
Hi, just a quick question (didnt see anything about it on a quick glance around this forum):

We take Augury of Penitence as one Ascendancy. Why is that? As a matter of fact it has "nearby" in the text which means radius 60 for effect to work. As we are ranged i can't see the point in taking this instead of Inevitable Judgement.

If anyone would be so kind to clarify, i might miss a vital point here.

Sherubim a écrit :
Hi, just a quick question (didnt see anything about it on a quick glance around this forum):

We take Augury of Penitence as one Ascendancy. Why is that? As a matter of fact it has "nearby" in the text which means radius 60 for effect to work. As we are ranged i can't see the point in taking this instead of Inevitable Judgement.

If anyone would be so kind to clarify, i might miss a vital point here.


Well, we usually are in range of Augury of Penitence, so the damage increase is easy to notice.

Inevitable Judgement actually makes our damage lower because we penetrate resistances a whole lot (we put them into negatives for calculation's sake).
Starhammer a écrit :
Hey Uly, I'm loving this build - it's probably my favorite of all time so far. I do have a question though - why are you taking nodes on the passive tree that grant chaos and lightening damage when we can't do any form of damage other than fire?

We convert Added Lightning Damage from (Divine Wrath) into Fire using Avatar of Fire, while also getting some increased physical damage modifiers from there. About the 'chaos' path on the tree (Force Shaper) - we take it for cast speed and increased physical damage.
llama a écrit :
Berto your build is basically I think where I'd like to end up (will never get there but gotta have goals).

QUESTION: Cold snap with bonechill? With AoF you don't get any chill/freeze, right?

Yeah so my cold snap just does a bit of fire damage, which I'm not even sure it needs to have for the frenzy charge generation to work. The bonechill support as far as I understand doesn't really do anything, and I'll probably switch it for a portal gem sometime. I just sort of left it in there and haven't worried about it


I've switched to the MoM/EB version and it feels a lot safer for me, thank you for updating the guide for it.

I have a question about the Devouring Diadem. I can see the advantages, +1 to gems, reduced mana reservation, more ES, etc and most important, EB, so I can use the points on the tree for this elsewhere.

But, on my current helm, I have 20% minion damage, 90 life and some nice resists.

So, my question is, would the advantages from Devouring Diadem make up for the loss of life, res and minion damage if I swap? Maybe the increased ES is more strong then the 90 life?

Could somebody please clarify this for me?

Thank you
Gratz for your bow. :D

The first rare sceptre I crafted last day was clearly an impressive upgrade for my stuff. Now I'm starting T13+ and it starts to be tricky for me.
I'm clearly making a lot of mistakes because I'm not very good at hack'n'slashs, but I want to continue without switching to the MoM/EB version at the moment. : D

I am struggling because I do not have the currencies to buy Carcass Jack or do a second scepter. Maybe taking a rare ring with Warlord's on hit would be a cheat solution to upgrade my stuff (I'm around 5k HP for now). :)
Berto33 a écrit :
llama a écrit :
Berto your build is basically I think where I'd like to end up (will never get there but gotta have goals).

QUESTION: Cold snap with bonechill? With AoF you don't get any chill/freeze, right?

Yeah so my cold snap just does a bit of fire damage, which I'm not even sure it needs to have for the frenzy charge generation to work. The bonechill support as far as I understand doesn't really do anything, and I'll probably switch it for a portal gem sometime. I just sort of left it in there and haven't worried about it

Cold snap leaves chilled ground which makes enemies slower, and bonechill amplifies that effect. It isn't the HIT that chills, rather the ground it leaves (which also gives us frenzy charges).
Would cold snap perhaps benefit more from increased duration, increased area of effect, or cold to fire damage than from bonechill?
Starhammer a écrit :
Would cold snap perhaps benefit more from increased duration, increased area of effect, or cold to fire damage than from bonechill?

If you really want to swap out cold chill, inc duration would be the best.
Ruffus_01 a écrit :

I've switched to the MoM/EB version and it feels a lot safer for me, thank you for updating the guide for it.

I have a question about the Devouring Diadem. I can see the advantages, +1 to gems, reduced mana reservation, more ES, etc and most important, EB, so I can use the points on the tree for this elsewhere.

But, on my current helm, I have 20% minion damage, 90 life and some nice resists.

So, my question is, would the advantages from Devouring Diadem make up for the loss of life, res and minion damage if I swap? Maybe the increased ES is more strong then the 90 life?

Could somebody please clarify this for me?

Thank you

Sry, don't want to spam, but could anybody please help me with this? I dont a have a lot of currency, so would like to spend it wisely.


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