The Glimmerwood Mystery Box
The pets are fabulous.
I like the concept, if not all the designs of the various elements. Nice work, ggg. |
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As long as you sheep keep feeding them money they will never change and they will never care what you think.
[b][u]Zana[/u][/b]: Still sane, Exile?
[b][u]Exile[/u][/b]: Ye. [b][u]Zana[/u][/b]: Hold my Flask. |
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" If me and the other how you called them Sheep stop giving GGG support they will shutdown the Server's and move on (except for maybe the china realm those guy's seem to like this buisness model). I dont get you people at all you dont like it then dont buy it and let people buy it that like it be it the whole set or just pieces of it. Let me give you a example cause most of you peep's seem to hate on the pricing of GGG's mtx if you buy a 60 dollar Game and play it for 30 hour's you pay 2 dollar per hour if you now spend 100 dollar on PoE and play it for 1000 hours you spend what again? Oh right you spend 100 divided by 1000 thats what 0,1 dollar per hour you get the idea. |
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" I agree.I hope they do something about it and make us happy :) |
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" You dont seem to grasp the implication's your changes would have the box is supposed to be a gamble get lucky get your set for realy cheap or get unlucky and dont get it at all. If they were to implement your change everybody would spam buy boxes cause it would be retarded cheap to get the whole set compared to storeprices. If they were to refund you point's for duplicates then the 20 to 25% refund would be of the box so 30 point's meaning you would get up tio 7.5 point's back that doesnt amount to anything. Also the point of the Box is that you buy a couple NOT blow 1000 dollar's on it and then complain you didnt get what you wanted. xD |
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" Ah, yes, I knew I would get a reply from a blind follower, it's people like you that make gaming companies worse by throwing your money at them regardless how garbage they are or they've become. It's because of people like you Activision/EA exist today. [b][u]Zana[/u][/b]: Still sane, Exile?
[b][u]Exile[/u][/b]: Ye. [b][u]Zana[/u][/b]: Hold my Flask. |
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why do you guys wanna fuck up my CC so bad ? this is not cool ... i just took a hit with the crucible supp pack and now this ?
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Never buying a mystery box ever again. If there's one really bad thing about Path of Exile, this is it. The one thing that keeps the game from being a 10/10... to just a 9/10.
Also, that combined set looks like someone mashed a bunch of random textures together. |
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I want that combined portal ;)
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" Blind Follower thats funny no where did I say GGG was perfect they arent but they are lightyear's better then EA/Activision. I also say when I dislike something they do like for example this Spellrebalance its a bad joke or the FlameTotem rework that doesnt include the mtx being reworked aswell. Btw you do realize that this Game with ton's of Content is free right and you compare it to EA/Activision that put mtx for day's in 60dollar fullprice Games. I also LOVE the remark of me making Gaming Company's worse its hilarious I dont preorder Games I dont buy them blind I do my research befor buying anything but hey let's call everybody a blind follower that says something that doesnt fit my opinion right. |
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