[3.12] Durimon's Ball Lightning Miner "REVIVED", 6 ex, even FASTER than pre-nerf (Updated)
DURIMON TWITCH (LIVE): https://www.twitch.tv/durimon/
DURIMON YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwRtM1TEmxxyOJe968F5xtg?view_as=subscriber "You nerf, I 'revive' it" by Durimon After severe nerf in 3.12, almost everyone said, 'BL miner's dead.' As always, I decided to do what everyone thinks impossible and bring my BL miner back. I worked on this build 3 days pulling the nights, and now I guess it's time to show you the result. To sum, It's even faster than pre-nerf BL miner. Boss DMG about same as pre-nerf in same price. It only takes about 1 min or less than 1 min. to clear T16 rare maps (awk. 8) with any mods. Guide is ready for you in video (Eng. subtitle + pob link), just watch and enjoy the "REVIVED" version of Durimon's Ball Lightning Miner. Budget: 6 ex (current price. it will be much less later) Video T16 maps witt various mods, Bosses and Conqueror melted, Sirus...etc (all awk. 8), and Guide: https://youtu.be/1uFPmxbp9oc POB : https://pastebin.com/jwT3Yu7t ---Updated (Melting T16 100% Delirium Maps / No 4th phase Sirus)--- Budget : 20 ex Video - Melting Awk.8 Sirus with no 4th phase, 100% Delirium map with full mods...etc : https://youtu.be/_H6Uy3MMsYw POE for Full-Up (minimal): https://pastebin.com/L81YJ9gx Notice Gem Setting (not appeared on POB properly): Gloves : CWDT(lv.6) – Frost Shield (lv.8) – Vaal Molten Shell (lv.13), Flame Dash Boots : Arcanist Brand – Conductivity – Wave of Conviction, Vaal Righteous Fire About Swift Assembly Gem vs. Awakened Added Lightning Damage Support: AALDS (before lv. 5) is better when you can pre-lay 19 mines (ex. Sirus), but you throw less number of mines at once which results in slightly low dps in fighting a lot of monsters like 100% delirium maps. I recommend you to use swift assembly for 100% del. maps until AALDS becomes lv.5. When it gets to lv.5, switch the gem and see if you find AALDS better also in bunch-of-monster-fight like 100% delirium maps. 1. If large cluster jewel is impossible to find or make, just get whatever lightning large jewel with 8 passive nodes and supercharge only. Or, just forget about supercharge node and get cheap widespread destruction / any lightning dmg % node large cluster jewels. Dmg loss is not that big if you use non-supercharge jewel. 2. Flasks mods are important. Get same as mine. (Drink All at once when you fight bunch of monsters or bosses) 3. Watcher’s eye is not that important. If you cannot afford it, just get life + crit multi rare one. (But if you have same as mine (vitality / wrath) this one funtions well. I bought it 1.5 ex) 4. In order to make amulet like mine, you need hunter based amulet + crusader based one + awakener’s orb. Have your crusader one as a remaining one (which means you slam awakener’s orb on hunter’s first and crusader’s last), and try to get the base with implicit stats you need (citrine amulet was best for me.) Make sure each base item has only one hunter mod and crusader mod respectively. Otherwise you will waste your precious Awk. orb. (+1 intel. skill gem lvl on hunter / +1 lightning skill gem lvl on crusader) 5. Priority in Upgrading: Gems! 21 lvl ball lightning, awakened gems Enchant on boots (either 120% increased crit. chance if not killed or 1 – 160 lighting damage if not killed. If you are using supercharge large cluster jewel, the latter is better.) amulet Enchant on helmet 6. Don’t forget oil enchant. If you do, you will lack mana. 7. Be careful with cwdt, vaal molten shell, frost shield. Make their lvl same as mine. 8. If you are up to only 100% delirium map, +1 ball lightning enchant on helmet is better since you are to fight a lot of monsters at once. Ball lightings from a mine cannot shotgun, so dmg for just 1 monster is lower than 24% AOE enchant. If there are other things to mention, I will add more. Feel free to come to my twitch if you have any question. ------------------------- ------------------------- Mid-Budget Version (Fire Conversion) : 11 ex Video : https://youtu.be/rVR2A1tckBg POB : https://pastebin.com/4CZDZVPB Note: 1. Change your Trap and Mine Damage Support to ANOMOLOUS Trap and Mine Damage Support with 20 quality. This will solve your mana problem. 2. New gems such as frost shield and arcanist brand are not shown on POB. Refer to the first part of video for gloves and boots gem setting. 3. As soon as you get 24% AOE enchant on helmet, get rid of Blast Wave on passive tree and get Snowforged / rare jewel with double crit multi + life instead. -------------------------- P.S. If you are to use my build (or modified ver. of my build) to earn money on streaming broadcasting service, please specify your reference, that is DURIMON! It's really annoying to see someone pretending to be an expert mine build maker and to have made the build by himself. From now, give a credit before using my build for streaming. -------------------3.11 version------------------------------
IF you have an urgent question, come to twitch and ask plz. You don't need to follow me on twitch.
I have a job and I make builds not sleeping. And, my viewers want to see upgraded version asap. That's why I cannot reply to questions here and takes time to write a through guide here in Eng. I've done with upgrading BL miner ver. 3.11. I revived pre-nerf dps and made it even tankier than pre-nerf version only with 5~6 ex. The price will spike like usual. That's why I upload POB and non-Eng. video guide link (where you can see how the build works in mapping and bossing) first without a proper guide. Budget: 5 ~ 6 ex (If no amulet with % reduced mana reservation, get new cluster jewel with 30% reduced discipline mana reservation or amulet with discipline mana or reduced zealotry mana reservation and switch wrath to zealotry. Video Tanking 1~3 phase Sirus, Sirus kill, Elder, Elder Guardian, Conqueror, Tanking Chimera: https://youtu.be/jPjcylsq_Q0 POB : https://pastebin.com/5pwZyprZ Leveling Guide: 3.11 BL Miner Video Guide in English : https://youtu.be/BUYfS_z_Vn4 ---------------------------3.9 Version (below)----------------------
DURIMON TWITCH (LIVE): https://www.twitch.tv/durimon/ DURIMON YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwRtM1TEmxxyOJe968F5xtg?view_as=subscriber UPDATE for 3.9 Well done, GGG. Now, the game is a bit playable with new mine. Maybe you thought it would take long for me to one-shot all meta-bosses with new mines? Or, you thought even new mines have to invest more than 20 ex to do so? WRONG! I ALREADY ONE-SHOT ALL T16 META-BOSSES WITH ONLY 3000 HP (60 chaos version) WITH BALL LIGHTNING MINES, AND AFTER FULLY UPGRADED TO LL, I DON'T EVEN GET KILLED BY THEM AT ALL. You know what's more pathetic? I almost one-shot conquerors too. Isn't that amazing? Yeah, that's new mines. NOW BRING MY OLD MINE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Video One-Shotting T16 Meta-Bosses (a.lv. 5): https://youtu.be/VJjYeAtrMzQ?t=147 Cheap Starter Version https://pastebin.com/LZShMHJr (3000 hp only, good up until T12, and One-Shot DPS for T16 Meta-Bosses) POB - Fullly Upgraded Version https://pastebin.com/ctYM8F1C (No corpse related death, 6000 es, one-shot t16 meta-bosses) Why Cov. to Fire? 1. I became a bit famous in my country by no intention, and everytime I upload cheap version of my build, price goes immediately high so fast. I hate this, and I always think a good build is a cheap one. By converting lightning to fire, you can use all elemental spell wand/scepter to get almost same dps. With new Catalysis, you can have up to 48% conversion from both pyre and call of brothers and plus avatar of fire gives you 50% conv, total 98% of your cold, lightning damage converts to fire. This means that you can look for not only lightning related mods but also fire, cold to boost your dps, saving currencies for dumb shitty weapons. 2. Great for survivability. As you know, mines have no mechanics to avoid corpse related things such as explosion, needles from hoazer...etc 100%. Thanks to fire coverted damage + combustion + pyre, you are now free from corpse related one-shot kill. Current Gear (16 ex)
Passive Tree
![]() Ascendancy
![]() Bandits
Lunaris (all open) - Gruthkul
If not answered here on forum, and you have urgent question, plz visit my twitch and ask me. Thanks! -------------------3.8------------------------
Durimon Style: Hack defense numbers! Killing mons Fast is the best defense!
Other Durimon Builds
[3.8] Durimon's Fireball Miner Saboteur, Fastest, 40c for End Game :
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2641195 [3.8] Durimon's ONLY Ice Shot Miner Build Saboteur, 1 EX for Insane DPS and End Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2642953 I've played mine and trap for long time and I heard the news that mine mechanics would change at the end of 3.7. First of all, new mine update looked a bit absurd because I knew I could make a very cheap and strong build with the new high impact mine support + ball lightning. I was very disappointed at new mine mechanics. I just loved old mine mechanics more than anything. So, I decided to do something silly, to have my beauty (old mine mechanics) back! Since then, the goal of my project's been simple and clear: Let's make GGG nerf mine and finally bring my old mine back! If I make a build that functions as good as other expensive builds with very cheap currencies, GGG cannot sit back and watch the broken build getting played by a lot of exiles. So, how the project's going? MORE than Fine! Although the build is not complete yet (since I do not have proper gears), but, already, I've done Uber Atziri (with tabula + 3000 hp), Uber Elder (rare 6L body armour + 4000 hp), Shaper (tabula + 3000 hp). While many people are interested in new mine skills and old arc mine, the most benefited spell skill for new mine is ball lightning. Video T16 Minotaur Run: https://youtu.be/EwEsd5Lh8g0?t=380 T16 Minotaur Boss: https://youtu.be/EwEsd5Lh8g0?t=511 Shaper (Quick Enough) : https://youtu.be/bTDgWcTNDT4 ------------------------- Update Fully Upgraded "Tanky(6.5k ES) + Insane DPS = Broken" Version(09-23-2019) Shaper Full Run (Half Face Tanking Shaper) : https://youtu.be/iYIt-LeO27o POB : https://pastebin.com/a9P9d0MA Gear and Details
No need to say anything about this version. "Insane DPS + Tanky = Broken" tells you all about this upgraded version.
!IMPORTANT! Currently, I am using crafted wands for FL Miner (I am a poor exile and maxing out FL Miner as well, so...) DO NOT CRAFT WANDS LIKE THE ONES SHOWN ABOVE! Look for crafted 2 wands with "Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells," + Same mods as mine above. You can do all contents in POE with this setting without ANY PROBLEM including deep delve. -------------------------- Note
The build I make and modify focuses on DPS. My philosophy is to kill monsters as I spot so that I don't get killed. In order to practice it, you need as much dps as possible. Ball lightning, the new mine mechanics (5 throws with minefield support) and the new High-Impact Mine (aura that increases its effect as each mine gets laid) create an incredible synergy that results in enormous DPS. With approximately 30C in the very beginning of the league, you can clear all end-game contents and do maps faster than any other build with the same price. Pro
1. Very Cheap to achieve enormous amount of DPS 2. High DPS (you see mobs being killed as you detonate mines) 3. Fast Mapping 4. very good Min/Max 5. When equipped with expensive gear, almost broken build in terms of DPS Con
1. Low life - there's always a possibility that you can be one-shoted 2. Difficult to farm fossils in deep lvl delve due to low life. 3. Need time to be used to new mine mechanics POB: https://pastebin.com/ArBK0nCx (Don't get deceived by pathetic dps number in POB. Just get any wand for lightning spell builds, set the skill gem links like mine and go kill monsters. You will see what happens.) Passive Tree https://ibb.co/QvYKQd8 Our kind GGG says, "Don't wander and be lost anymore, son! Just get all the mine nod then you are good to go." Nothing seems better than new mine nods. Just take all of em. Bandit Help Alira Pantheon Lunaris - Tukohama Core Item: NONE! IT'S JUST THE DANG NEW MINE ITSELF! Skill Gems Same as gem links each gear has in "My Current Gear" below. 30c Starter Gear Nothing special, huh? These are just ordinary items you use for lightning spell based builds. But, this will do the job more than enough! Leveling Guide
Since icicle mine is very convenient and fast in clearing acts, you will use it until the end of all acts and you reach lvl 70 to change gear and gem setting for my build. Also, for maximum speed, those who do Ice Shot Miner will spend refund passive point and a few orb of regret if needed after you reach lvl 70. (Don't worry about Refund Passive Points because you will naturally get about 10 points and more than 10 orb of regrets while clearing acts. You don't need to do extra quests for that. Finally, you will ignore all other quests except for main quests and Lynth. trial quests for ascendancy until you finish clearing all acts. It's faster and safer to do quests that give you skill points and for ascendancy when you are in higher lvl. Clearing act with icicle mine does not require extra buff from ascendancy passive skills because it is strong enough. To check the important extra quests you should get after clearing acts, type the below on the chat box and enter: /passives And then, press U to find the name of needed quests and do it.
Act 1
1. Receive Storm Blast Mine from Nessa for the reward of killing Hilcok 2. Start clearing MAIN quests until you reach lvl 8. Don't forget to pick up items with 3 links. 3. When you reach lvl 8, find any 3 link wand, scepter or any items (either from vendor or from drops) with 3 links and put Storm Blast Mine as follows: Storm Blast Mine - Added Lightning Damage Support - Swift Assembly Defense Items: Just pick up drops with high hp and res and wear them. What is important here is weapon. Don't worry about defense gear. Unique Defense Items that help: 4. Get Quicksilver Flask from drops (or Mercy Mission Quest reward) and Flame Dash (Quest Reward: The Caged Brute, or buy it from Nessa after the CB quest) This will boost up your moving speed. 5. Passive Tree https://ibb.co/H2KQJbQ Act 2 - 5
1. When you are done with Act 1, go back to Nessa in Act 1 and get icicle mine for reward. Change Gem setting as follows:
3L: Icicle Mine - Swift Assembly - Trap and Mine Damage Support If you have 4L item, 4L: Icicle Mine - Swift Assembly - Trap and Mine Damage Support - Pierce If you are rich enough to have Tabula, 6L : Icicle Mine - Swift Assembly - Trap and Mine Damage Support - Pierce - Added Cold Damage Support - Hypothermia Required Gem Setting other than Icicle Mine: Summoning Skitter Bots and Herald of Ice (Act2, Intruders in Black Quest reward and verdor) Other gems you should be equipped with for final BL, FB, or Ice Shot Miner: Refer to "Gear" above and check the gems required. As you clear acts, check vendors or pick up those when dropped and be equipped with them in empty socket. Then, you will save time lvling up those gems later when you change your setting to one of my builds. 2. As you clear acts, keep upgrading weapons(wand/scepter) with following mods: % Increased Spell Damage Add # to # Cold Damage to Spells % increased Critical Chance for Spells % Increased Cold Damage (The more number of mods and higher number of each mod it has, the better dps it generates) Defense Gear: Don't worry too much about it. Just get high hp and res ones. Without those, you can still clear act 2 - 5 fast. Flask: If the following flasks get dropped, pick it up and get the required mod on it by using orb of alternation: Diamond Flask (mod: immune to freeze) Sulphur Flask (mod: immune to curse) (the mods do not have to be on the flask listed. Just make sure you have those two mods in any of two flasks you use. Also, you might not get the mod easily by rolling one or twice. In Act 2 - 5, it is not urgent to have those flasks. Just check drops and roll when you think plenty of orb of alternation. You can also buy them from trade if you cannot stand freeze and curse.) 3. Passive https://ibb.co/yNZwWmr Act 6
1. Now you need to care about defense gear a bit. Check your resistance number and get fire/cold/lightning resistance near 75% maximum + high hp from your defense gear.
2. Talk to Lilly and do her quest. You will be able to buy all gems in poe from Lilly after getting reward from her. Buy all gems needed for one of Durimon's Miner builds you would like to play later and lvl up while you do act 6 - 10. 3. Buy Immortal Call and Cast When Damage Taken from Lilly and put them in linked sockets. This will help you survive. 4. Do not forget to upgrade your weapons when you feel a bit slow. The higher dps you have, the faster you clear all acts. 5. Passive: https://ibb.co/r5y5cbh Act 7 - 10
1. You definitely need a mod on your life flask:
Immune to bleeding Either roll it or buy it from trade for safer run. 2. Flask Setting: Life Flask, Mana Flask, Diamond Flask, Sulphur Flask, Bismuth Flask (assuming that you are lazy changing gear with high res. :) ) 3. Sorry to repeat, for faster act clearing, don't forget to upgrade your rare wand/scepter with the mods I listed above. 4. Passive: https://ibb.co/hyYR6hh (for BL and FB Miner) For Ice Shot Miner, it would be better to get the build nodes to save refund passive point if you don't be bothered by a bit slower clear speed.) (Sigh~) This is all I can squeeze out for now. Like always, I wrote in hurry because many people asked me for lvl guide. If you find an error and something that I omitted, please write in comment. Thanks! Other "PLZ BRING MY OLD MINE BACK" Mine Builds are Coming SOON! [/spoiler] Dernière édition par bluewelkin#7586, le 3 oct. 2020 20:15:53 Dernier bump le 22 avr. 2021 08:05:15
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Will try this today more later can u give me your Details about leveling? i mean which grab in this Chapter etc.? just a TLDR and sure in the leveling to which nodes should take first a tldr.
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This looks fun and strong. So far I've been playing a bit of a weird build (Whispering Ice mines as Ascendant) and though I did not max that build yet and has good burst potential it feels a bit clunky and slow to ramp up so having doubts to continue that build... then I found this.
Have some comments / questions: 1. Would this work with a tremor rod? It has a built in blast chain mine so you can potentially make Ball Lightning 7L. High impact mine looks nicer but the free extra link will probably make up for that. Tremor rod has some nice other bonuses as well. 2. Instead of minefield support why not use Swift Assembly? The huge mine throwing speed will make it feel more clunky than needed. 3. 4.2K life is really low. I see you cleared alot of content but you will probably get 1shot regularly? Maybe good to sacrifice some DPS for HP? 4. What about LMP or GMP? Guess that is not that good for Ball Lightning You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
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Hey you just revealed a big secret lol. I'm playing BL mine last 2 seasons and as you stated the damage is insane even before in the last league. However i switched to shock nova this season for mapping and using BL for single target.
" Here is my 2 cents. 1 - This works with Tremor(i'm using it anyway for free blastchain) but for max DPS output you should switch to DW with ele as extra chaos weapons. 2 - I read in another build post, the OP was also suggesting using Swift Assembly however i chose Minefield because with mine throwing speed you get from the tree it's very fast to throw 5 mines which i barely need more than 5 to clear a screen even in t14s.(probably i also won't in 15-16, but as i said im using shock nova for mapping and it has huge aoe) For bosses you can actually stand and throw all your 23 mines pre-fight and then start the fight and detone it. When you see the damage of BL you'll be surprised ^^. 3 - Even though the life pool is not that big, with Born in Shadows, Acrobatics, Phase Acrobatics we are doing pretty good(you can also get spell dodge in boots which is very useful). But if maps have some insane damage rolls for monsters you could be one shotted for sure though. Other than that you can do every other encounter with that HP pool. If you feel vulnerable you can do as you suggested to cut off some DPS and go for life.(i'm not sure how much you can add since mine passive tree choices are pretty much straight forward and we are getting every life nodes on our path) 4 - You won't probably need GMP or LMP for BL setup especially in narrow corridor maps like sewers. You'll gonna like those maps if you play this build :) I was using BL has additional projectile helm enchant in the last league which was very cheap to get(you won't need damage enchant i think). You can get one and then fossil or essence crafting -if you're lucky- you'll get a nice helm. If it's not enough you can use Dying Sun to avoid using GMP or LMP. Hope that helps. |
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" Thanks, haindeve! you provided through answers that I was going to say, so I won't repeat. To add some to 4, if you take off one of the gems in my build and put GMP, you will lose too much DPS and you cannot one-shot monsters when mapping t15-16. Whatever the roll and tier your map has, just one throw(5 with minefield) kill all near you already. I don't think gearing GMP is a good idea. Instead of GMP, like haindeve already said, Dying Sun would be a good option for faster mapping and boss because the more ball you have, the more DPS you get. It will be even more insane if you get one. Also, Minefield is much better than Swift Assembly in this build. To survive you need to one-shot enemies as you spot. In order to do that, you need to throw as many mines as you can at once. @haindeve: I already played with shock nova this league. Mapping speed and boss are pretty decent, especially when you max AOE. I love the way it creates big rings covering almost whole screen. lol. By the way, is there another person who uploaded a post about BL miner 3.8? Dernière édition par bluewelkin#7586, le 13 sept. 2019 09:55:38
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" I will try to do it when I am done with a new mine build. Thanks for your comment. |
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in a 4L for BL which gems should get priority?
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" BL, High-Impact Mine, Mine Field, Slower Projectile - Trap and Mine Damage - Lightning Penetration. (if you have hard time getting used to a short delay after a throw, put Trap and Mine Damage instead of Mine Field) Lvling with BL in early stage may feel a bit slow. Some people start with new mine skills such as icicle and storm-blast mine (the former is faster) and then change the setting to BL when they get 5L or 6L If you wanna lvl up with icicle mine until you get 5L or 6L body armor, buy or look for cheap wands with mods like add cold damage to spells, increased critical strike chance for spells and increased spell or cold damage. Recommended gem setup would be, icicle mine - hypothermia - added cold damage - minefield (or swift assembly support). Hope this helps. Dernière édition par bluewelkin#7586, le 13 sept. 2019 16:52:10
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I Just wanna point out that Elemental Focus is the exact same Hit damage as Trap and Mine Damage support, without the reduced throwing speed, so if you're not freezing it's actually a better support as we already have shock and chill from skitterbots.
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" Thanks for your input, but I don't think utilizing skitterbot is a good option for my setting. you lose dps by its 35% mana reserve, and THAT ROBOT is so dumb that it even gives delay in detonating laid mines. It totally seems useless. Like I said, throwing speed is not a problem at all. No matter what mods and tier a map has, BL in my setting kills bunch of monsters with only one throw. It's like, you spot, one throw, detonate, all dead, you move to another bunch. So, you don't need to worry about a short delay minefield support gives. Moreover, Having elemental focus instead of trap and mine damage support is not a good option for BL miner. It just makes things complicated without any benefit.It only makes BL miner's strong point less powerful. Dernière édition par bluewelkin#7586, le 14 sept. 2019 05:34:33
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