[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Dernière édition par Stoyicker#6540, le 1 déc. 2021 à 04:49:24
Semisoulus a écrit :
Hey, I am maxed out right now and I FINALLY got the +1 sentinels. I was wondering though if anyone else has run into this. My bossing seems worse. I was running the +12% phys as chaos for spirit offering enchant and I beat A8 Sirus 3 times... now I couldn't get him past half life. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but it seems objectively worse for bossing to get the sentinels enchant. This may be due to the uptime on the sentinels being fairly low if you are not able to cyclone into the boss on a consistent basis. Before my spiders were able to keep the DPS up with the extra umph! from the phys to chaos and now I am relying more on my sentinels. Technically my damage went up by 250kish with the sentinel enchant but in practice it seems like the previously mentioned is screwing me. This may just be with Sirus cause it feels great when I am clearing (I am still waiting to test it on other endgame bosses like Catarina).

I also thought that maybe meat shield is screwing me, cause my sentinels don't want to track enemies like the spiders do (unless I signal)? But I wouldn't have a clue what to switch it to even if that is the case. Anyway, please let me know what you think or if you have suggestions.

Hmm, you have a good gear, you should kill him with any problems.
I'm using a helmet with enchant - + 1 to sentinel and it's good for me..... but In my opinion,spiders are crucial during this fight.
So, you should buy a belt with scourge corrupt - life flasks gain 1 charge every 3 sec, it's very good to keep spiders almost all time. And 21 lev of Herald of Purity,finally empower 4.
Meat shield is also huge amount of damage, don't remove it
You can look my profile : Dziad_i_najebane_pajaki/scourge affixes are amazing for this build-you can put addit. resistance and after this, put jewels with minions damage etc.
Dernière édition par Varan1971#6966, le 28 nov. 2021 à 14:31:22
kirenasura33 a écrit :
Hey y'all,

Does anyone have a suggestion for flasks besides Basalt, Granite and 2x Writhing Jars? I'm currently running an enduring mana flask and don't really enjoy how Soul Ripper works. Can't seem to find a Magic Utilty flask I think would be good but it feels wasted having a flask slot barely be used in mapping content.


EDIT: I've decided to use the Vessel of Vinktar Topaz Flask with 'increased Effect of Shock' (they can roll different suffixes apparently), and rolled to trigger when I hit a rare/unique enemy. Feels like the most okay option until I want to invest into a Bottled Faith.

Also forgot to mention- using Stampede so Silver/Quicksilver would be useless. Stampede is so good with the extra annointment.

I actually started using Iron Flask with charge when hit and armor on flask uptime mods. Not sure if it's the best but i think it makes some sense.
Hey all, just wanted to share my experience with the build.

Huge thanks to OP, it's one of the best builds I've played. I made one big change though and I use Storm Brand instead of Cyclone. Since Fortify was removed this league I don't see any benefits of using Cyclone anymore, only downsides - it's slower (even with Stampede), you need to get accuracy somehow and you need to stay in melee range to trigger minions (which really sucks for endgame boss fights like Sirus, Maven invitations, etc).

During the league I tried several options for build - with Thread of Hope, without Tempest Shield, with Wicked Ward but in the end I still moved closer to the proposed tree and gear.

My current PoB: https://pastebin.com/V6xCmD51
Character name in profile - WhereDoIPutThisCrucible
Gear is mostly minmaxed, I'm going back and forth on gloves, Gravebind is awesome but gives -1k ES and I don't have Vulnerability on Hit implicit on them.
For the achivements - I can ignore all map mods except reduced block (I usually roll over no regen as I don't what to change flasks) and I don't care about scorge debuffs. I cleared all Mavens Invitations by myself, even The Feared (3 deaths), all end-game bosses except Maven (I didn't even try, I suck at this fight), Simulacrum lvl 30 (2 deaths).
For some content DPS is just not there, unfortunately. I tried Blight-Ravaged maps and flawless breachstone and failed just because minions could not kill fast enough.

I got my 36 challenges now so I'm done with the league and I'm going to take a break before December events :)
Dernière édition par zzeneg#1999, le 28 nov. 2021 à 19:41:45
Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for this build. I've been having a blast with it. I can tank Sirus no problem, same with Elder and Shaper.

I'm pretty much unkillable in maps and scourges.

I did The Hidden, The Formed, and The Twisted today. I used all my portals on The Formed due to Phoenix's fire bomb that I couldnt see because of everything on the screen. I'm assuming the build isnt meant to tank that ? The same goes with Atziris flameblast. I died a couple of times to those. Thats more my fault than anything, since I'm not familiar with most of these fights.

Would someone mind looking at my POB and giving me some guidance on where to go upgrade wise next? https://pastebin.com/XPmhd70U

I know I need to roll my flasks properly, and get the proper roll on the Soul Ripper.

I havent tried Simulacrum yet, but is that something I should be able to do with this build?
Paksuvladi a écrit :
kirenasura33 a écrit :
Hey y'all,

Does anyone have a suggestion for flasks besides Basalt, Granite and 2x Writhing Jars? I'm currently running an enduring mana flask and don't really enjoy how Soul Ripper works. Can't seem to find a Magic Utilty flask I think would be good but it feels wasted having a flask slot barely be used in mapping content.


EDIT: I've decided to use the Vessel of Vinktar Topaz Flask with 'increased Effect of Shock' (they can roll different suffixes apparently), and rolled to trigger when I hit a rare/unique enemy. Feels like the most okay option until I want to invest into a Bottled Faith.

Also forgot to mention- using Stampede so Silver/Quicksilver would be useless. Stampede is so good with the extra annointment.

I actually started using Iron Flask with charge when hit and armor on flask uptime mods. Not sure if it's the best but i think it makes some sense.

Yeah, this flask feels way better than Vinktar's topaz. The uptime is pretty insane, and though I don't fully understand ward I definitely feel like I don't get randomly chunked as hard.

Time to push for 100.

Semisoulus wrote:
Hey, I am maxed out right now and I FINALLY got the +1 sentinels. I was wondering though if anyone else has run into this. My bossing seems worse. I was running the +12% phys as chaos for spirit offering enchant and I beat A8 Sirus 3 times... now I couldn't get him past half life. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but it seems objectively worse for bossing to get the sentinels enchant. This may be due to the uptime on the sentinels being fairly low if you are not able to cyclone into the boss on a consistent basis. Before my spiders were able to keep the DPS up with the extra umph! from the phys to chaos and now I am relying more on my sentinels. Technically my damage went up by 250kish with the sentinel enchant but in practice it seems like the previously mentioned is screwing me. This may just be with Sirus cause it feels great when I am clearing (I am still waiting to test it on other endgame bosses like Catarina).

I also thought that maybe meat shield is screwing me, cause my sentinels don't want to track enemies like the spiders do (unless I signal)? But I wouldn't have a clue what to switch it to even if that is the case. Anyway, please let me know what you think or if you have suggestions.

Hmm, you have a good gear, you should kill him with any problems.
I'm using a helmet with enchant - + 1 to sentinel and it's good for me..... but In my opinion,spiders are crucial during this fight.
So, you should buy a belt with scourge corrupt - life flasks gain 1 charge every 3 sec, it's very good to keep spiders almost all time. And 21 lev of Herald of Purity,finally empower 4.
Meat shield is also huge amount of damage, don't remove it
You can look my profile : Dziad_i_najebane_pajaki/scourge affixes are amazing for this build-you can put addit. resistance and after this, put jewels with minions damage etc.

Thanks for the advice. I am getting the lv4 empower and prolly go for the 21 Div. HoP as well. I was checking on PoB and it seems the dmg difference is really in the lvl of HoP so getting those should help alot. I think what happened is I just played a bad round with Sirus so I'll upgrade and try again. After that I may try to upgrade my Jewels like you were talking about but I don't think I will be able to change out any of my current gear for Krangled stuff. I would rather just spend the currency on crazy Jewels. This has by far been the best league I have played as far as making currency goes and thats compared to a couple of leagues ago when I was making good off of running Valdo's rest (pre nerf).

One thing I would like to add is that I have seen alot of debate about the SHR gem setup on here and Personally I solved this with a solid 4 link setup. CHeck out my setup if any one gets the chance and did like I did. I didn't run enduring composure and instead just kept steel skin on left click. Still feels extremely tanky and saves roughly 2 sockets, if I'm not wrong and 2 points that I invested in masteries for more resistance leeway, overwhelm for my minions and more int/ ES. Let me know what you think if you get a chance.
Hello everyone.
I wanted to talk a little about crafted items.

Firstly the helmet. I found the crafting little bit complicated, but i'm happy with the result.

I did this one from the scratch and here's how.

-Bought a high ilvl Hubris circlet with enchant and Hunter's Exalted Orb. (was cheaper than buying influenced Hubris with the enchant).

-Used perfect fossils for the quality first, Then Dense+Aberrant fossils.

-I didn't get the -chaos and good ES for a good while and acquiring more fossils was bit of a drag back then. I however hit good Prefixes for ES and 2 empty suffixes(1 is enough)

-Used Prefixes cannot me changed craft and harvest Chaos mod rerolls. It took me 4 tries to hit -chaos. so that's 8 exalteds.

- so now i was with good es and -chaos and 2 empty suffixes. I used chaos and cold res craft on it to block those resists. Chaos res seemed to be highest and most probable craft and completely useless to us.

-Exalted orb and got decently lucky with that +35 lightning res.

-After all that i replaced the chaos&cold res with proper one i needed.

Not sure if this optimal at all but that's how i did it. Would be happy to hear if there's better way. Maybe include it to the guide too.

Other thing i had mind is Scourged crafting. The build is rather marvelous as we use pretty straight forward uniques that are relatively easy to get/ cheap.

I was looking in to possible outcomes and for shield for example there are very nice scourge mods including ES on block, block chance, extra es from mana etc.
Anyone had great success with those yet? I'm myself starting a little project on that. In fact i already have Astramentis and the shield in the oven already.
I tried Uber Elder today with this build and lost all portals. How to manage spiders and specters in this battle? Aparentelly Signal Prey did'nt help since there's various targets in that battle.
Paksuvladi a écrit :
Hello everyone.
Firstly the helmet. I found the crafting little bit complicated, but i'm happy with the result.

thanks for sharing, will try to craft one similar to this.

Dante_BrBh a écrit :

I tried Uber Elder today with this build and lost all portals. How to manage spiders and specters in this battle? Aparentelly Signal Prey did'nt help since there's various targets in that battle.

I failed a couple of times, then tried a third focusing on my movement and positioning, ensuring I avoid all Shaper hits. Having more damage (empower lvl 4) helped reduce the length of the fight.


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