AROUND 100 CHAOS (without the empower gem):
- Depending on your budget, you can buy a bow with attack speed +1 socketed gems +2 socketed bow gems (like this:
- You can buy or craft a bow with +1 socketed gems +2 support gems +dot multi and chaos dot multi (like this:
crafting process is longer and you will need more experience with the game. Consists in:
*buy a bow 6L
*use transmutation, alteration and augmentation orbs it until you get attack speed + dot multi (it'll remain magic - blue item)
*regal orb it (it'll become rare - yellow) and try to get +1 socketed gems. If you get other crap, just remove with harvest craft (you'll have a rare item with attack speed and damage over time multiplier ONLY)
*block attack modifiers (you'll get on ur bench if you complete The Plaguemaw V Prophecy) on bench and exalt slam for +1 socketed gems
*craft multi mod (you will have this craft on ur bench if you do The Pale Court map)
*craft chaos dot multi (unveiling items)
*craft +2 support gems (you'll get this unveiling items dropped from Catarina on Sindicate missions)
My considerations on this build:
* get yourself at least a lvl 3 empower, it'll greatly improve your damage. the +3 bow and lvl 3 empower are CORE to the build begin to shine.
* for chestpiece, there are 2 approaches: offense and defense.
OFFENSE: carcass jack
DEFENSE: kintsugi <3
* and dont forget: your damage is greatly boosted by attack speed + AREA OF EFFECT + dot multiplier (not only chaos damage) + DURATION. I struggled a lot to squeeze damage from the build until I got a very large Thread of Hope below scion starting point and got all duration points I could.
* cinderswallow urn feels very good while mapping. Spitfire brew + dying sun are essential. get them ASAP.
* don't spend money on a Elusive + Tailwind pair of boots. You never crit so they feel useless.
* you wont need cluster jewels. They are pure luxury in my opinion.
* with 1 exalt you can do tier 10+ maps and never die.
* with around 10ex you can do tier 16 corrupted maps with ease (its kinda boring because you'll never die lol)
Wow, thanks for this!!! Great explanation.
Sure is hard to get all of the concepts together and what does what. Steep learning curve.
I got a 5L green gem bow with +1 to socketed gems and +10% attack speed so far:
Got another one in the stash ready to craft 6L and roll 1G to 1B:
I got lucky recently with a delve and found 1ex (which I sold) and then used some chaos to buy things like the Vertex and Aztiri's Step. I can map T5 pretty easily without dying. Something there is a spike in damage or damage which bypasses my shield killing me (if I only knew what type of damage that was).
If I were to link all my items would you mind looking into them and telling me where I went wrong or what items to upgrade?
Of course I dont mind. Go on.
You actually dont need "The Vertex", it didnt make any difference for me. Use the exalt to get Atziri's Step, the flasks (Dying sun and Witchfire Brew), empower lvl 3 as I mentioned and the 100c 6L bow with +1 socketed and +2 bow gems.
Remember, critical chance, multiplier and the like are useless. In this build you must look for attack speed, chaos/damage over time multiplier.
For items, go for life and resists just to be around 5k life and capped resists. Dont waste your money in maxxed stuff until you get the bow, its the main source of damage.
Thanks for the build. I very casual and thought it would be fun to use a Bane link for applying my curse. it does a good amount of damage and suits the build nicely.
Thanks for all those tips..
Going for that bow first
My items so far:
Apart from the bow, what would you change first?
Nice. Let's go (in order of priority):
Gems: get yourself a lvl 3 empower and use it as a 6th link (gems level relevance will be explained below)
Belt: get yourself a nice rolled Life and Resist belt, yours is terrible :D
Rings: focus on high life and resists. Chaos damage and attack speed are luxury, go for them when you get better currency
Chest: I'd go for Kintsugi (defensive) or Carcass Jack (offensive). Kintsugi reduces damage taken if you weren't hit recently, so considering you have high dodge chance you're never hit and when you do, kintsugi will reduce the damage you take. Carcass jack increases the area of effect of the pods, meaning they OVERLAP. Toxic Rain pods overlap and duration multiplies the damage applied.
Amulet: buy yourself a ilvl 82 amulet with hunter influence and try augmenting with chaos modifiers on harvest so you can get +1 to all chaos gems (or luckly you get +1 dexterity gems). Remember, the higher your toxic rain gem lvl, the higher will be your damage:
lvl 20 toxic rain: 285.1 pod base dps
lvl 30 toxic rain: 784.4 pod base dps (2,75x HIGHER!)
Gloves: Try to get a Warlord (ilvl 73 min.) with life, increased damage over time and increased projectile damage. Attack speed if possible.
Helmet: later on, get a hunter influeced one and try to get -9% chaos resist to nearby enemies.
Gems: get yourself a lvl 3 empower and use it as a 6th link (gems level relevance will be explained below)
Belt: get yourself a nice rolled Life and Resist belt, yours is terrible :D
Rings: focus on high life and resists. Chaos damage and attack speed are luxury, go for them when you get better currency
Chest: I'd go for Kintsugi (defensive) or Carcass Jack (offensive). Kintsugi reduces damage taken if you weren't hit recently, so considering you have high dodge chance you're never hit and when you do, kintsugi will reduce the damage you take. Carcass jack increases the area of effect of the pods, meaning they OVERLAP. Toxic Rain pods overlap and duration multiplies the damage applied.
Amulet: buy yourself a ilvl 82 amulet with hunter influence and try augmenting with chaos modifiers on harvest so you can get +1 to all chaos gems (or luckly you get +1 dexterity gems). Remember, the higher your toxic rain gem lvl, the higher will be your damage:
lvl 20 toxic rain: 285.1 pod base dps
lvl 30 toxic rain: 784.4 pod base dps (2,75x HIGHER!)
Gloves: Try to get a Warlord (ilvl 73 min.) with life, increased damage over time and increased projectile damage. Attack speed if possible.
Helmet: later on, get a hunter influeced one and try to get -9% chaos resist to nearby enemies.
Thanks!!!! I'll see what I can do with the budget I have. Not a rich player by far as this is my first character to make end game. I did play some POE when it first came out and went to like level 50 something.
I have an empower gem (level 1) now but will need the bow to support it. So far not lucky in crafts (just can't get the roll you listed in your previous reply) and the ones for sale are over my budget.
Got this belt in stash as well but no gem to put in the socket:
Would that belt be better if a good eye jewel would be bought or found?
Prio 1 is still the bow for now... Now pray to RNGesus for a few more chaos orbs (or exalts)
Dernière édition par R3kt3m#0050, le 16 août 2020 03:44:30
Gems: get yourself a lvl 3 empower and use it as a 6th link (gems level relevance will be explained below)
Belt: get yourself a nice rolled Life and Resist belt, yours is terrible :D
Rings: focus on high life and resists. Chaos damage and attack speed are luxury, go for them when you get better currency
Chest: I'd go for Kintsugi (defensive) or Carcass Jack (offensive). Kintsugi reduces damage taken if you weren't hit recently, so considering you have high dodge chance you're never hit and when you do, kintsugi will reduce the damage you take. Carcass jack increases the area of effect of the pods, meaning they OVERLAP. Toxic Rain pods overlap and duration multiplies the damage applied.
Amulet: buy yourself a ilvl 82 amulet with hunter influence and try augmenting with chaos modifiers on harvest so you can get +1 to all chaos gems (or luckly you get +1 dexterity gems). Remember, the higher your toxic rain gem lvl, the higher will be your damage:
lvl 20 toxic rain: 285.1 pod base dps
lvl 30 toxic rain: 784.4 pod base dps (2,75x HIGHER!)
Gloves: Try to get a Warlord (ilvl 73 min.) with life, increased damage over time and increased projectile damage. Attack speed if possible.
Helmet: later on, get a hunter influeced one and try to get -9% chaos resist to nearby enemies.
Thanks!!!! I'll see what I can do with the budget I have. Not a rich player by far as this is my first character to make end game. I did play some POE when it first came out and went to like level 50 something.
I have an empower gem (level 1) now but will need the bow to support it. So far not lucky in crafts (just can't get the roll you listed in your previous reply) and the ones for sale are over my budget.
Got this belt in stash as well but no gem to put in the socket:
Would that belt be better if a good eye jewel would be bought or found?
Prio 1 is still the bow for now... Now pray to RNGesus for a few more chaos orbs (or exalts)
Just craft some resist or this belt and use it anyway.
You can also look for better stuff on PoE Trade Plataform, they probably cost around 5c
I have an empower gem (level 1) now but will need the bow to support it.
Don't ever play with lvl 1 empower. Buy a lvl 3 for 50c and level your empower 1 in a weapon swap if you want to try corrupting it in the future for lvl 4. Also buy a lvl 21 toxic rain gem as soon as you can afford it, lvl 20 before that. It's very cheap.
Also until you can craft an "end game" bow, you can make a cheaper version by buying a ready made 6-link from porcupine cards and using Shrieking Essence of Dread on it for +2 to bow gems, it shouldn't cost you more than 30c total and it's better than running on a 5-link and waiting for exalts.
Sadly in this game there's very little reason to run with gear you found on the ground. There's only 1 reason basically - if you play SSF. Otherwise you can probably replace most of your gear pieces for 5c each and get more life and more resists on them, you can easily cap resists with 3-4 slots and leave the rest for damage stats (or missing str / int / dex if you need).
Hello mates,
This is mine aproach on this build and league, every part of the gear is solo crafted or dropped, even carcass jack is from divination cards. Worked my way to lvl 97, killed Sirus 8 deathless, all Ubers, delve around 500, pretty much everything is killed without a sweat.
I got lucky with Watcher's eye, but it's effective without it.
I also must say, node on cluster jewell "Unspeakable Gifts" gives new dimension on clear speed, I have 2 of them on my skill tree and it's worth every node.