold is not active. Might be mainly because of the triggering problem from question 1 and the fact that frostbolt is going to need to wait for its trigger a long time. Would not ice nova triggering by itself both be bad for damage and clearspeed (maybe also survivability because of less range)?
Thanks for your time!
(open for anyone to answer)
1) The gems in my weapons are not optimized at all since im still using my chest setup as the main damage source. Im aware that you can use Cospri's as a big damage source, but i use it for QOL buffs and leech. The Frostbolts are indeed slower the more gems you put into your swords, but they still pop frequently enough to not justify removing any gems from my current setup IMO.
2) As long as you have Frostbolts near the enemy at any given time it should work fine. I even took out all other gems once to see if they were affecting the cast times and felt no difference in DPS. Not sure what you mean with the less range thing.
Just like you said, sometimes math doesn't add up to the real enviroment you are playing at. I found this setup to be optimal for me and had no issues. I always welcome constructive feedback if you find better solutions though.
Thanks a lot for your answer:) Will probably make a youtube video explaining CoC and cospri's interaction with each other, for players that are more into watching videos than reading.
BTW the new awakened CoC gem is solving a lot of problems and opening up new ways of to build.
BuggyPie a écrit :
N333mo a écrit :
Found a possible solution to the gem problem when it comes to gem setup for maping/bosses. Put the ice golem in the second cospri, drop the arcane surge and increased cast speed gems for flame dash, put the vortex 4L in gloves, put the aura 4L in boots and then get a shaped helmet with "socketed gems are supported by innervate" so you can drop the innervate support from the HoI setup giving you room for flame dash in helmet. What do you think?
Alternativly put flame dash in cospri and ice golem in helmet if you dont want to cast ice golem too often.
Shaped and elder items does not have "supported by" mods anymore D:
Where did you read this? I haven't seen anything in the patch notes about it. Only that you can't roll supported by maim anymore on chests.
Posté parN333mo#0747le 12 déc. 2019 00:31:06
Nordatheman a écrit :
N333mo a écrit :
gokudin a écrit :
oooooh now we have an awekened cast on crit with 22% cooldown recovery speed.
So we could theoreticly bring down cooldown recovery speed by 57% holy shit. 22% from gem, 15% from boots and 20% from belt. So that would bring down cooldown recovery to 64.5ms which is 15.5/s. How much attackspeed would you need to match that? Is it possible?
You would need 52% cooldown recovery from your gear and get close but not over 10.10 Aps
0% = 6.06
14%+ = 7.57
52%+ = 10.10
How exactly does the math work here (I'm new to CoC)? Cuz to my understanding the basic recovery speed is 150ms which should make an ability trigger 1000/150 = 6.66 times per second. If that is true then 14% cr should result in 150*0.86 = 129ms which in turn should be 1000/129 = 7.75 times per second. Is there something I'm missing here? Is there some additional cooldown you have to take into account? Also is there any conversion chart made or some guide to help me calculate?
EDIT: Nvm, I realized what I did wrong.
Dernière édition par N333mo#0747, le 12 déc. 2019 02:19:50
Posté parN333mo#0747le 12 déc. 2019 00:42:28
dogebagel a écrit :
With the awakened cast on crit, would it be better to try and raise attack speed even further, or instead stop using the 14% CRS belt in favor of a Stygian or something?
Going for attack speed is still gonna require some investment. Being able to drop Leather Belts for a well crafted Stygian is gonna be huge though.
But if you are going for top end damage, the 22% CDR from the new Awakened CoC is clearly insane.
Dernière édition par mustia#0444, le 12 déc. 2019 00:57:00
Posté parmustia#0444le 12 déc. 2019 00:55:11
Raikudou a écrit :
Neunzehnhundert93 a écrit :
Would you still recommend leveling with Orb of Storms and Lighnting Spire traps after the nerfs? Or is Frostblades the better option now?
Frostblades is a weapon based attack skill, we are using spells. OOS and Spire Traps barely got touched tbh and should still be fine if you are not aiming for 2h Act 10 Kitava kills.
Having a hard time deciding if I want to start with CoC again or Ice Shot Deadeye
EDIT: just saw the awokened CoC gem - so we don't need a 14% cdr belt if we have the awokened gem?
And with Shaper and Elder being harder to acces do we have another option for Mark of the Shaper?
Dernière édition par Neunzehnhundert93#4648, le 12 déc. 2019 02:46:13
Made this Cast on Critical Strike and Cospri's Malice mechanics guide for players that are more into visual learning. Feel free to use it in your build guide:)
Also, open for feedback on the video (hope that its all correct:P)
Btw why this build have only 96% hit chance and 91.5% crit chance? Any way to increase it?
Dernière édition par p4fsoveren#3942, le 12 déc. 2019 06:24:46
Posté parp4fsoveren#3942le 12 déc. 2019 06:12:48Banni(e)
Loved the build last league... def gonna play it again. Hopefully leveling goes smooth