[3.12] Double Strike / Flicker Assassin ~ League starter and ender! U-Elder and U-Atziri deathless!
" If running Frost Blades in your boots, I'd use Frost Blades, Melee Phys, Ele Damage with Attacks, and Multistrike. If running in your chest as 6 link, you'd use Fortify and either Ruthless or Hypothermia as the 6th link. Hypothermia is just a bit less dps, but gives extra chill and freeze. |
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" I was running frost blades every league for a few leagues before I finally switched to pure Double Strike in Legion, then finally added Flicker Strike. Frost Blades is super fun, but the single target just suffers too much. If you're running FB, I'd suggest adding points to Winter Spirit to convert 100% to cold damage, it's a big dps boost. Dernière édition par roguemjb#7794, le 23 août 2020 16:21:45
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" Even if using it just as a flicker replacement? Im currently using tenacity on my amulet, would I be better off annointing winter spirit? |
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" Run it through PoB first to see if the dps gain in Frost Blades is worth the reduction in Double Strike dps. No, anointing Winter Spirit will not give you full conversion. The 40% from those points is what is important. I would give up the 2 points leading to Aspect of the Panther, and Path of the Warrior, for the 3 points you need to allocate Winter Spirit. You don't use Tribal Fury on your amulet? It is incredibly important for Frost Blades clear speed, even more than for Flicker Strike. Tenacity is certainly an interesting choice, but only if you have the 'strike skills target one additional nearby enemy' on your gloves. The targeting extra enemy is way too good to give up. Use Ancestral Call and take that for a spin, it targets 2 extra enemies instead of just one. I bet you'll love it. |
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" My current necklace came with tenacity on it and I didnt really notice a difference with flicker so I just kept it. Awakened ancestral call seemed like a good choice but I didnt know what I would replace for it. Probably will just annoint tribal fury again and keep the damage there. Just wanted a more safe and controlled clear, which frost blades has delivered. Not too worried about maximizing its damage, it feels enough as it is but tribal fury will seal it in i feel. I Appreciate the replies. edit: feels MUCH better with tribal fury. Dernière édition par Shinasen#4547, le 25 août 2020 16:41:59
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" Haha, great to hear :D |
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Hey just wanted to pop in and show some appreciation for this build.
Played it last league and had a blast, started Harvest as EQ Bonk, because slam league...came back to double/flicker after I saw the dual wield nerf wasn't the sky falling. Some of the most fun I've had playing an arpg. Have some more life rerolls I need to do, and to get the T1 extra fire damage along with AS on my amulet, but man, this league was good to me haha. Paradoxica confuses me, only the 650 crit multi foils seem to be upgrades at the weapon spot, at this point. https://pastebin.com/iRanR0Md Dernière édition par MyAdidas9#2842, le 26 août 2020 17:15:05
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" Another fantastic set up, well done! Yeah, Para is pretty tough to beat, especially if you don't want to use Saviour. A rare foil like yours but with extra cold or fire damage will beat it. |
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" Oh interesting, I hadn't even considered one of those, glad I said something haha. I have a redeemer influenced foil lying around too. What would be the best way to do that? The phys common reforge until I hit Merciless + Flaring and hope I don't get a hybrid phys mod as well? And then some metacrafting + remove/add cold for the extra damage mod? I also have a saviour lying around somewhere too, the reflections don't get melee splash right? So I'd still want the +1 targets from the gloves? I ask because I was making a pair of warlord/crusader melee damage + crit chance gloves and a warlord/elder +1 to skill/support gems crit chance chest just to get a bit more dps on Sirus and UElder. Not that it's needed. Dernière édition par MyAdidas9#2842, le 29 août 2020 12:36:11
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" Melee splash works and if you're not using tribal fury then you would probably want that on your gloves. I personally didnt find it necessary with flicker, but frost blades it helps a ton. I think how it works is the saviour clones will only hit one enemy though, so the splash would kill the others. Occasionally the saviour clones help with clear but most of the time its just for melting bosses, theyre a bit slow so not that much help for clear. Dernière édition par Shinasen#4547, le 30 août 2020 12:24:25
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