[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
" No problem! And very nice. I have a close friend/guildmate named Country_Falls who probably has all the crafts. He's the guy who playtested the build for me and provided many of the vids on the guide. He's completely trustworthy so if you wanted to you could probably go talk to him and mention my name, and he can provide you with the crafts (not completely sure he has them all but he prob does). Otherwise yeah I guess gotta grind more Betrayal. So taking into account everything, what are your current resists at? How much more do you need to reach the 78% cap? |
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" Congratz! The thing is, pathfinder ascendancy provides a free "heat", "dousing", and "grounding", so the heat suffix doesn't actually do anything on your diamond flask. This is why I wrote in my guide to use "Order" during uber elder. B/c that's the only useful mod in the suffix slot atm. The crit chance from "Order" is significant, providing another 10-15% dps. And likewise, the chill immunity boots provide little benefit unless you end up without flasks up at all. The uber elder slows are not a chill effect either so the boots don't protect against that. The only place where it would help is when you get chilled by a shaper ball while flasks are down, but hitting any flask would remove that chill immediately. After more practice, you'll probably want the extra movespeed that the regular movespeed mod provides. I think NameMerken's POB didn't reflect his final setup, it was only partially complete at the time. In the end after I told him to swap to the 6k life tree, he commented that his survivability increased tremendously. You might think a little extra life won't make a huge difference but it does. B/c the %less damage from TOH/Dying Sun, the Fortify, your +3% max res from Loreweave, basalt, etc all scale up with additional life. Sure, you can't survive every mod combination, but you can get pretty close. Unfortunately to reach 6k life you do need a higher lvl around 95-96. If you replace life flask with basalt, you can survive virtually any combination of minotaur mods. The same applies for Hydra unless you get hit by water balls + her attack at the same time. Chimera requires a staunching since he bleeds you, and phoenix just gets easier the more damage you get, since it would require less kiting. The only truly difficult one might be the lightning elder guardian but the rest are doable with most mod combos. Not every mod combo of course, but there are very few builds that can handle every combo while still having clearspeed equal to a wander's. Also, experience does play a huge factor. After you farm T16 guardians and sell shaper sets for profit for a while you'll notice your situational awareness improves a lot. Getting to lvl 95/96 is actually easier than you think. Ssgtparker got to 100 via pure breachstones paying 20-25 ex total. To put things into perspective, going from 99 to 100 alone takes longer than going from 90 to 96. Going from lvl 90 to 92 is the same as gaining 10% xp at lvl 99. So overall, paying for stone rotas aren't going to cost an excessive amount. At a certain point, the most efficient upgrade for your build will be levels rather than gear. So you should consider stone rotas. I'm sure if you pmed ssgtparker he could provide info on how rota-ing works this league. It's very easy to do, almost afkable. The reason I don't go for phase acro + the 3 dodge nodes behind Acro is b/c most of the one-shots in T16 maps, and maps in general come from attacks not spells. Also, raising your dps is very similar to raising your dodge in a way. By raising your dps, you reduce the time it takes to kill something, which means the amount of hits you take per second is reduced. Dodge also reduces the amount of hits you take per second. There are two advantages to dps over dodge. Higher dps always guarantees your hits taken per second gets reduced, whereas dodge chance does not, so less RNG. Also, higher dps = more maps cleared = more profit/hr. This is why I prefer the 4 points going to damage rather than dodge. Of course on average, 3-4 nodes in dodge will provide less hits taken per second than the same amount of nodes invested in damage, but the difference is not as big as you'd think. Lastly, I advise against crafting on corals. Since you're missing a third resist on both your boot + helm, this means you're going to sacrifice damage on your belt (no 70%+ WED + ED), and probably a ring suffix. Using corals is just going to make that problem worse. Plus, 30 flat life is less than 1 passive point, but the suffix you must give up as a result provides damage equal to ~1-2 passive points. This is not an efficient tradeoff in the long run unless you saturate the life nodes on the tree using my 6k+ life POB and still want additional life. Dernière édition par Enahkra#7073, le 20 juil. 2019 15:28:12
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" I am now actually capped at 79/77/89 without rings, belt and amulet (haven't rolled loreweave to 78 because I am going to need a lot of divines for satisfying result) so my resistances are actually in order now. Trying to see little life upgrades, so I can hit 5k life. Need to divine stuff a bit to reach that. Going to see if I get the crafts first or if I find a suitable base first for the crafts, then I'll see if Mr. Country_Falls is available at the time if I don't have the crafts. https://pastebin.com/UxMSGWt1 Updated tree! Dernière édition par Realshing#6530, le 20 juil. 2019 16:08:11
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" Nice; at this point since you're not dependent on any of those items for resists, the order of upgrade doesn't matter anymore. If you can't find an amulet base atm, perhaps craft the diamond elder rings first or the double 70+% WED belt, etc. Seems like with your budget you can finish at least the belt, amulet, and one ring. Aside from those, the only other upgrades within reach are the extra qual from Hillock for your wand, and probably pure breachstone rotas for a few more levels up to 95-96. At that point you can take the last life node above Cruel Preparation and replace the inefficient dex node below Coordination by pathing through Will of Blades for some more crit + damage. Then you can consider swapping to the 6k life tree for a better bossing experience since tankiness is an issue with the build. Dernière édition par Enahkra#7073, le 20 juil. 2019 17:41:32
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" Yeah I forgot about that, awkward. Well I did trick myself into thinking that those "uprgades" will help me beat uElder so I guess they do provide mental support after all, making me more confident :^) " Yeah I know NameMerken's POB was back in Shaper stage, which is a bit different from uElder stage but I thought that was a good place to start. The reason I don't go for rota and such is because.. I can't interact with other players. I'd rather just buy T15 Beachhead and farm them myself. I'm gonna pay a bit more attention on what killed me so I can improve in the right way, it's usually the legion rare mobs this league (especially a rare Maraketh archer) and it's mostly attack so. " Thanks, I will keep that in mind if I ever wanted to upgrade. |
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So I've been thinking a lot, I slap my uElder gear on a Scion character. With Elementalist/Deadeye, we get ele reflect immuninity (better for league start), +1 proj to compenstate for our Dying Sun (missing flask effect) and boots our KB clear, free pierce (actually 2 less pierce but it's trivial) so we can use Added Cold or another damage support gem, 5 extra points that can be invest into more damage/survivability.
The flask effect craft on belt can be replace with %damage mod (14-16% rank 2), %damage during flask effect on gloves can be replace with %damage while leeching if we have trouble sustaining flask (which shouldn't be an issue when we generally pop flasks, go in and burst bosses anyways, even in uElder fight we only pop flask whenever we want to damage Shaper/Elder). I haven't seen any apparent downsides to Scion, at least not now. Leveling should be easier as we have extra points that we didn't have as a Pathfinder. https://pastebin.com/5nnvWRjV Need your opinion on this, I'm sure you've thought about this before. |
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Hi, thanks for the detailed guide! Heads up, this is my first wander and my first step into crafting my own gear.
I'm currently working on crafting the helm and I was wondering if the preferred method is still essence spamming? I've had terrible RNG and I just want to make sure I'm not playing myself by overlooking a better method to getting the 125% resists and high life rolls recommended in the guide. |
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" I've played scion wander before and it's terrible for bossing/sustaining high dps, at least in my experience. The only advantage is the ele reflect immunity and that's pretty much it. It's one of those things where it looks good on paper until you actually test it out. First of all it's slower movespeed than a pathfinder so less profit/hour. But aside from that, it's missing the 2 most important things for a wander: flask sustain and elemental ailment immunity. In your POB, you have no shock/freeze/ignite immunity for Scion. Not having these things, especially shock/freeze is a guaranteed disaster for difficult content. Sure you can squeeze it in on a Scion but it makes gearing much harder. The easiest way is of course replacing your unique flasks w/ utility ones but that's not a good idea b/c that kills your dps. Also I wouldn't say -2 pierce is that trivial considering KB's entire mechanic depends on the ability to pierce. Since each pierce enables an explosion comprising most of KB's damage. It becomes trivial after a certain amount of pierce, but definitely not at ~2 since packs are usually way more than 2 rows deep. The extra points from Scion can give more life than a Pathfinder, but the lack of flask effect usually cancels that out b/c a lot of life is hidden in a Pathfinder's flasks (%less elemental damage taken scaled up/TOH scaled up) I played a scion wander one league to try bossing. Ragequit the build and league entirely after getting shafted constantly on T16s. The biggest drawback is the inability to sustain flasks. As a pathfinder, flasks are basically never an issue; they're always up, and so the dps on POB accurately reflects their true dps. If you make a mistake and panic drink your flasks, that's usually not a problem. But for Scion it's extremely punishing. You have only 2 flask uses per boss fight, and it's pretty much impossible to get more during the fight. Even for fights like Chimera I kept dying because the add phases couldn't even sustain my flasks and I was doing half the fight without flasks up. If you panic drink your flasks on accident you're basically screwed. Also, any boss fight with more than 2 phases, you're screwed also. Because flasks will only last you for 2 of the phases. From personal experience, all 4 elder guardians were a huge pain in the ass b/c they have 3 phases, and your flasks only last for 2 of the 3, meaning your last phase you're fumbling around with no flasks up = shit dps/survivability. I've also been caught with my pants down for various fights like Uber Atziri, some T15s w/ multi-phases etc. and it just felt terrible when flasks were down for half the fight due to phases. Also for Phoenix, if you get unlucky or have meh dps, the fight gets drawn out with your constant kiting and sooner or later, you have no flask charges. No dying sun means your KB loses a lot of clearing potential and you struggle getting rid of the little phoenixes. You also have no flasks to deal dps to phoenix so the fight becomes super long and tedious. For Hydra, if she teleports too many times/you dance around too much to avoid balls, the same thing happens also. The only easy one was Minotaur. As for the Uber Elder fight, if you're doing things right you should have flasks up for 90-100% of the time as a Pathfinder depending on your skill/dps. For a Scion it was like ~50% of the time. So in reality your true dps as a Scion is your dps with flasks up x 50% + dps with flasks down x 50%, not whatever is on POB. (This is also one reason why 99% of mirrored high dps builds use Pathfinder, b/c it's the only class whose real dps is most accurately reflected by POB) For lower tier content like chaining Burial Chambers all day, Scion is decent esp the ele reflect immunity saves you a lot of money in the long run. But never again will I attempt a Scion for high lvl content, at least not for a while. This is all personal experience though; you should try it out yourself and see what you think. A lot has changed since I last played a Scion so it may feel better than before, but a lot of the core issues still persist. Dernière édition par Enahkra#7073, le 21 juil. 2019 16:38:23
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" I think another method is fossil-crafting but we don't have any community data on the probabilities of using fossils so it's more risky imo. As for essences, you can even use screaming essences without a problem if it's costing too much. Definitely stay away from Deafening though. Since the essence guarantees a resist or life roll, all you're basically doing is praying for an 80+ life roll + 1 high tier resist, or 2x high tier resists. Then you mastercraft the third resist. It's not that hard, especially in the helm slot (not too many mods here) to get a specific 2 mod combination while "chaos-spamming". Ofc you also need a free suffix. I think the majority of people can get this in less than 1 ex worth of essences. Just keep trying with the following Screaming-Shrieking essences: Wrath, Anger, Hatred, and Greed. If you have any more questions lmk. Dernière édition par Enahkra#7073, le 21 juil. 2019 16:40:42
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" Yup, this is it, say no more fam, Scion is off the table. For real tho, Flaskfinder is already noob-friendly and forgiving while being good at everything, no need to prove itself more. Maybe I'll try another thing. " Yup, Shrieking is recommended in the long run tho. I tried with ~20 essences (all of those combined) and hit some decent helm very often. There are a lot of low tier map farmers this league so essence supply is plentiful, you just gotta buy them one by one :^) If you hit +80 life and 2 T1 res, crafted M1 hybird res should be more than enough and you won't have to worry about replacing it. If you're a god and hit 3 T1 res, crafted M1 hybrid life or %phys taken as fire is great. If you can manage resistances then +1 proj/pierce craft to beef up your KB. Dernière édition par oMySunshine#7356, le 21 juil. 2019 21:30:38
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