Just a quick question;
Why don't i see any ranger or frost bow builds this league, what is the reason we go shadow with chaos dmg?
An example of what i'm referencing:
guys the best way to craft +2 bow gems and + 1 gem level is using delve crafting: 1 Metallic Fossil + Jagged Fossil + Corroded Fossil will take you like 4 tries, i get mine in my first trie
This is a great find. The only note here is you should use Corroded, Metallic, Shuddering. At the time of writing it's cheaper than using Jagged.
For those unfamiliar with fossil crafting, here's the jist -
1. Buy a 6 link bow iLVL64-82 (This is extremely important. Porcupine cards will not work. Do not exceed 82). Scour it to base. (make sure it's not corrupted or unique...)
2. Buy Powerful Resonators, Corroded Fossils, Metallic Fossils, and Shuddering Fossils. Note buying fossils is awful. Go over to bulk item exchange, buy 3 at a time minimum. You'll pay more but your life will be better.
3. Put fossils in resonator, apply to 6L. If you hit +1 to Socketed Gems, +2 to Socketed Bow Gems, and Damage over time OR Attack Speed, you're golden. Craft DOT or AS at the bench, whichever you didn't get. Otherwise, scour and try again.
On average, this should take 5 attempts. At the time of writing, this costs 20c per attempt, and 100c average overall for the craft. I picked up a rare steelwood bow for 50c. We're very early in league so expect this to change if you read this in a few days. As always, your luck may vary, crafting in POE is painful, and expect you could take 10 attempts.
A quick note on bases- Pick something with 1.40 attacks per second or better. See this list. Reflex, Steelwood, Maraketh all have movement speed which is great for this build. Maraketh is expensive. Steelwood tends to be cheap. I recommend steelwood but do some searching.
guys the best way to craft +2 bow gems and + 1 gem level is using delve crafting: 1 Metallic Fossil + Jagged Fossil + Corroded Fossil will take you like 4 tries, i get mine in my first trie
This is a great find. The only note here is you should use Corroded, Metallic, Shuddering. At the time of writing it's cheaper than using Jagged.
For those unfamiliar with fossil crafting, here's the jist -
1. Buy a 6 link bow iLVL64-82 (This is extremely important. Porcupine cards will not work. Do not exceed 82). Scour it to base. (make sure it's not corrupted or unique...)
2. Buy Powerful Resonators, Corroded Fossils, Metallic Fossils, and Shuddering Fossils. Note buying fossils is awful. Go over to bulk item exchange, buy 3 at a time minimum. You'll pay more but your life will be better.
3. Put fossils in resonator, apply to 6L. If you hit +1 to Socketed Gems, +2 to Socketed Bow Gems, and Damage over time OR Attack Speed, you're golden. Craft DOT or AS at the bench, whichever you didn't get. Otherwise, scour and try again.
On average, this should take 5 attempts. At the time of writing, this costs 20c per attempt, and 100c average overall for the craft. I picked up a rare steelwood bow for 50c. We're very early in league so expect this to change if you read this in a few days. As always, your luck may vary, crafting in POE is painful, and expect you could take 10 attempts.
A quick note on bases- Pick something with 1.40 attacks per second or better. See this list. Reflex, Steelwood, Maraketh all have movement speed which is great for this build. Maraketh is expensive. Steelwood tends to be cheap. I recommend steelwood but do some searching.
Just a small note from myself: it took me 9 trys (roughly 2ex + 1ex for the base) for "just" +3 skills. No AS or DOT :(
Maybe this was very unlucky , i dont know. There was a bow already crafted for 2,5ex with +3skills , 7% AS and an open prefix for 2,5ex. For me personaly it wouldve been better to just buy the bow.
Consider buying yourself one if you REALY want that DOT and AS roll in addition to the +3gems.
Dernière édition par Enterich#3356, le 22 sept. 2020 12:34:07
Just a quick question;
Why don't i see any ranger or frost bow builds this league, what is the reason we go shadow with chaos dmg?
An example of what i'm referencing:
I'm currently running two 6L set ups: Toxic Rain in my bow for single target and Caustic Arrow in my chest for clear. I was wondering: If I am using CA for clear, should I drop mirage archer from my TR set up? Would that result in more damage?
Sirus down today. Fight was pretty easy, but damage is honestly not great on him because he is a big jerk and moves a lot. Overall though this build was great. Super easy to get going, very tanky (I have 5k HP + 2k ES, a ton of dodge, Kintsugi and Wind dancer). Thank you for the guide!