[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

echevierra a écrit :
Veni1979MC a écrit :
Hi there.

1st of all i'd like to say i am really enjoying this build.
For a long time i've been looking for good cyclone based build which would be enjoyable to play and i think i found it.So great job mate in creating and sharing this build. Finally i am happy with clearing speed and survivability of my character ( not even afraid of those nasty porcupines :P).
Jokes aside i am however having 2 issues i can't figure out myself.

1st. By following your build i have manage to get my sentinels to deal approx 800k damage max. How did u manage to make 1.7m+ ?? I can't seems to getting this high. What am i doing wrong.

2nd. My spell block chance is 62% when yours is 72%. Cant understand how?

Would you kindly help me out in here. Im posting my POB so you could have a look. Thank you kindly in advance. https://pastebin.com/cZBC4S6M

i saw your pob and i'm guessing you're more on following noice build. Here's a head up how he did it. 80~160% minion damage elegant hubris and for spell block, corrupted aegis (+4% spell block, +8% with glancing blows). Also your pob is not configured yet, i configured with right setup, with initial pride effect your HoP dps is 900k and max effect is 1.1m, i personally would be happy with this :D but idk if you're ok with 6,4k ES + 45k Armour cuz i don't, 55k armor + 7k+ ES should be gucchi.

King_Haart a écrit :
echevierra a écrit :
get myself 4 node 160% minion dmg elegant hubris too.

How did you go about this in the end? Buy one and Divine spam? Buy a few until one works out and sell the others?

To validate, did you have to socket it in the tree or is there another way to see? Are there other things to check with these?

Sorry for the plethora of questions, never tried a timeless jewel before so no idea how to properly account for it.

For timeless jewels there are several ways to get what you want:
1. yes, buy one and divine spam, hope get lucky but can get costly af (maybe more expensive than straight buy guaranteed one)
2. yes, buy multiple random elegant hubris and sometimes if you're lucky you can get the right one with less than exalt. Just a tip you should expect the node will be trash when the one sell it is using similar build (E.G, necro/elementalist/guardian minion, etc)
3. buy confirmed one from seller that tell you which node it gives and where to put, ideally for this build you want to put elegant hubris near pain atonement and at best get 160% for 4 node, 1 node for 80% is decent enough since i'm pretty much getting tight on skill-point just to utilize elegant hubris.

i personally would do no.3 if you get money, but usually getting to know the right #number that guarantee minion damage elegant hubris @ pain atonement and snipe trade (people that sell this for less than exalt) is the second easiest method.

edit: yes, you need to socket it in tree to see the changed node, if its bad = instant resell/divine. As i said, since ideally we want to put elegant hubris in socket near pain atonement, this is more RNG than other build that can put it in other jewel socket. If you can somehow solve it by putting it on another jewel socket then why not? less RNG :D

King_Haart a écrit :
EDIT #2:, one more question, since getting a +3 armor is way out of my budget, which is better for now:
1. 3R/2B/1G Loyal
2. 4R/2B Lords with Resolute Technique
3. 2R/2B/2G Loyal with +2 level of socketed gems?

I have all 3 for a relatively budget price, not sure which is best to stick with while I figure out how to get a +3 option. Will + level to gems always beat Skin of the Lords? The latter gives me the option to get more minion damage (save 2 skill points to put towards minion damage instead or change gloves to ones with minion damage, for example).

i would personally go for 4R/2B and go vatinas original while you farm so you can afford more expensive one. Imo i don't think there's another green support gems that can do more dmg than red one even with extra gems level and in case you want to go impale, best paired with dread banner otherwise pretty low dps boost.

OK thanks a lot. Where is the new PoB so i can have a look ???
Hi guys,

i need some help for my next step


this my PG

i don t have trouble with t16 and all boss... just some time i m oneshoted by universe but this is not a problem...

i want squeez my pg.... but i m a noob with POB and a don t know my real dps and other stuf... then i ask here

1st : changing my chest with a 4r2b... but i wanna try 5r1b with
multystrike+empower what about this?

2nd : changing my astramentis with Aul's Uprising (Det no mana reserv) and using
Dread Banner/pride and leave clarity

3rd: leave energised armour and use whatcher eye

sorry for my eng! <3
Got very lucky today - decided I really wanted a Aegis with Spell Block but was tired of never catching one on the trade site so bought a basic one (367% armor and ES, so decent base stats) for 4c, threw some fusings and 20 armorer's scraps at it, then hit it with a Vaal and got 5% spell block. Sat there stunned for a minute or two. :O

Guess that's my RNG for the league right there. :D
HoP Guardian saves my day again! This is second league where I play this build. I can kill Sirus with my eyes closed. I thought Sirus A9 will be problem, but no, he still my bitch.

Maven and invitations doable i guess, but there is too much DoT/Degen which we can't block, so I prefer some gazillion-dps build.

If you are looking for a cheap build that will kill Sirus for you from time to time, then look no further. Don't stand in degen, use Vaal Molten Shell/Molten Shell when he casts "DIE!" and you will almost never die. For comfortable farming, you need 6200+ ES, but it's doable with ~5500.

I love this build, well i did some work lvling, added like next 10 ex in the build, got the armor, some ring upgrades etc and now i dont know what to do. Im aware i need corrupted blood immunity (8ex jewel) but im missing passives to add other sockets for other gems. Any idea how can i boost my dmg now, or ist just like "lvl up" and stable progress?
Hello, I'm loving this build so far, however a couple of things I can't figure out
1. I can't use all my auras
2. I seem to drop ES really quick in some elements while being res capped

Any chance someone could run over my build, gear and give me suggestions on what i need to do?


Thank you so very much!!
spycom84 check my character to see how 5R1B 6 link works. I'm running Empower/multistrike/brutality/minion dmg/bloodlust. I still lack a lot of potential as my gems aren't fully upgraded and I don't have awakened brutality (10% phys pen).

Since I got this +1 all max resist skin of the loyal I just don't die anymore. I haven't even been paying attention much in maps. Damage is pretty good too IMO. I only switch out of splash melee on the spiders for guardians. I'm having fun with this build. My holy grail would be a +1 gems/+1 max resist skin.
Deonix_ a écrit :
HoP Guardian saves my day again! This is second league where I play this build. I can kill Sirus with my eyes closed. I thought Sirus A9 will be problem, but no, he still my bitch.

Maven and invitations doable i guess, but there is too much DoT/Degen which we can't block, so I prefer some gazillion-dps build.

If you are looking for a cheap build that will kill Sirus for you from time to time, then look no further. Don't stand in degen, use Vaal Molten Shell/Molten Shell when he casts "DIE!" and you will almost never die. For comfortable farming, you need 6200+ ES, but it's doable with ~5500.

I got the same gears with you but cannot reach to 5500 ES still working on everything. and btw how long it take you to kill sirius sorry this is my first time play this game I never reach to sirius but for the normal map boss it take me too long to kill them
Hi, guys,

How do you do maps like Pillars Of Arun?

Not having Dash in any form kind of sucks, I always need to take the stairs everywhere...

LBC_Immortality a écrit :
Hi, guys,

How do you do maps like Pillars Of Arun?

Not having Dash in any form kind of sucks, I always need to take the stairs everywhere...


I use flame dash in my setup and have no issues at all.


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