[3.7] RavioliMusick's Divine Ire Totems - League Starter - SHAPER DOWN - Kamehameha All Content!
Nice build! I may give this a shot for 3.7 League starter.
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Sorry for the next newbish question - you mentioned in your notes
'When you made adjustments don't look at DPS, look at average hit... When an enemy is shocked and chilled, you're dealing 1.5mil damage per beam PER TOTEM! That's a lot of overkill for minimal investment.' What tab would I see that under? I am apparently very clueless and am missing it somewhere. =/ |
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Since you seem to be ignoring my question i did a little testing myself and heres the answer to my question.
There is no reason to have faster casting in the 6l setup. Divine ire is a channeling skill ergo it does nothing. I would switch it with lightning penetration. Also infused channeling has no noticable ingame effect so I would exchange that with concentrated effect which has a noticable 35.5% increase in average hit. It doesnt really matter if the totem area effect is reduced since you can spread out your totems anyway. A really interesting experiment would be to use multiple totems however. It would require some adjustment to gameplay though. |
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" Hey dude, not ignoring you just missed your comment! New at this whole being involved in the community thing ;) Divine Ire generates its charges from its area shock attack, the more times it hits, the quicker it generates its 20 stages and then releases the main beam, so with faster casting it does generate those stages quicker. However, if Lightning Pen is is working better for you, use it! I'm going to test it as well in my standard version of the build because I have an unlimited source of currency there haha. I work, run the band, travel, and do online schooling all at the same time, so unfortunately I don't have much time to dedicate to this build but I'm happy people in the community are taking on the build and testing it as well. This is the kind of thing that makes great builds and I appreciate your time investment in it! Keep me posted on your results! Check out www.RavenousEternalHunger.com for PoE inspired metal!
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" Left sidebar: Main Skill: Chest - Main Skill Divine Ire Releases at 20 Stages. Immediately under will be average hit (currently 1.5mil) Check out www.RavenousEternalHunger.com for PoE inspired metal!
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Oh! <blush> I thought this was something I could see in the game itself! ...thank you =)
I LOVE this build btw, ty. I am having so much fun with it! - to make things easier in the first act, I was using Lightning Tendrils until I could get Arc, just seemed easier letting the mobs run into it and die quick..also, as soon as I could I grabbed Holy Flame Totem and ran those both...LOTS of damage until I could get my arc/spell totem set up. Now, I don't even have the gear/gem slot set up that I need and I am only running 3 out of the 6 gems for spell totem and I still do amazing damage! |
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Hey i recently tried this build and found myself a soul mantle, i 6 linked and im running 2 kikarazu and the reduced curses node and it feels amazing, having 6 totems completely destroying all the map is insane.Thanks alot for this build im having a blast(literally)
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" Awesome! Maybe we can make it into a progression for when you get enough currency in this build! and self 6-linked? Grats! I've only managed to do that once haha Check out www.RavenousEternalHunger.com for PoE inspired metal!
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For those asking about using the Multiple Totems support, in my personal experience its been great for leveling and speed clearing however it still falls short on the damage output so I'm going to switch it out of the rotation, will test further with later endgame content.
Check out www.RavenousEternalHunger.com for PoE inspired metal!
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How do you prevent the totems from dying instantly? Fucking annoying.
I find that I'm spending half the tiem re summoning totmes because they just get 1 shot and don't even get to cast. ~ Seph
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