3.7| Stress Free PoE - TRIGGER HAPPY |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)
Wrecker, I just want to say its your builds that are allowing me to play PoE. Obviously there are plenty of other builds out there, but they were all so overwhelming and hard to follow that I just kept giving up on the game. Your guides are so well written and easy to follow that I actually keep playing and having fun. So thank you so much!
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Now that I have reached maps, here are some things that I am trying or plan to try (most are the sort of thing you buy rather than have drop). As always for the Uniques, they generally come with less life/resists than rares and your remaining rares will have to pick up the slack.
A Shaper influenced Shield with +% Max Life on Block. Someone mentioned the Temu previouly https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Thousand_Teeth_Temu which has a similar, if reduced, benefit and I find that it drops reasonably often. A Jewel for the Socket if you need Intelligence https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brute_Force_Solution It converted 50 strength for me. An old standby belt (have not tried it yet but with constant Fortify in battle it is something to consider although a really nice Stygian Vise is tough to beat) https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Perseverance Easy bolt on Curse on Hit - no muss, no fuss, covers the socket requirements https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Mark_of_Submission There are other Uniques that add Curses - just check out the list of them under "Curse" on the wiki and see if something obtainable fits for you https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Curse#Unique_items I find the Market on Xbox rather thin for nice swords for this Build and so in the mean time I am using "Yak" the Axe https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Jack,_the_Axe a rather loquacious canine progeny that works up until you spect into sword based passives, or https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Scaeva with 3 red sockets (the crit stuff is all wasted of course) Someone previously mentioned the Anvil (an interesting trade-off item) https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Anvil While I levelled with https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Daresso%27s_Salute And you can craft 5-7% to Block Attack Damage onto your Body Armour (veiled mod) - something to consider if you need a few more block points. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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Ummmm, okaaaay.
So. I buyed some gear, gems etc. Spend like 170c (near it) WOD, gearcheck pls ? And i add some gems. Dropped maim, combine sets. Add leapslam, ancestral protector, flame golem, vulnerability. On tempest shield - CWDT instead of duration. Item enchants - attack speed on rings and gloves, global phys on shield, # to # phys to attacks on amulet. Dernière édition par daiverok#3109, le 18 juil. 2019 11:45:55
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Excellent post walkjohn55!
I have been playing around with some of these items (currently using Thousand Teeth Temu and up until getting a great rare drop last night, Scaeva), but there are new food for thought items listed there as well! I have been playing around on paper with a new gem set up for myself, and interested in others thoughts. I am a complete PoE n00b, so I do not expect this to be optimal, but any highlighting of weaknesses or just plain wrong thought processes are very welcome! 6 Link Unchanged 4 Link Riposte - Reckoning - Melee Physical Damage - Chance to Bleed 4 Link CWDT - Bladestorm/Lacerate/Cleave/Something Else (not sure on which AoE attack, thoughts?) - Curse on Hit - Vulnerability 4 Link Pride - Flesh and Stone - Blood and Sand - Enlighten Weapon or Shield Vengeance - Chance to Bleed - Melee Physical Damage Weapon or Shield CWDT - Steelskin/Molten Shell (unsure which) - Flame Golem My thought process is; * The three triggers are all still tied to Chance to Bleed's and Melee Physical Damage's, but only take up a 4 link and 3 link now * I use blood stance permanently, so Maim is already being applied and doesn't need to be included in my gem set-up * I never cast Tempest Shield, and have had it out of my gem set up for a while (you did not do a great sales pitch on it in the original post! lol - it was the last thing to get slotted for a while when I finally go gem links sorted in the leveling process) * CWDT's will grant me more survivability (Steelskin/Molten Shell) and damage (Vulnerability buffing phys damage dealt and Flame Golem buffing damage) * Enlighten will help out a little with the mana reservation costs I could use a lot of help on what level my gems should be in the CWDT pieces. After doing some reading on the topic, my brain now hurts :) Currently doing T8 maps and my resists SUCK (25-35% each), as I have yet to take the time to rework equipment properly since the Act 10 resists reduction..... The above is my planning for an equipment rework! |
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"Hey 0nyX, Always a pleasure! Thanks for taking the time to be complimentative. I'm glad the guides help keep PoE fun :). Thanks for your kindness. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey warudor, Thank you very much. You're very kind to take the time to let me know and I am very happy the guides are easy to follow, helpful, and keep the fun in the game. Thanks for the post. Which builds have you played? Which have you like the least and most? https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Sweeeeet. I'm looking forward to your conclusion! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"You did well shopping :). I found some time to take a quick look and everything looks solid gear wise! Strong weapon, offense and defense on you shield, gloves, and rings, and great health and resists on everything else! Good job! You added lots of self-casting. So as long as that's easy and natural for you, you've made solid choices with your preferences! I hope you enjoy it lots now that you've spent close to 170C. Good job! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" So far I've played the Witch Slow Mo Zombies and I'm working on this build currently! |
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"Good stuff! I like the ideas. Regarding CwDT, it only casts linked SPELLS, not Attacks...and it's only casts them after we've taken damage (from Hits). Since when we block we do get Hit, but we get Hit for 0 damage. So the "internal counter of each CwDT gem" will go up very slowly unless you have the worst luck in the world. So, since you're blocking 79% of the hits that come our way, you should have all your CwDT gems at level 1 (unless you have a good reason to have them at level 2 or 3). (Purifying Flame is a new favourite of mine because it gives Consecrated Ground.) So don't really consider any spells that are only beneficial once fully leveled. The best way to figure out a gem setup that works to your liking is trying it out though. Things look good! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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