[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
Enahkra, do you plan to check the mirror version soon? I'm actually curious about how you'd deal with the alchemist change on the high-end setup. I know you talked about possibly forgetting about the flask effect stuff and dying sun extra proj, but I feel like losing res from flasks and balanced wise oak way too big and still make it worth investing the few extra points into flask effect and possibly getting an anointed amulet (assuming the mirror base amulets will be able to be anointed after league merge).
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" Hey yeah I'm planning on editing the mirrored version soon when I'm done editing the temp league one. Also yes I agree that flask effect is still very important. I forgot to mention before that neglecting the +1 proj dying sun will also affect KB, which is a no-go. I'm determined to squeeze out the extra proj as well. From what I can see, the most efficient way is to take Aqueous Accelerant cluster + Primal Spirit + node above. Then use a mastercrafted hybrid T2 flask effect on belt: 10% flask effect + 20% reduced charges gained. Since Primal Spirit has 20% increased charges gained, this cancels out the 20% reduced. So the net result would be loss of 3 passive points. I guess the solution is going to be really dependent on one's personal setup/degree of min-maxedness. A fully mirrored min-maxed guy is going to have to bite the bullet and take a ~3-5% reduction in dps. Someone else who hasn't min-maxed yet and still has a non-mirrored amulet can anoint Prism Weave which pretty much negates all the loss from 3 passive points. I heard it's easily doable by just ripping over a blighted map from Hardcore. With accuracy changes, Wandslinger seems to be the weakest cluster. Removing it basically makes going to the top of the tree questionable. But that again will depend on if you're using a synthesised mirrored chest or a farrul's. Gah there's so many factors to consider and optimize it'll take me some time. I'll have to spend some time in the next week to sort this all out. For those who aren't using HH and still allocate str nodes on the tree, Lethal Pride will free up 1-2 str nodes. Plus if you can roll at least 2x 5% double damage in the socket below Heartseeker, that's more damage than a mirror-tier abyss jewel. I'm guessing at the very least 2-3% better. So overall, depending on how min-maxed one is, it could be either a slight loss of dps or a slight buff or neither. But the main issue I can't resolve is for HH users. Most likely you'll need to take Aqueous Accelerant + Primal Spirit + put in Conqueror's + anoint Profane Chemistry... For mirrored amulet users that's going to be a tough one. I think it's possible to drop Wandslinger + everything to the far top left of the tree, and go down towards profane chemistry instead. But it'll surely lead to loss of dps. Question is how we minimize the loss which I haven't really looked into yet. Idk I'll think more about it this weekend probably. If you have any ideas feel free to let me know. Dernière édition par Enahkra#7073, le 12 sept. 2019 20:00:23
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Man, flaring is really hard to hit on a wand, huh?
I've thrown ~2000 at it and only rolled it once which then got bricked by the first annul. How rare is it from your experience? The build is going pretty good so far. 2 things that annoy the hell out of me though are proximity shields and shield charge. Shield charge is the worst! It feels like there's 50% to not move at all. Maybe I'm just spoiled from the previous few QoTF builds I did. Also, I'm planning on grabbing phase acro and boots with dodge mod. Would you suggest spell dodge or attack dodge roll? |
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Keep an eye out for other useful mods when rolling wand, should save you some money but idk, RNG will RNG.
Shield charge is decent but I prefer to just move and use Frost Blink (I keep desyncing with Dash idk why), only SC to keep my Fortify up. We have decent ms as Raider/Deadeye/Pathfinder anw. Spell dodge is the way to go. You can evade AND dodge attack but you can only dodge spell. Be careful when buying dodge boots tho, as getting one with life + decent res, ms and dodge can be quite expensive. You'll have to settle for less but then it'll put another burden on your rare gears. Dernière édition par oMySunshine#7356, le 13 sept. 2019 11:03:31
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Finally! I've never been this frustrated with a game in my life. Took about 3500 alterations. Missed 4 or 5 50/50 annuls. Thanks for the response. I will try out frostblink. Dash has cool helm enchant which increases its range by 100%. Too bad +1 barrage is necessary. |
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" That's very very bad rng. I've been monitoring several guildmates/friends who are following the build and the worst took ~900 alts. My roommate is also playing the build atm so I watch him personally craft everything and it took around 500 alts. Good thing is that this probably the most rng required for any item in the setup. So the hell should be over for the most part... I revised the guide recently to suggest linking shield charge to faster attacks. Moving around becomes much smoother esp when quicksilver of adrenaline is up. I'd recommend spell dodge too over dodge too for the same reasoning as oMySunshine. Have you guys looked into flame dash? I find it better for those quick movements + annoying platforms. Blight encounters were very difficult at first, but once you've geared up enough, it becomes fine, at least with KB. Saw my roommate do some 4-5 lane Blight encounters just fine in T16 maps. The loot is horrendous though it's pretty much not worth doing. Here's my roommate doing Shaper at lvl 91 with around 4.4k life. The lag was terrible while recording so he didn't record the Uber Elder kill. He was still using Thief's Torment in the setup b/c didn't have rare rings yet. Attempted Uber Elder with 4.6k life as Deadeye, couldn't complete it. I told him to switch to Pathfinder and he killed it in 2 ports. Didn't get a recording since he didn't want to risk lag. I'll prob get a vid or a couple of uber elder within the next few days. The fight should be easier at 5k+ life. 4.6k is just too risky most things are a 1 shot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r30RcxS3yo Pathfinder is just too damn good for bossing. Here is the poe.ninja builds list for all ranger wanders in Blight that show up on ladder ranked by barrage dps. Looks like top 5 out of 6 wanders are following this guide. Everyone else is ele. Very interesting https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?skill=Barrage&weapon=Wand-/-Shield&sort=dps I'm going to add better trade links to the guide soon. I figured in the interest of saving room and making the guide less tedious to read I'll just include weighted sums into the links and remove the section about weighted sums. Will do this by end of today. Dernière édition par Enahkra#7073, le 13 sept. 2019 14:06:11
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Been progressing and have made meaningful upgrades :D Got the wand for 1ex, gonna hold on to that til the end of the world, Hyrri's was 35c, Holy Dominion is so cheap to annoint it's unreal, Loreweave for 1ex, 5L in ~150 fuses.
The new changes to master mission makes it really easy to get veiled recipe now, working my way towards the glove. Gonna farm Dying Sun myself if the price doesn't drop when I reach Shaper lol. Gonna spend most of my points on nodes so I don't have to invest too much in jewels, I know they have good DPS but that'll have to wait. Damage got really good when I bought a decent wand (even 250 pDPS with nice APS and crit will do) and Hyrri's, shame it got so expensive this league. Blight is not really an issue anymore, at least not in T8+. Gonna work towards +1 helmet and gloves + watcher's eye for now, belt can wait. EDIT: I also got rid of the poor man's mentality. Spending currencies for meaningful upgrade to rush maps is much better than buying small items to patch my problems :D Got my helmet for 40c, spammed a few essences, crap, alch, got something usable. This is the least deaths I've had since Incursion, by this time I'd have already died 100+ times lol, only 36 now, improvements! Need to be careful with damage + crit map mod when I only have 3.3k HP in T13+ maps yikes.
Dernière édition par oMySunshine#7356, le 14 sept. 2019 12:56:50
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Reorganized the guide quite a bit; added new sections, removed outdated/old sections. Also added new item examples and made it more explicit that 10% flask effect is MANDATORY for pathfinders. I've seen quite a few pathfinder wanders following this guide in Blight atm who are pretty well-geared but still don't have flask effect on their belt. Get this ASAP.
Also added many videos, of T16 bosses, Uber Elder, and also a vid of Uber Elder using a Poet's Pen. All video credit goes to my friend SoapyBlast. Perhaps he will try something else later on like using a tabula or a moonsorrow etc. to test the limits. Still updating the trade links to include weighted modifiers. Will finish that soon and then move on to the mirrored section of the guide. I plan on editing the passive tree a bit within the next day to get a bit more life. Seems like a lot of people are struggling to break 5k if they have some gear without super high life rolls. I think we can afford to sacrifice some damage for more survivability at this point. In the end game setup the damage will be just fine, at least based on what I've seen from the playtesters. To get more life we will need to free up 4 points to take Revenge of the Hunted. I think definitely Will of Blades/Fangs of the Viper should be the first points to drop. Other options are a jewel slot and/or Precise Interception. " Very very nice :) I think this time around since you're a veteran of this build your endgame setup will be much better than before :) Yeah survivability is really an issue early on idk a way around it besides not play it as a league-starter haha. It's hard to get enough damage early on let alone life. |
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hey, I played with your build a build in POB,
you should checkout Scion too. I was able to get the same damage, and + 400k dps when using berserker. ( Deadeye, + path of ranger, + berserker ) |
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MB, not +400k dps, but 4m dps :) on barrage
and 300k on kinetic blast |
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