(3.14) Toxic Rain + Caustic Arrow | 5-10m Sirus DPS | Fast + Durable | 50c Budget/SSF Uber Elder

Guys, I've been doing sirus 8 and just killed my very first uber elder with this build and I was wondering what I could change in my gear/jewels to push my dot dmg to 130k+. Pob says it's 107k right now


Pob says if I change maloney's for a rare quiver with chaos dmg over time and switch to manual curse with frenzy on my boots and get a watcher's eye with malevolence with dmg over time my dot goes up to 125k. Any other suggestions?
Dernière édition par kazeshinii#4075, le 28 avr. 2020 03:11:22
Hello guys, this is my build and since I got Maloney I noticed that Frenzy stacking really boosts my dps, and because of that I changed by gloves with some breathstealers and allocated +1 to frenzy charges, for now I have max 6 frenzy charges, is still a dps boost or are there better alternatives?
If you can tell me what else I can replace in this build please? :D

kazeshinii a écrit :
Guys, I've been doing sirus 8 and just killed my very first uber elder with this build and I was wondering what I could change in my gear/jewels to push my dot dmg to 130k+. Pob says it's 107k right now


Pob says if I change maloney's for a rare quiver with chaos dmg over time and switch to manual curse with frenzy on my boots and get a watcher's eye with malevolence with dmg over time my dot goes up to 125k. Any other suggestions?

The watcher's eye with DOT would be huge for you. You don't even need a one with DOT/-mana costs, just upgrade your rings/ammys to -9. Also what is the caster modifier on your ammy for? I don't believe it contributes to chaos damage %.

I think overall, you just need more life on your items. You have triple sublime sensation. That is 3 passives I have on my cluster jewel tree dedicated to DPS passives. I supplemented with some of the passives on the regular tree (Melding/Herbalism)

Also drop the +30 intellect passive and find +3 intellect somewhere else
alkraist a écrit :
Hello guys, this is my build and since I got Maloney I noticed that Frenzy stacking really boosts my dps, and because of that I changed by gloves with some breathstealers and allocated +1 to frenzy charges, for now I have max 6 frenzy charges, is still a dps boost or are there better alternatives?
If you can tell me what else I can replace in this build please? :D


Rare gloves are way better. The extra 3 frenzy charges gets you +12% attack speed/dmg and that's only if you are at 6 charges. My gloves add 29% damage over time, 16% chaos damage over time multiplier, and 12% attack speed at all times

eXwu a écrit :
Really trying to min/max with cluster jewels and trying to figure out the best combo for passives. POB indicates that wicked pall/eternal suffering are the biggest boosts to DPS but I feel like it's inflated due to the increased skill effect duration?

Is there somewhere I can look to calculate what would be a dps increase considering 1 second of battle? I looked on the Calcs tab at "Damage over Time" but not sure if that's the right # to look at. At this point I'd rather do 100k DPS over 1 second vs 225k DPS over 2 seconds

In a 1 second battle any Skill Effect Duration would increase your dps by 0, so you can safely ignore what the forked POB is telling you about that stat or use the original POB.

Not sure what that would serve though, as this build will always have a ramp up time for dps, so you will get value out of SED same as you would get from AS, increased AOE or Chaos multi. Scaling the pod dot is the best way of getting pure value into the skill but not at the cost of neglecting defensive aspects or choosing an inferior item just because it has Chaos multi. Don't forget that SED also increases Wither and Curse duration on the enemy as well as all your defensive buffs on yourself.

I guess what I am trying to say is this build will never perform well if it's set up to deal as much damage as fast as possible - there are better alternatives in this game for such playstyle.
Voeid a écrit :
eXwu a écrit :
Really trying to min/max with cluster jewels and trying to figure out the best combo for passives. POB indicates that wicked pall/eternal suffering are the biggest boosts to DPS but I feel like it's inflated due to the increased skill effect duration?

Is there somewhere I can look to calculate what would be a dps increase considering 1 second of battle? I looked on the Calcs tab at "Damage over Time" but not sure if that's the right # to look at. At this point I'd rather do 100k DPS over 1 second vs 225k DPS over 2 seconds

In a 1 second battle any Skill Effect Duration would increase your dps by 0, so you can safely ignore what the forked POB is telling you about that stat or use the original POB.

Not sure what that would serve though, as this build will always have a ramp up time for dps, so you will get value out of SED same as you would get from AS, increased AOE or Chaos multi. Scaling the pod dot is the best way of getting pure value into the skill but not at the cost of neglecting defensive aspects or choosing an inferior item just because it has Chaos multi. Don't forget that SED also increases Wither and Curse duration on the enemy as well as all your defensive buffs on yourself.

I guess what I am trying to say is this build will never perform well if it's set up to deal as much damage as fast as possible - there are better alternatives in this game for such playstyle.

Thanks for the insight, I was wondering what the difference was between forked and regular as forked was showing dps in the millions and regular is showing in the 300k range.

Regular shows Wicked Pall/Brush with Death as the biggest contributors of DPS while forked POB showed eternal suffering and wicked pall. With my current build, I can get regular elder to phase 2 in approximately 1 second so hopefully you can see why I value more damage upfront within a second vs more damage over 3 seconds. But your point about defensive buffs is a good one I was not aware of. I'll just mix and match some of these passives rather than trying to stack 3-4 of the same ones.
alkraist a écrit :

If you can tell me what else I can replace in this build please? :D
In my opinion if you ditched vertex and went for a rare, using hunter helmet with -9 chaos res is probably bigger dps upgrade than 40% increased from enchant, because that enchant goes with the same pool of mods as majority of cluster jewels and w/e else gives "increased" damage, meanwhile outside of despair there aren't that many sources of -res.

I don't know if standard pob counts the value of the -res helmet though, you'd have to check.

Also sadly extra frenzy anointment is defo not worth the slot. According to pastebin you provided, extra frenzy is 2,8k dot value.

Meanwhile other options:
Toxic strikes 3,3k
Deadly Draw 3,3k as well
Dirty Techniques 3,6k

To be perfectly honest I'd probably ditch the 4 points you spent into extra frenzy charges, invest into upgrading your large cluster into 2 socket one and either get some well rolled rare jewel or another medium cluster with fat nodes like another wicked pall.

You also cheapskated on life nodes a lot, I wonder does that make you more squishy, skipping herbalism and heart&soul and not using small cluster with life either. You could also use intuitive leap in the ranger area and pick survivalist, herbalism and frenzy charge but this is not as great as for builds that can also get the crit in that area and benefit from it.

eXwu a écrit :
Thanks for the insight, I was wondering what the difference was between forked and regular as forked was showing dps in the millions and regular is showing in the 300k range.

Regular shows Wicked Pall/Brush with Death as the biggest contributors of DPS while forked POB showed eternal suffering and wicked pall.
Can't speak for the forked one, but the default one shows dot value per pod which means it completely doesn't count value of attack speed and skill effect duration and increased area (pods shotgunning). Skill effect duration will not buff your damage up front, but it will buff your damage per each cast of skill, which means bosses that you have to dodge a lot will definitely go better with increased skill effect duration as long as they don't tp around like crazy and move out of pods all the time.

Nodes like wicked pall are best of both worlds anyway, same with tempered arrowheads, as they have both the higher value of chaos damage per node, and the extra bonus that is useful. I wouldn't completely rule out nodes with defensive value like exposure therapy, flow of life or vile reinvigoration, this build isn't crazily tanky in the first place.

The only nodes that I really dislike from a design standpoint are the ones that cut damage budget to give manaregen (eldritch inspiration), because in most cases we can solve mana problems without cutting into the dps budget. And tbh I don't even know which chaos spec would want to sacrifice 2% multi for extra mana regen...
eXwu a écrit :
Thanks for the insight, I was wondering what the difference was between forked and regular as forked was showing dps in the millions and regular is showing in the 300k range.

The way forked PoB calculates a single pod DPS as I understand it is like this:

AR - attack rate, PDPS - TR tooltip dps (as you see it in regular PoB), SED - skill effect duration

AR * SED * PDPS = DPS TR is doing assuming a single pod per cast is hitting the enemy.

There is also a new option in the config that lets you choose how many pods overlap per cast. This is where increased AOE comes into play:

TR has 8 radius (16 diameter), a single pod has 4 radius (8 diameter), any additional projectiles increase TR radius by 2 per arrow. Using this you can roughly estimate how many pods will overlap within the area they landed on (and that area gets bigger depending on how many projectiles you have).

Toxic Rain Radius = 8 + ((Number of projectiles) - 5))
Pod Dot Radius = 4 + (4*Increased Area of Effect)

Hit Rate = 1-((((Toxic Rain Radius)-(Pod Dot Radius))*360)/((Toxic Rain Radius)*360))

The value of Increased AOE for your gear you can get from PoB on Calcs tab of TR - "Area of Effect mod". So for example in my scenario without Dying Sun it's showing 1.51, which means my increased AOE is 0.51 (51%).

So to make things simple we will assume 5 projectiles. That gives us:

TR Radius = 8 + (5 - 5) = 8
Pod Radus = 4 + (4 * 0.51) = 6.04
Hit Rate = 1 - (((8 - 6.04) * 360) / (8 * 360)) = 1 - (‭705.6‬/‭2,880‬) = 1 - ‭0.245‬ = ‭0.755‬

A Hit Rate of 1 would mean all 5 projectiles overlapping within the area, 0.755 is about 4 out of 5.

So finally, your TR DPS will be, using old PoB:

AR * SED * PDPS * Hit Rate * Number of Projectiles

Using forked PoB:

PDPS * Hit Rate * Number of Projectiles

For Mirage Archer you have to take into account 60% less attack speed: AR * 0.4, and 30% less damage: PDPS * 0.7

Credit to this Reddit poster that counted literal pixels to confirm these values: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/9ik19a/toxic_rain_calculator_spreadsheet_and_guide/
Dernière édition par Voeid#6437, le 28 avr. 2020 18:54:46
Looking at the above calculations what stands out the most is how valuable increased AOE is, so much so that I even considered dropping Mirage Archer in favor of Awakened inc AOE gem, which would take me to 1 Hit Rate & all 5 pods overlapping (on top of having a more multiplier for dmg from the gem).

Problem with this way of thinking though is that the number you get for your TR dps assumes you will fully utilize your AR which means standing still and spitting out pods 24/7. You will never in a practical scenario achieve this but your Mirage Archer will and so it's hard to put a finger on it's true value but I still think it edges out pure DPS gems.

A few of my general thoughts I'd also like to share:

- Increased Despair Curse Effect helm enchant can be had for a relatively low price and is basically same value as increased TR damage. Additional arrow enchant will set you back tens of exalts and will do close to nothing for your single target DPS.

- Despair in general is just huge for TR's damage and so a reliable way of cursing is paramount. I'd also keep an eye on hexproof and less effect of curses mods on juiced full Delirium maps or 19-20 wave of Simulacrum.

- Wither stacks are equally important and so Withering Step is a great way of having 6 stacks on a boss instantly and then stacking that up to 15 with Spell Totem and keeping it up will be easy enough with a decent Skill Effect Duration from tree/gear.

- Vaal Blight also synergizes with SED parcticularly well, in my case it's debuff lasts 20sec, secondary hinder for 10sec.

- Awakened COH socketed into Maloney's respects other sources of curse, so you can have Despair curse on gloves/ring and another curse in the quiver. I'm currently thinking about changing that around, having a 21/23 Despair in Quiver, since the curse level provides a singificant jump in dps - problem with that is Frenzy really isn't that reliable in applying the curse to a big number of targets at a time, especially with no pierce - will have to test that some more.
Dernière édition par Voeid#6437, le 28 avr. 2020 19:00:11
eXwu a écrit :
kazeshinii a écrit :
Guys, I've been doing sirus 8 and just killed my very first uber elder with this build and I was wondering what I could change in my gear/jewels to push my dot dmg to 130k+. Pob says it's 107k right now


Pob says if I change maloney's for a rare quiver with chaos dmg over time and switch to manual curse with frenzy on my boots and get a watcher's eye with malevolence with dmg over time my dot goes up to 125k. Any other suggestions?

The watcher's eye with DOT would be huge for you. You don't even need a one with DOT/-mana costs, just upgrade your rings/ammys to -9. Also what is the caster modifier on your ammy for? I don't believe it contributes to chaos damage %.

I think overall, you just need more life on your items. You have triple sublime sensation. That is 3 passives I have on my cluster jewel tree dedicated to DPS passives. I supplemented with some of the passives on the regular tree (Melding/Herbalism)

Also drop the +30 intellect passive and find +3 intellect somewhere else

Hey, talked with you today and this is the changes I made: tried to copy your jewels the best I could (still missing one), changed my belt, gloves, upgraded my rings and ammy to -9 and changed one ring and you're right, after doing that I didn't needed my old watcher's eye and got a new one with DOT dmg.

After all that I lost 500 hp this is my skill tree if you could check it out and see what I can do better or where I'm doing wrong


Dernière édition par kazeshinii#4075, le 29 avr. 2020 00:23:45


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