3.6 Hierophant Divine Ire Totems (Starter)(Budget)(All Content)
Thanks OP for the build.
I played Divine Ire Totems, switching my starter Freezing Pulse Totem character to DI. I've cleared all content (except HoTGM) and have either completed or am well on my way to completing all challenges (except 600-level delve) using this character. Single-target DPS is fantastic and clear-speed is decent. The weaknesses of the build are that: 1) It struggles to kill mobs very quickly in time-sensitive encounters such as when trying to complete memories - often you'll push forward too quickly in an attempt to beat the timer landing you in untenable situations, and; 2) Along the same lines as 1 above, deep delving just isn't possible with this toon. The short activation and limited placement range of totems means that you'll be within range of ranged mobs unless you can take the time to play very defensively. My gear: I run haste with the phasing jewel for mapping and link in faster casting and increased AOE. For bossing or more difficult encounters I use the wrath jewel and link in lightning penetration and conc. Dernière édition par hankinsohl#1231, le 6 avr. 2019 22:20:30
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" I was very curious about Atziri's reflection in this build and wanted to ask about that... Since it says that you are 'unaffected' by curses, then is the self flagellation jewel not usable with it? I don't have near enough currency to even buy one now, so it's probably a moot point either way but am curious about it. Thanks! |
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" The self flagellation jewel still works when using Atziri's Reflection. AR does not prevent you from being cursed - it just makes you immune to curses. |
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Just gave a go at this build in flashback,it's very powerful.
Started with holy flame totem till I got myself some currency and a tabula. Then I switched to divine ire. Even with a simple tabula and crap gear, I could easily maintain up to T14 maps,I have a feeling the nerf hammer will hit divine ire hard. I just switched now to soul mantle. Will try a few shaper runs and let us see red and uber elder. The optimal would be what hankinsohl has, problem is, an atziri's reflection is not something most people can get. I'm not using multiple totem support as I don't really see the build needing it, 5 totems is more than enough. Trash mobs die from like 2 totems almost instantly, I think lightning pen,faster casting, + concentrated,increased aoe would be better. So far, I did not have any boss fights that would have needed conductivity, will see later on with shaper fights, usually they die in a couple of seconds, I don't know, but I linked it with a CWDT gem for now. Dernière édition par Nosferat#4431, le 19 mai 2019 08:15:47
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Did a few red elder and shaper runs.I'm reluctant to use any more auras, wrath is enough to kill shaper decently fast.
As the build is squishy in high level areas, especially now in flashback, doing snyth memory runs while having from beyond+harbingers+ton of other mods can get rippy, having as much unreserved mana as one can get, can be a lifesaver with mom. I did not try uber elder yet, have to modify the gear a bit, but so far so good, it can easily clear all content, but I would not recommend it for HC players, it's more of a glass cannon type of build, you can instagib pretty much everything, but at the same time you can get instagibbed yourself. Atziri's reflection if cheaper, would be perfect for this. With that, one does not need the 2 rings, that can be used to scale more damage, or use 2 essence worms+clear mind, or any other combo. I tried it with 4 totems and could kill shaper, not instantly,but relatively fast,and with pretty basic gear,so I wouldn't go as far as this would absolutely need 5 or even 6 totems. Dernière édition par Nosferat#4431, le 23 mai 2019 10:44:03
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