[Retired Thread] Wallach's Hierophant Holy Flame Totems (Old)
" Thanks for the build, before i invest to much time into this build. Can you easily clear entire armies or is it a big hassle? Seems this league is only for the Zoom Zoom builds, and totems are not famous for being even close to that level :p Looks good, but might fall short with this particular league mechanic? Or what do you reckon. Thanks again, |
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" You can use the Path of Building gear list as a good example of targets (as it has my level 99's gear from Synthesis (minus the rings you can no longer get) which was better geared. There wasn't a ton to improve on that gear list, other than getting Scorched fossil crafts on the helm & belt slot that were as good as what I had. As far as Soul Mantle, I've talked about that earlier in the thread, but the short version is that it's a lot harder to justify for Holy Flame Totem because we don't really get a 7 link item out of Soul Mantle. Since we aren't effectively getting a free ~30% damage support gem from the chest, the opportunity cost looks much worse than it does for a Spell Totem build. I've played around with it a lot in Path of Building and never seen a version I was that satisfied with. " The main one I always reroll is "Players Cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield" - you could probably still do this mod if you're willing to swap in a mana flask and play more carefully around it, but I find it too obnoxious myself. Elemental Reflect is probably the other mod that I reroll the most, though it's plenty doable if you really need to clear a map. You'll just have to spam your totems since they will constantly be killing themselves. " To be honest, I find peoples' obsession with area clear on the Legion mechanics to be a little misguided. This league rewards single target and focused area damage much more than wide area coverage. The vast majority of monsters in a monolith literally give nothing but minor XP or the very rare splinter from a blue monster. What you really need to do is just focus on getting to the back ranks of each monolith you crack open and find as many high rank rares, war hoards or generals as you can in each one. Quicksilver flasks and Flame Dash are enough for navigating your way through a monolith quickly. It's even more this way inside the Domain of Timeless Conflict, in my opinion. On my first solo 5-army run I think I got like 12 generals killed and almost 2 full bars of loot. A really good Domain build would probably get something more like 35+ generals and 4 bars of loot. To hit these kinds of numbers is mostly about movement speed and really high single target damage; the bosses in the 5-army Domain have huge HP pools and to burn them down that quickly you need 4+ million shaper DPS on single target. Something like Essence Drain that everyone talks about isn't going to do that for you even with significant investment. As for this build, I think it does fine once you get decent gear and have a good amount of projectile speed, but it isn't top tier for the Legion mechanic specifically. Of course, if you throw a Headhunter at any build this league it is going to be pretty amazing for the Domain since it is so ridiculously abusable in that place. |
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Ty for great build !!! i ll try now )))
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In the PoB at Level 95 it shows Melding taken (4 nodes for 15% life +es) and some other easily obtainable life nodes are skipped over - 4 nodes for 18% life. 2 nodes near Purity of Flesh, 1 by Cruel Preparation and 1 by Blood Siphon. Is there a reason for this?
fuck em Dernière édition par MissApril#3836, le 17 juin 2019 à 09:36:57
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" I've gone back and forth between both Melding and finishing the other connected life lines; it's pretty much a wash, though I might actually swap the recommendation back over towards the life nodes if only for the pick up of 8% Chaos resistance. That's actually how I have my Freezing Pulse build routed already. |
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Just wanted to say, this is a great build. I haven't completely kitted it out yet, but I have had very little problem completing any content I have come across yet. Only things have given me issues were Syndicate encounters early on, but that evened out once I got some better gear. Highly recommend this build to anyone interested in a fun, relaxing play-style.
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Dernière édition par Bezmageddon#1959, le 18 juin 2019 à 14:07:35
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fun build, not sure how my gearing will work - with what i ve i can do elder and yellow maps. how's freezing pulse compared this?
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" I'm currently working on a Freezing Pulse Totem guide that I hope to have posted later today. Personally - especially with the 3.7.2 patch fixing the issue where Legion mobs cannot be frozen - I'd probably put Freezing Pulse a bit above Holy Flame Totem in this league, but slightly more finicky to gear. Resists are a bit harder to balance and there is a significant Dex requirement that has to (at least partly) come from gear, limiting your options a bit. That said I've got a setup for it that certainly outperforms Holy Flame Totem in clear speed and actually competes - if not slightly beats it - on single target damage, while being noticeably safer. You also can't seem to animation cancel the totem summons as you can on Holy Flame Totem, which I think is a bug due to the skill's "Chanelling" tag giving it animation cancel rules of regular Chanelling skills. So it can feel a little smoother to play. Holy Flame Totem is still a very powerful setup though and enjoys a bit more eHP and easier / more flexible gearing. Especially in a league start situation I'm not sure I'd go Freezing Pulse; I'll probably try it next league to see how hard it is to get off the ground compared to Holy Flame Totem. |
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That's Tabula-guy from your stream. I want to thank your for guide one more time - easiest Uber Elder in my life, total gear net worth is about 5-7 ex, that is pretty good. I do some changes, beacause i hate Lightning warp, but despite my weird skill build fight with Uber was easy.
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