[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
Alright I managed to record her.
Wtf is this. Hyrri is like "5million dps? I don't give a fuck." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44jN1r2qsXQ&feature=youtu.be |
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" Not sure why that is I melt her. I mean I'm 187k tool-tip standing still but even at ~95k it didn't look like that. Did they bug it? |
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" Yes thank you for contributing that idea; it has helped a lot improving the damage of the build. And yes lol some people just don't bother fully reading the guide or put too many of their own unique flourishes on the build and end up screwing their damage. What a lot of them don't get is that unlike a lot of meta builds, wanders scale damage in a really generic way so a successful wander relies heavily on optimization for high levels of damage. It baffles me when people neglect optimizing the easy stuff like passive tree and gem setups and then complain about damage. And wow I didn't know that vid was yours! I watched it a few days back, and wanted to comment on reddit about it but realized I was too late to get into the discussion since the thread already died out. I agree 100% with everything you said in the vid. If I had to make a vid discussing/predicting wanders in 3.7 I would have analyzed it in the exact same way. I had a strange feeling while watching your video b/c it almost felt like you somehow got into my head and repeated aloud most of my thoughts on the current state of wanding lol. The change to shield charge + fortify has revolutionized the wanding playstyle. I'm glad a lot of the people playing the build now didn't play it last patch b/c it would have felt terrible in comparison. I didn't play league in 3.7 or 3.6 so I've relied on watching my friend stream this build to understand it's weaknesses. I've lost count how many times shield charge's quick dodge ability has saved him in boss encounters. It has to be 6+ times per uber elder fight at least. Even having shield charge alone w/o the fortify would have greatly helped the build but adding fortify on top of that was a complete game changer, by essentially giving us access to another ~1k+ extra life. You also have the introduction of Steelskin paired with CWDT adds another ~1-2k to your life pool in most scenarios. Wanders have never felt tankier (at least not since the glorious instant leech days). That's not to say I haven't been receiving complaints. It seems GGG once again overtuned the damage of league mobs. I'm not really sure how to address the issue of legion mobs one shotting wanders, especially those who aren't fully geared to the level specified in my guide. :/ The only thing I can hope for is that the people playing the build continually make upgrades so they can sacrifice dps nodes and saturate all the life nodes on the right side of the tree. Otherwise, I'm out of ideas... As for damage, I was doing POB testing and came to the same conclusion that the abyss jewel nerfs to ele wanders were largely compensated for by tree + especially accuracy changes. For physical wanders on the other hand, it was a straight up buff, since non-abyss jewels gave pretty much the same damage as legacy abyss jewels. The dps gap between ele and phys wanders was pretty small to begin with at a ~20+ ex investment range, but now I think phys wanders have clearly gained an edge. One thing I think we both overlooked to some degree was how badly the buff to magic + rare mobs would affect the KB's clearspeed ability. It's interesting b/c with that buff came new problems especially when combined with rippy + tanky Legion mobs. The only thing we ever bother to measure on POB is barrage dps, b/c single target has always been the major issue for wanders, but I think more concern should be shifted towards KB now. What the life buff did was make it tougher for people to play the build comfortably without using a fully geared end-game setup. Back then, KB with little investment could clear most mobs without issue, but now people just starting out struggle one shotting even magic packs. A lot of people playing this build are ex-ele wanders playing it for the first time, and they see this change to KB as the fault of this build alone rather than the archetype itself. (ex: some guy a few pages before was comparing this build to a 5 ex ele wander rofl; obviously hasn't played ele in 3.7) This seems to be a problem with no easy solution until passive power creep once again overtakes mob health. Even fully geared well-invested setups need to barrage down rare mobs. Magic mobs at that point get one-shot, but rares just won't die to KB; add in the enhanced legion mobs and this situation gets worse. Sure, I can recommend perhaps 5-6 link KB in the gloves, but this makes the gearing more difficult which is bad when I'm trying to make phys wanding more accessible to the community. Also the added mana cost would be a burden that would require addressing as well. Perhaps it's something the wanding community just has to get accustomed to as the new norm, since it was GGG's intention for us to actually engage rare monsters... idk. Also, about all the criticisms you've received, I think it's ridiculous. People on reddit can be pretty toxic and have hivemind mentality; plus a lot of them just parrot what other people say or what streamers say without testing it themselves. They just blindly feed off each other it's pretty depressing sometimes. I wanted to comment about that on the reddit post and defend what you were saying but sadly it was too late for me to contribute anything meaningful. |
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" " Wow that's ridiculous; perhaps it just depends? Is Hyrri always near-impossible to kill with barrage? Or just sometimes? |
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This is the first I've seen that I think they messed up something..
BTW I found an upgrade!!!! xD WTB! a legit Bench Service...must have forum cred. Dernière édition par ssgtparker#4262, le 1 juil. 2019 19:01:47
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I'm loving this build so far, been upgrading gear and not sure where to focus next. Here is my POB https://pastebin.com/RDuqAceZ
I have about 10ex to spend, I'm thinking finding a better corrupted blood jewel would be nice, but they are really hard to find for a decent price. Possibly exalting my amulet. Any tips, or something that I have in my setup that is not optimized and I am overlooking? Thanks, its been great reading all the replies to this thread, it is very useful. I know I am not using precision, but I do have a good amount of accuracy on gear, and am currently 99%, to which I think having herald of purity is worth it over precision. Also I have a question about shock. Are we shocking enemies due to Master Alchemist, but then is it canceled by using ele focus? So should we be using shock in calculation with our POB, and if we are not shocking should we use a regular vinktars for shock as it provides a massive damage boost? Dernière édition par DecidingWave540#6959, le 1 juil. 2019 19:44:47
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" Thank you for your feedback; unfortunately this legion rippiness + high life issue is something I'm still trying to address. It's just an unfortunate consequence for wanders in general; I've tried my best to optimize wanders or at least make it more accessible, but this issue still persists to some degree, more so at lower levels of investment. I checked your build a bit and noticed a few things that you may have accidentally overlooked. I mentioned in the guide that %flask effect was essential for the build b/c you needed at least 4% on a belt or on Conqueror's potency to get a 3rd projectile from Dying Sun. Having this helps a lot with damage, but also survivability b/c this increases the amount you recover with Life Gain on Hit. The other thing pertains to mana gain on hit which I also emphasized in the guide. Without a +2 mana gain on hit jewel, barrage is unsustainable beyond a couple volleys. What this means is that when you try to barrage a map boss with tanky mods, after the first second of the fight you switch to default attack, which makes you very vulnerable to dying and dealing no damage. The reason you completed uber elder without too much issue is that the fight is multi-phase and requires constant repositioning, and dealing damage in small bursts, which means your mana pool had time to recover so the loss of this mod is less sorely felt. Nonetheless, in my experience not having that mod crippled my ability to play the build, making it super frustrating and virtually unplayable. The fact that you could reach lvl 93 and also complete Uber Elder without much issue just shows that you have a lot of mechanical skill. Currently your POB shaper dps is clocking in at around 1.2-1.3mil, which is solid but you have much more room to grow; at least getting your dps to 3mil+ is easily doable with relatively moderate investment, especially considering how far you've already come. It's somewhat disheartening that you didn't reach the point where the damage begins to scale quickly allowing you to focus more on defenses. But I understand your decision not to invest further as it has become harder and harder to acquire good gear later in league. I emphasized the need for an imbued wand base mainly b/c of it's attack speed. The problem with other bases like opal, and demon in your case is that the attack speed is very low. This directly hurts your ability to recover life, since LGOH scales based on attack speed. I hope you didn't spend too much on your current wand b/c a cheap, uncorrupted Poet's Pen is likely much better mainly bc it's an imbued wand and the constant proccing of proj weakness and frost bomb results in less hassle and higher dps. I agree with your assessment that the build needs more life, but the reality is that the right side of the tree doesn't provide much life. If you see my life-based tree, I saturate almost all the life nodes possible, but at most you'll break a little beyond 6k. The only other way to increase survivability is to take advantage of layers of defenses and situational awareness. For example, I noticed you don't have blind on hit anywhere in the build. A lot of times a one-shot is actually just a quick two or three-shot. Having blind greatly improves you ability to facetank since it raises your evade chance by a lot. Also, one of the core defenses is life recovery. Having ~3.5k-4k life recovery per second greatly improves you ability to stand in place and continuously deal damage. Currently the combination of no vaal pact + low attack speed wand base means you're only recovering 1.7k life per second, and this applies only when your barrage is actually sustaining, aka the first second of the fight. Beyond that, it becomes a mess. This is tough b/c that low life recovery means you need to be constantly dodging. With an imbued wand + vaal pact, your life recovery doubles to 3.5k. Having that much life recovery is a game changer b/c you'll be able to stand in place and keep dealing damage in most scenarios. Being able to constantly deal dps means the fight is shorter and also much safer. Currently it would take you ~10 seconds on average to kill a T16 boss based on your dps, but I'm not even factoring your inability to sustain since you run out of mana after 4 attacks. If you made some moderate changes to gear, you would be able to kill that same boss in <5 seconds without having to worry about dodging. In a way, that's doubling your tankiness. I think if you did carry out these changes you'll find a huge difference from what you experience now. Dernière édition par Enahkra#7073, le 1 juil. 2019 19:53:22
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I'm attempting uElder right as we speak with shit gears :D this is my 4-5th set now, can't keep up. I get to Phase 4: Shaper's Portal on my second last portal.
My problems are: shaper teleport too much (confirmed bug, didn't got fixed), I keep getting slowed and stun (not too long but enough to make it rippy) by Elder's spear, I don't time my expanding circle good enough and keep dying to it, I keep diving into balls ): I don't want to get a carry so I've wasted more currency than I shouldn't have, but I'm stubborn and I want to do it myself. I got rid of Frostbomb, didn't need it and it got me killed once; dash and animation cancelling really helps, dash get rid of shield charge's slam when you don't need it and you can barrage in quick sucessions while moving around shaper/elder. Currently sitting in my hideout, thinking about my life choice of doing uElder on lvl 89, 4k6 life and 1.2 mil shaper DPS. If I run a bunch of other maps will uElder despawn? Wanna farm up some more currency to fund this very expensive challenge |
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Btw I checked when I played my Ele wander(found an old video on my channel), it was in Harbinger league. Vaal pact instant leech existed there and Uber elder didn't. With 3.1 VP instant leech got removed so I quit wander until now lol. But damn I think I'll buy a ton of T15 Beachheads when I have some money and maybe lvl to 100. Back in Harbinger league people let me join for free just to carry the group haha. Won't be like that today sadly.
" Just run 20 Maps and he'll be gone. Go farm some T15s/16 after that(DONT BUY they drop more often than enough) and farm Shaper(again don't buy sets) maybe you'll get lucky and find a Starforge. People buy that weapon for around 9ex for whatever reason. Again you could also sell the T16 maps for I think 15-17chaos. This will get you back into business. It's not the fastest money making method, but it's a fun one in my opinion. Playing MF and running low tier maps is just insanely boring to me. Yes they make like an ex per hour but eurgh I can't stand playing like that. Oh and also another RNG money making method is to spawn RED Elder. He dropped me a nice Despair Amulet which I sold for 7ex and an Impale Watcher's which I sold for 10ex. Yes I was EXTREMELY lucky. But it was fun at the same time. I killed around 30 Red elders and 50 Shaper's I think. Shaper still didn't drop me a Starforge btw. But 6... Dying sun's... which are not 5ex this league... Dernière édition par NameMerken#1803, le 1 juil. 2019 20:24:37
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" You should stop shooting yourself in the foot man. The amount of money you've wasted so far in sets and loreweave double corrupt attempt could probably have near-doubled your damage. You will definitely be able to complete it but it's not worth with your current setup. I've killed uber elder at least 1k+ times with wander and even I would struggle a lot with your current configuration. I mean you don't even have a 6 link... It's just too ridiculous of an expectation atm. You'll do uber elder deathless eventually I'm sure of it, just not the right time now. Uber elder despawns after 20ish maps but it's fine. Spawning him is not hard; it only takes like 20-30 minutes to if you know the strategy. Frost bomb is still very useful; you just need to apply it once at the start of the fight as the dialogue is rolling; you don't need to spawn it during the fight so it shouldnt get you killed. You can triple your current damage without much effort; once you achieve this, the fight is 3x shorter and way easier; the bug atm is affecting you b/c it takes you so long to kill. At a higher damage level the bug doesn't matter much bc it takes only a few attacks to phase him. |
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