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Ils devraient revenir en ligne dans environ .[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS
Is the spider really that much more damage compared to say +3 physical gem levels including the crawler itself?
Also, isn't it really annoying to resummon spiders mid-fight? Feels like similar build with CI and 20k energy shield and skin of the loyale is stronger. As seen by delve levels. I would like to try this guy's set up with your dagger. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/AlmightyDrake/DegenerateDelver?i=2&search=class%3DGuardian%26sort%3Ddepth-solo Dernière édition par hitmantb#6251, le 24 sept. 2019 16:03:53
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Spiders themselves amount for most of the dps (3.7M Shaper dps), apply wither on hit, can focus multiple targets, and clear much faster, so in my opinion, yes, using Arakaali's Fang is better than Cold Iron Point. But everyone has their preference :)
Edit: I checked the loadout you linked, and while it has more defence, it will be a lot slower in clear and in single target. Plus, the version this guide is about is already unkillable, so getting even more tanky feels like overkill to me. But if you want to invest the currency to try an even more defensive version, it's a valid choice too. :) Dernière édition par Vatinas#5801, le 24 sept. 2019 17:42:19
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" Thanks for the tip! Just curious how deep you were able to delve with this build. Looks really interesting, and yes, a lot more damage than pure defense mana guardians. I am just trying to get used to re-summoning spider mid-fight lol. Feels clunky but boy does it feel good when it comes out. Dernière édition par hitmantb#6251, le 26 sept. 2019 23:47:35
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" I've only reached depth 150-ish this league so far, so I can't say how deep the build can go, sorry :/ As for re-summoning spiders mid-fight, there are a few tips I could give you. First, you can unsummon all spiders before entering the arena (by taking off Arakaali's Fang) and resummon them, giving you the full duration for the fight. If you need to resummon spiders mid-fight, be sure to drop your Deathmark on an enemy so your minions don't kill your worms in your place. Finally, if there are no enemies to deathmark (for instance, during the Eradicator invulnerability phase), I recommend you stand near your Agony Crawler and pop your two flasks once; since you're standing near the crawler, it won't be able to kill all 4 worms before you can cyclone at least one of them. Hope that helps! :) |
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Insane build, thank you Vatinas!
Just knocked out uber elder deathless like its nothing, fight took for me about 1.5 min. Spiders are freaking crazy, and with great survivability this is just POG. Have 8k ES, 53k armour in hideout. In general mapping i'm using granite flask for more armour, for no regen switching to mana flask. Just a question - should i switch minion damage to deathmark in my knife? Is there any boost, or this is just for target switching fow spiders? Sorry for bad English, i'm from Russia and don't know it well. Dernière édition par lethorn_ekb#7186, le 28 sept. 2019 16:39:34
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" Hi! I had no trouble understanding you, your english is really good! :) I'm very glad you're enjoying the build! I use Deathmark on my spiders because it allows you to target an enemy, which is really good both during mapping and bosses. On top of that, if you deathmark an enemy, then Deathmark support grants more damage than Minion Damage, so I recommend using Deathmark on both spiders and HoA :) But ultimately, it's up to your preference, so if you don't like Deathmark, you can play without it! Have a nice day :) |
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Im considering switching over from my freezing pulse totems. Have a couple of questions for ya.
Any trouble with T10+ blight maps and their portal bosses ? Do spiders expire or they sustain themselves as long as they are killing stuff (do i need to treat them as skeletons ?) Why do you have 2 deathmark gems ? Thanks |
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" Seems like spiders can sustain themselves only if there are mobs corpses near them. Anyway, i'm just cycloning around and casting desecrate if needed, so no problems with sustaining. Done few blighted map recently - no problems with washing away mobs and bosses (don't forget curse them with despair and sustain spirit offering buff). Don't know, will i try pushing highest tiers of blighted maps or not, cause i don't really like current mechanic of this thing, but i think that this build can destroy them without problems. I preffer to use minion damage for spiders, because i don't see problems with their target switching. At Uber Elder they are just ignoring invulnerable boss, so u can keep facerolling around and watching for Shaper's stuff (Elder's abilities are a joke for this build, just don't die out of circle). Maybe spiders will need a deathmark for blighted maps, when u need to slam down boss quickly. Dernière édition par lethorn_ekb#7186, le 29 sept. 2019 15:45:39
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I only have 1 question. How do I keep the Carrion Golem alive? That thing is forever dying.
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" I agree with (almost) everything lethorn said :) The only thing is that I prefer having Deathmark, but if you don't want to use it, like you said, Minion Damage is a good alternative. As for why I have 2 Deathmarks, remember it is a support gem, so when you deathmark an enemy, only the minions supported by a deathmark gem will target your deathmarked enemy. I'm going to attempt red blighted maps within the week, I'll let you know how it goes :) " That is indeed a problem, since we don't have minion life regen. It's up to your personal preference; you can support it with Cast When Damage Taken to make it automatic, or you can self cast it before boss fights, since it's when it's most needed (you don't need an extra 2% damage for clearing). Personally, I ended up dropping it altogether, since I really don't need any more damage. Have a nice day :) |
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