Hey, I don't know if anyone else has pointed this out, but a few of the links in the trees collapse are broken/incomplete, so the tree doesn't load properly!
Hey, I don't know if anyone else has pointed this out, but a few of the links in the trees collapse are broken/incomplete, so the tree doesn't load properly!
You should always rely on Path of Building. The trees shown as a picture in a thread always are based on current GGG tree tool and those aren't up to date when a new league starts. So they are usually out of date, if the thread OP just updates them before the league but doesn't update after league start. And now, when they are finally updated, the tree seems broken. If you don't want to install PoB, there are Web-based versions (like https://pob.party/) where you can import the pastebin content.
Dernière édition par Shatiya#1733, le 20 oct. 2020 11:02:01
I've got a pretty good Bow with +3 to Gems and 71% Dot-Multi. Is an Upgrade to a Bow with additional #% Increased Attack Speed (Let's say 10-14%) generally a significant/noticable upgrade?
Enjoying this build a lot; Gotta get me a better bow but are there any alternate quality gems that seem particularly great for this build? Thanks in advance!
Main things i'm interested in:
1) Which, if any, Toxic rain alt quality seems best
2) Which malevolence alt quality?
3) Vaal Discipline vs. an alt quality?
Dernière édition par mort45954#4409, le 20 oct. 2020 22:52:40
Enjoying this build a lot; Gotta get me a better bow but are there any alternate quality gems that seem particularly great for this build? Thanks in advance!
Main things i'm interested in:
1) Which, if any, Toxic rain alt quality seems best
2) Which malevolence alt quality?
3) Vaal Discipline vs. an alt quality?
1. Increased AoE is good for TR, so IMO it's not a priority to look for alt quals? Increased skill effect duration is also good. Phys as chaos is meh but not bad. Additional arrow helps with clear but not with single target (the reduced debuff effect reduces the slow, which isn't all that important anyway). Personally I'd stick with the default qual or the increased duration one.
2. We don't deal damage with ailments, so that alt qual for Malevolence is useless to us. We specifically want the increased skill effect duration.
3. Discipline's alt quals don't seem fantastic to me, so I wouldn't really prioritize it. And they're only useful at all if you're actually using Discipline, which I don't think we generally do? We just use the vaal version.
I'll work on typing up a longer post discussing all our gems' alt qualities.
Seems like i've hit the end of the road when it comes to getting upgrades but i still feel like i'm not tanky at all. I must be doing something wrong. My damage feels fine but its not that great at all. I managed to do uber elder and was barely able to do 80% deli maps. If it wasnt for me being pretty squishy i think i'd be fine. Can anyone look over my stuff and tell me what i'm doing wrong? I've tried comparing to poe.ninja builds but i dont see a big different in mine and their builds.
Also my pob: https://pastebin.com/BQK2QgwM
thanks in advance
Dernière édition par ALLESKLAR4#5080, le 20 oct. 2020 23:54:59
Did the alt qual writeup sooner than I expected; ta-da!
TL;DR: Definitely get Second Wind +1 use (if you're using Dash), Malevolence +duration, Mirage Archer +duration, Flesh & Stone +evasion. Maybe get Caustic Arrow chance to wither, Withering Step chance to keep buff on skill use. Consider Void Manipulation +AoE & atk spd if you aren’t planning to get awakened void manip anytime soon.
Second Wind: +1 use for dash seems excellent. The extra use should very much outweigh the cooldown penalty.
Malevolence: +skill duration is great for us, especially since the default qual is useless.
Mirage Archer: same as above, but slightly lower priority since it only applies to the one skill instead of all of them.
Default qual is useless (for us), anything is better:
Flesh & Stone: +evasion is nice
CwDT: +duration can be handy
Vicious Projectiles: chance to cause poison/bleed on hit is a very mild upgrade for us, solely because the default qual is almost useless to us. Very low priority, though, and we’d prefer the awakened support anyway.
Default qual is good, alternate qual is better (or arguably better):
Caustic Arrow: chance to inflict Withered on hit is a nice upgrade, assuming you have "enough" AoE on it to be okay losing the AoE from default qual
Void Manipulation: increased AoE & atk spd is great, if you aren’t going for the awakened support.
Withering Step: All the quality options here are good; I'm not sure which is best but personally I lean towards the chance to not remove buff on skill use.
Toxic Rain: default qual of +AoE is good, but so is +duration. +arrow is good for clear but doesn’t help single target (the loss of some slow effect is negligible). %phys converted to chaos seems meh; not bad but worse than the other options.
Despair: Increased curse effect is probably better overall than the default +DoT, but I doubt it’s a huge difference. The chance for spells to hinder is useless for us (we don’t use any spells that hit).
Flame Dash: +distance traveled may be a mild upgrade over the default cooldown recovery, if you're using this, since IIRC flame dash goes to your cursor and doesn't force you to travel the whole distance the way Dash does.
GMP: -mana cost, if it would be helpful for managing your mana, but the increased attack speed is probably better otherwise
Blink Arrow: +minion duration if you're using it for culling strike gives you a bit more wiggle room, potentially. Not sure if that's better than the atk speed though.
Steelskin: +shield seems better than +cooldown if you're manually casting it when you need it. Probably not if you're CWDTing it.
Swift Affliction: you might want the +attack spd? But IMO that would be very low priority and possibly not actually an upgrade from the default +DoT. And we of course prefer the awakened version anyway.
Efficacy: All three qualities (default +DoT, alt +duration or -mana cost) are good, and it’ll depend on your situation which you prefer. Duration is probably the strongest. But we move away from using efficacy once we can get a lvl3+ Empower anyway, so it’s not a high priority.
Spell Totem Support: I guess the +duration or +range could be useful? Maybe? Not enough to go out of my way for it, though.
Multiple Totem Support: Same as above re: duration. The +dmg is obviously not useful for us.
Dash: Phasing on-use can be nice if you don’t have the phasing on kill from the skill tree yet. Further dash distance is a mixed bag, since sometimes you don’t want to go further. The default cooldown recovery is good enough that I wouldn’t bother trying for an alt qual.
Culling Strike Support: There’s something to be said for the life recovery alt qual, though I still doubt it’s better than the +atk spd.
Useless to us, just take default qualities:
Empower & Enlighten: these reduce the gem’s stat requirement (just the empower/enlighten gem, not anything linked to them), but our other gems have higher stat requirements anyway.
Vaal Clarity/Discipline/Haste: the vaal versions of skills are unaffected by the base skill’s alt quality
Clarity: None of the quality options here are very relevant to us. I guess you can take the +dmg while on full mana, but it’s such a minor upgrade (especially if you feel the need to use Clarity in the first place) that I really wouldn’t bother. And as noted above, it doesn’t affect Vaal Clarity.
Pierce: You may use this as the last CA link if you’re running CA alongside TR (so no mirage archer on CA) and you don’t yet have an Empower for CA. But all its qualities are pretty bad for us, and you’ll want to replace it with an Empower eventually anyway.
Wither: Neither alt qual is useful, unless you really want to swap out gems when facing Al-Hezmin for the -chaos damage one.
Faster Casting: faster cooldown seems like not much of a difference from faster casting; if you get one you might give it a try to see if there’s a noticeable change, but I wouldn’t go out of my way for it. Faster ignite is of course useless for us.
Faster Attacks: We probably don’t care about the cooldown recovery, and of course we don’t care about the bleed effect, so the default qual is best here.
Immortal Call: The default +duration is going to be better for us than the other options, and we only use this until we can use Steelskin anyway.
Dernière édition par Sorator13#0050, le 21 oct. 2020 00:40:33
Enjoying this build a lot; Gotta get me a better bow but are there any alternate quality gems that seem particularly great for this build? Thanks in advance!
Main things i'm interested in:
1) Which, if any, Toxic rain alt quality seems best
2) Which malevolence alt quality?
3) Vaal Discipline vs. an alt quality?
I personally use Phantasmal Toxic Rain (more arrows, costs around 120c for 1/20) and Anomalous Malevolence (more skill effect duration, super expensive, like 600c for a 1/20, luckily found it myself). Discipline I haven't tried an alternate quality yet.