(3.14) Toxic Rain + Caustic Arrow | 5-10m Sirus DPS | Fast + Durable | 50c Budget/SSF Uber Elder

typicaldemon a écrit :
ivanfromukraine a écrit :

3600 HP / 880 ES (no Discipline activated because it leaves me at 2 mana...)

Kinda unhappy with the build tbh. What could I improve and where am I lacking in gear?
Feels like casting TR only once doesn't kill most rares when mapping so you have to stand there and cast it a couple of times. Is this intended? Doesn't make it very smooth.
Should you manually use Frenzy and Despair on mob packs or just on bosses?
Also when do you ever need Blink Arrow? Why is it in the build?

Feels like this build isn't doing enough DMG and also is too squishy to facetank most Metamorph encounters. On bosses it does average damage aswell even when you manually apply Frenzy/Despair and Wither totems.

I'm also using 2x Quicksilver + Phase Run and even with that mapping is way slower than the other meta builds out there (and more keys to press). What's the issue?


Here, I fixed your build by following the guide. Your damage quadrupled and you have 3750 hp and 2200 ES. Clarity is only supposed to be level 1 for Vaal Clarity btw.

o yeah, you have like 80% more ms now too. Please follow the guide :)

Thanks! That fixed the build indeed. Yeah idk I had an older PoB from a YouTube video that was a bit different. Also I wasn't criticizing your build but rather asking what I've done wrong or could do different. The build is fine.

I guess my next upgrade is the bow, correct? Found this (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/522449559) on your Twitch, would you advise a noob to do this or just buy a bow instead?

Sunw1sh a écrit :
tazojin a écrit :
Man I tried Sirus with this build and I think we're just absolutely fucked on that fight, no way to refill flasks as far as I could tell, not even mentioning the shitty aoes everywhere but that's more of a fight mechanic thing rather than just not being able to flask at all.

deathless it is probably close to impossible, but he is killable. I got him to 30-40% hp before dying first time, the problem is that battle itself is fucking garbage atm, i couldn't return to the fight because orbs were blocking the way, lost half of my portals to that. Probably they will rework it, hopefully not in a month but next week.

haven't tried it yet but I think a belt like this could help, + some flask nodes on tree maybe + soul of ryslatha pantheon

I played TR when it first came out. Nowadays, i see lots of streamers and poe.ninja playing TR miner, whats the plus and minus? Which is better, tr trickster or tr miner saboteur?
discord id: dejuvenate#5828
[3.13 Ritual] Flameslinger - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3009295
[3.5 Betrayal] Brutus AW Chieftain - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2320224
[3.4 Delve] Toxic Rain - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2207700
What about Silverbough Crude Bow for the start?
Huansdreck a écrit :

crafted myself this one to get sustain during long bossights without adds and to use bloodrage. The additional attackspeed makes a sizable difference.

Before I was using this one, worked as well

Seems these hunter amulets need Ilevel 82+ for these mods, or can roll on any?
hey guys what quiver would be better? I just found this rare one
Hey Typical - thanks for the great guide and still playing your build in game. It's great to see you progression. Your gear... is insane this league :). I had a couple questions for you:

I saw you removed Mirage Archer - was the nerf too high? Are you just setup for bossing?

Same questions your on your chest piece selection: Perfect Form - Do you have enough layers of defense to remove Acro?

How important is Skill Duration in this build? I could be confused on how it applies to damage. PoB doesn't show Duration dps changes well. What's your opinion on testing a tree that runs up to Corruption, but drops the 25% duration node and adds on 25% Duration node via allocation to amulet?
You have a 4l quill rain which I imagine is about 1c. Please invest in this slot before qotf/atziri's. Your gems are also just a low level due to you being level 80, so there a lot of free damage there. If you're dying to uber lab I might need more info, because if you have more than 4k combined (which you do) nothing should 1 hit you. Bob and weave.

Izaro one shots me with his wave thing. Idk how to invest in a new bow they all cost too much. Should i just fill my inventory with rares and keep selling to collect shards for a couple weeks to have enough currency?
deucebags a écrit :
Hey Typical - thanks for the great guide and still playing your build in game. It's great to see you progression. Your gear... is insane this league :). I had a couple questions for you:

I saw you removed Mirage Archer - was the nerf too high? Are you just setup for bossing?

Same questions your on your chest piece selection: Perfect Form - Do you have enough layers of defense to remove Acro?

How important is Skill Duration in this build? I could be confused on how it applies to damage. PoB doesn't show Duration dps changes well. What's your opinion on testing a tree that runs up to Corruption, but drops the 25% duration node and adds on 25% Duration node via allocation to amulet?

Again, probably don't look too closely at whats going on with my character. I was doing Awakener man, and my mana was a little tighter after a big swap to grace. the 1.4 multiplier on MA was just a little higher than I wanted at the time, so I made a quick swap.

Acro is kinda useless in general when you have 60k evasion, we path through it because they make us to get to Phase Acro.

Hey all, been playing the build as league start and enjoying it so far. Just looking for some advice on where to go next. Do I dump the silverbough? Any other advice on what could be fixed would be appreciated. When I stick my character into POB my DPS seems to be alot lower than others. (I don't currently run the B&S due to mana so I replaced my high level one with a 16% that I found which is why it's only level 4 atm)


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