[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
I know that you recommend deadeye - I meant what 4 deadeye ascendancy but I guess you just mean the ones you already show in the guide^^
Your argument makes sense I definitely want to be able to survive and clear the maps quickly while adding the IIQ on top - mostly for Divination card farming like elder burial or shaped vault. Should I try to leave the gem links the same as far as auras/heralds and so on goes or would you recommend changes there? (Obviously for barrage and Kinetic Blast the links will likely have to be adjusted) |
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Yeah apart from some gear changes, everything should remain the same. You can try 6L KB for better clearing if you won't be focusing too much on bossing, mana cost shouldn't be an issue if you have around 150 mana unreserved.
6L KB would be added cold, and you can choose between faster attack, ice bite, hypothermia, cold pen or inspiration, I think inspiration would be nice to reduce mana cost. 4L barrage should be ele damage with attack - inspiration and added cold, idk about ele focus and energy shield leech but I think freezing and not having to worry about pressing Blood Rage to activate ES leech's damage boost is a nice QoL but play around in PoB to see which gem gives you the best DPS. You can try crafting a pair of gloves with "Faster Attack" or "Chance to Bleed" support to make your KB a 5L and keep your 6L barrage Dernière édition par oMySunshine#7356, le 28 sept. 2019 09:10:07
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" Yeah I will do that^^ |
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" It's more powerful than you think Enahkra, it's all increases and reductions to life, not only from tree. So you, for example, your bubonic boots has 6% increased maximum life, that would go into the calculation too. And it doesn't give you increased global damage but increased attack damage which is irrelevant for this build guide since it's an attack based build, but just for information sake. On the topic of Assassin, I didn't check the PoB links you guys posted since I've been busy this week, but the Mistwalker node on the assassin tree doesn't have any of it's effects currently supported by PoB, so you need to manually add those to a piece of gear. Not only that but the way Elusive works, the average buff you'll have will always be half of it's maximum effect if you can keep it up all the time (which you should because you are crit capped). So maximum Elusive movement speed for example with the assassin's elusive effect is 50% increased movement speed, but the average taking into consideration uptime and buff effect will be 25%, same for the dodge buffs. Edit: took a quick look at Enahkra's assassin PoB sketch and noted I did similar things on mine a while ago, most of the difference was I crafted the gear for a higher budget and finished the items while his PoB contains only a few mods on gear pieces. I decided to push resistances to jewels since I felt like a lot of the mods you can get on the rest of the gear are too strong to compare against 1 jewel mod when you are an assassin using marylene's, aka crit multi becomes a bit less worthy of a jewel mod spot imo, altho I couldn't check the counterpart of getting that jewel mod and pushing res into the gear because of time. I'll leave mine here anyway for anybody curious enough to check: https://pastebin.com/Ajw3D0KD Dernière édition par z4ktan#2875, le 28 sept. 2019 10:47:52
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What about Aspect of Stone (20% chance to Avoid Physical Damage from Hits) and Transcendence (-10 Physical Damage taken from Hits, -1 Physical Damage taken from Hits per Level) annoints?
I'm just looking into defensive options since endgame damage is already ridiculous without Prism Weave. |
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" I didn't look too deep into it but at first glance I would say those are not good, there are probably better options and here is why i'm inclined to think that: most of the end game damage types are elemental, there aren't many sources of physical damage, granted that in the last leagues GGG been prioritizing physical damage for some stuff because of that. The flat damage reduction taken from hits is way too small compared to the hits that you take. This game doesn't kill in a billion small hits, sure a lot of the deaths people call "one shots" are multiple hits happening at the same time, they are nowhere near small enough that a flat -10 will do anything. This game is all about % damage reduction for surviving in addition to stacking high life pool because mobs in the game hit really hard. Another thing that i'm not completely sure because been I while since i checked that so i don't remember completely clearly, is that I think flat damage reduction like the modifiers you talked about are calculated before % reductions which means they are even less impactful. In my honest opinion I think there are much better defensive notables to anoint. Here are a few off the top of my head: Soul of Steel, any big life notable, the best being Constitution, Silent Steps, if you don't have 3 minimum endurance charges on jewelry you can go for Disciple of the Unyielding, etc. |
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![]() Do you think these are worth keeping for 7 Link Kinetic Blast for my mf build? |
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You can try annulling off the posion for sure. Just try to aim for either Chance to Bleed (you still need to deal at least 1 phys damage to make monster bleed) or Faster attack, anything else is just a bonus.
Add SoapyBlast ingame, you can ask him wander stuffs if he's online. |
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" It is true, but when I was thinking about Bubonics, the 2% increased damage it adds didn't seem like something worth mentioning hahaha. Anyway yes you are correct, but I can't think of much gear with %life rolls that would be worth using. Maybe some fossil crafted stuff, maybe Mark of the Elder? But you wouldn't use that solely for the 3% increased damage from Tenacity. The %increased damage it would add would be minimal, probably less than 1% dps. Even a Belly of the Beast would give only 12% increased damage. Also very interesting; good point on the jewels. Just looked over your POB and I think one arguable improvement would be to get crit chance on your wand instead of double damage. Not crit chance + quality, but just regular crit chance. It's mainly because there's so much multi that every % of crit chance you're missing from being crit capped is a huge loss of damage. If you craft crit chance on your wand, it gives more dps than crit chance + quality. The main reason why it's better dps overall though is that you can drop diamond and replace it with a chemist's silver of warding. This will give you not only more dps but also the 20% movespeed will get you closer to Pathfinder's. Idk there's probably a lot more that we can min-max it's definitely very interesting to play around with. " SoapyBlast told me he helped you out in game. I'll add some things here that might not have been covered by others yet. I think it's best to stick to Loreweave since at the end of the day you're still playing a squishy wander in T16 maps with a lot of mf gear that don't give dps/life. Wanders in general dont do well without damage gear, so you should try to have as much dps as possible even while you do MF, especially if you plan on running high tier red maps. Low tier maps you can basically do whatever. HOWEVER, if you have a Headhunter that's a completely different story. Too bad it's crazy expensive :S In theory Deadeye is better and the KB is much juicier but it would be bad for red maps in my opinion, especially if you go with Bisco's Leash. You won't be shock/freeze immune so you gotta compensate by dropping unique damage flasks like TOH which hurts your survivability + damage even more. For Pathfinder you can run the regular bossing flask setup with no problems due to ailment immunity. It's also much tankier and has perma flask sustain. Its clearing potential is definitely worse than Deadeye since you lose a projectile and KB has less radius, but idk overall it might still be the best. A Pathfinder wander still has very good clearspeed. It's hard to replicate the ridiculous zoom zoom clear map in 10 seconds type of build in red maps unless you're using HH imo. I also should add that if you choose Pathfinder, you probably would need to drop the 6 flask nodes on the tree for more dps nodes, because if you use a bisco leash/HH you won't be able to get +1 proj from Dying Sun so the flask effect nodes are mostly useless. One drawback to this is that you won't have a large enough mana pool anymore to sustain barrage without +2 viridian. I'd prob still keep Primal Spirit, leaving you 4 spare nodes to work with. I suggest you try out both; my money is on PF though, especially for wanders. |
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" Transcendence is bad for reasons z4ktan mentioned earlier. Aspect of the Stone is pretty bad too just because it's specific for only phys damage and it's chance based like dodge. If you're willing to sacrifice damage for more survivability, Phase Acro isn't a bad option; it will cover your ass a lot of times while your LGOH brings you back up to full life. I also noticed your boots have cannot be frozen mod. Maybe you were playing Deadeye before but that's a loss of a prefix that could have gotten you some extra life since PF is freeze immune. I think if you want the most consistent form of tankiness, you should go with Constitution. Sure it might seem like it's only 300-400 more life, but that's pretty deceptive. The thing is, because we have so many layers of mitigation from flasks, ascendancy, rings, fortify, etc, all these mitigations scale up your real life pool. So for example let's say you are tanking fire damage with all your flasks up and you have 5k life. Your mitigations are 6% reduced ele damage taken from PF ascendancy, 30% less fire damage taken from Dying Sun and 20% reduced damage taken from Fortify. Let's pretend the fire damage you're about to take has already accounted for your resists. So you have 26% total reduced ele damage taken, and 30% less fire damage taken. This means 5k life/(.74)(.7) = 9.65k. This means even though you have 5k life, it takes a hit dealing 9.65k AFTER fire resists have already been factored in, for you to get 1-shot. Now imagine you have 5.4k life, and we repeat the same calculations. 5.4k/(.74)(.7) = 10.42k. It would therefore take a single fire hit of 10.42k to one-shot you. So even though you gained 400 flat life, your effective life pool is scaled up by all those mitigation sources, so for fire damage your real life pool increased by 10.42k-9.65k = 770 effective life. So your real ehp increased by almost double. So anyway tldr I think Constitution is the best. The Max res one unfortunately doesn't work for loreweave Dernière édition par Enahkra#7073, le 28 sept. 2019 18:37:43
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