[3.6] Purifying Flame Inquisitor. Great leaguestarter with endgame potential. (SSF & Budged)
Purifying Flame Inquisitor
![]() Morning guys Moorhuhn here. In this guide you will find all nessessary informations about my Purifying Flame Inquisitor. I currently still work on the build so everything in here is subject to change. If you have any questions, ideas or anything else catch me live and just talk to me: https://www.twitch.tv/moorhuhnschlaechter Build explanation So first of all What is the build about: Purifying Flame is one of the new spells of the "Holy phys spells archetype". We have a phys damage base which converts into fire mostly. This build you can start from level 1 and push it deep into the endgame. It will be viable to do all current content in the game on a fair budged while maintaining very good clearspeed, good bossdamage and quite decent surviveability. Content Played
Current delve: 306 Shaper: https://youtu.be/846z4q0VL4Q Guardians: Minotaur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tNlDbfuSPU Hydra: https://youtu.be/JAuM6yjJuRI Chimera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyhUxcWdA_w Phoenyx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow9b5N_nKVc T15 Elder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxXVaZED_q4 Uber Elder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l3kQOZM3Jg Guardians: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei4Wj30xVsw Memory Nexus: Boss 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7WJ06_-zyg Boss 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8plSj42csQ&t Boss 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztD27bJ8Jr4 Cortex Boss https://youtu.be/YhFiPCvRock Mastermind: https://youtu.be/XgVSKJxrzKo Unleash the Wave of Conviction
On my current setup i am using Wave of Conviction in 2 setups to assist singletarget. This is a very situational tool and only useable when the enemy is not about to slap your face. Wave of Conviction has a wiered interaction with Unleash on first glance. Wave of Conviction has the limitation of always only allowing one active wave. The Unleash support does cast the Spell up to four times. This means that the spell will cancel itself and only the last of the four waves will continue travel. However, when we sit right in front of our enemy we can utilise this setup. The enemy will be hit four times in a quick succession which deals massive amounts of damage in a very short timeframe. This can greatly be used to get tough rares, beasts or even map bosses out of our way with a single buttonpress. If you crit and have it as a 5-6link you will take down up to t14 bosses immediatly. ![]() Pro's and Con's
Pro's: Starting right from level 2 Very enjoyable leveling experience and smooth transition into lategame Very budged friendly Very high min-max potential Great clearspeed paired with very good bossdamage Quite tanky. Up to very tanky with gear/treechanges Alot of possible defence layers which you can decide about ... Con's: Vulnureable to stuns on higher tier content Spell echo can feel bad without enough cast speed Very little leech to life in the current setup Skilltree and gearing
Bandits Alira for most of the time. At some point you might want the 2 passives for another jewel slot
Path of Building
The Path of Building is my actual character which is not entirely finished yet. Upgraded Pastebin to fit leveling and gearing [/span] https://pastebin.com/QBPDgFx9
Gear discussion
Current gear
For the weapon we are looking for a generic rare weapon. In the endgame setup you want: Phys as elemental Crit chance to spells Crit multi Cast speed Spell damage Flat cold/fire to spells Flat lightning to spells %Fire dmg
For the shield we use a rare aswell. Currently the prioritys are defence here, since we lack defence quite a bit. Insteat of a pure spirit shield you can lateron go for an int/dex hybrid shield to get some evasion in addition to the damage/defence mods. Prioritys are: Life Crit chance to spells Cast speed Spell damage Shaper/Elder mods of choice Resistances
In this slot we have a lot of options. I currently use a rare helmet with conc effect to boost up my Wave of Conviction. If you plan on using WoC aswell look for: Life Conc Effect Immolate Phys to spells Socketed gems deal more elemental damage (Essence of Horror) Resistances Aside from this we can utilise lots of other helmets. Lightpoacher or starkonjas are pretty good helmets as always. Expecialy if you consider shield charge as your movement skill.
The only reason i am using "The Restless Ward" is because it dropped 6l. The BiS items for body armour are either Carcass Jack or a well rolled Shaper body armor. On the Shaper armor you want: Life +1 to socketed active skill gems Spells have +% to critical strike chance
Currently I am using Oskarm for Assassin's Mark on hit. As soon as i finish my shaper ring i will swap out for rare gloves. The rare gloves will cover life and resistances of the build. A good unique alternative are the Command of the Pit gloves. For the missing 20% conversion I recommend to use the veiled mod for conversion.
For boots I currently am using rares and this will mostl likely stay this way. The BiS boots in Synthesis will be rares with 35% movespeed and the Onslaught implicit. A very good unique alternative are Burbonic Trails.
Just a generic Stygian Vise. Later a fossil crafted + fire + elemental damage Stygian will be BiS
Just covering life/resistances. Look for cast speed if you can. A later upgrade is a multicrafted or very good rolled Assassin's Mark on hit Shaper ring: Is currently waiting on multicrafting.
On the amulet you can cover multiple aspects. For a BiS amulet look for: Life Phys as elemental Elemental as chaos Crit multi Cast speed Crit chance Resistances
Example coming soon Life Flat phys to spells Crit multi Flat elemental to spells
A generic bubbling divine flask with anti bleed is my go to life flask Atziri's Promise always is great. Dmg and surviveability. On the diamond flask you later want the crafted % critical strike chance during flask effect from the mastermind encounter. Well. Its movement speed. The anti curse stibnite is one of my all time favourites. Great uptime and utility. Insane surviveability boost. Alternatives are Taste of Hate, Cinderswallor Urn, Bottled Faith and Sin's Rebirth. Gems
Offensive Setups: Purifying flame as main clear/bossing For more singletarget you can swap out increased crit and inc aoe for: 2x Wave of conviction as burst for bossing Setup for conc effect helmet: Setup for boots/gloves/regular helmet: Movement Flame dash Arcane Surge does not work with Eldritch Battery keystone so we do not use it. Shield charge if you prefer that: Defensive/utility setups Vaal RF for the high dmg boost. In addition to the great damageboost it has a very high "Soul gain prevention duration". We increase this duration further with our increased duration support. On our boots we use the enchant "Onslaught during soul gain prevention" to maintain onslaught most of the time. Bloodrage is a great way to sustain frenzy charges which boost our damage quite effectively. In addition to that we can utilize the Soul of Arakali pantheon with the upgrade "Queen of the great Tangle". Whenever our cwdt setup procs, we will gain 50% increased recovery rate of life and energy shield which greatly boosts our consecrated ground. CWDT Immortal call Well, surviveability and BR synergy. Auras and Buffs The auras can greatly vary. Depending on watcher's eyes and other reasons. These are what I currently use Leveling
Leveling trees are in the PoB inside the gearing section. Below the skilltree you can select the tree for your current level. You can start out with purifying flame with level 2 and push it as far as you want. Pick up wave of conviction in act 2 and add the unleash support in act 4. The rest is basic caster leveling. In this pastebin you will find my personal favorite leveling uniques: https://pastebin.com/LiyS2UtC FAQ Q: What about xoph's heart A: Xoph's heart overall is a great amulet. But it has certain problems. Since we are playing inquisitor we do not utilise the 10% fire penetration at all. In addition to that we can not shatter anymore, which might be a problem in higher maps and deeper delve. But if you do not care about shatter you can definitely use the item. Its a great damage and surviveability buff. Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Other Guides: Storm Brand Occultist https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2301699 Winter Orb Totems: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2272177 Molten Strike + Support https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2116480 Molten Jewel Brightbeak Raider https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2067539 Thanks for reading Changelog 1. Clawbased supp + carry guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2116480 Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2067539 Dernière édition par incredibie#1241, le 2 juil. 2019 05:11:24 Dernier bump le 10 avr. 2019 19:15:56
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Clawbased supp + carry guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2116480 Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2067539 |
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Looks interesting. This skill definitely needs more love from content creators.
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" But if Mathil plays it nobody will look at my guide >.> Haha, yea its a pretty good skill. Was expecting to see it played by alot more people. Clawbased supp + carry guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2116480 Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2067539 |
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Minotaur video looks awesome, I’m just starting a purifying flame inquisitor right now and can’t wait for you to upload your skill tree and update the build. What auras are you running? What gems are you using? Is there a budget friendly gear setup? So many questions :)
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" Hy there, glad youre likeing it. I currently livestream the writing of the guide. If you have any questions tune in. Clawbased supp + carry guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2116480 Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2067539 |
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very good build
Dernière édition par BioWheels#1083, le 14 mars 2019 10:51:20
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your guide gives a very good foundation, now you just need to put a house on top of it :D (dps and survivability). Will be hard in SSF but the league just started :).
for anyone in trade league who plays this build: get a bottled faith flask, about 40% more dps :) |
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Dual wield these on standard :)
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" Hehe yea. The house will come in the next days with upgrades. But those take a few days in ssf. Clawbased supp + carry guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2116480 Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2067539 |
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