[3.6] Divine Ire Kamehameha Crit Boi - Life Based

This all looks pretty good so far. Shame Divine Ire isn't in PoB yet. But I'll probably try this as my league starter
I'm not sure Divine Ire is going to have the clear speed necessary for packs unless the charge up AOE is sufficient, so I spec'd for Purifying Flame as well in a second 6L; this can be done using 6L Weapon + Chest, or Swapping 6L Weapon from offhand. I'd like to be pleasantly surprised...

Single Target: Divine Ire, Faster Casting, Intensity, Elemental Leech, Increased Crit Strikes, Infused Chan

Multitarget: Purifying Flame, Intensity, Faster Casting, Spell Cascade, Elemental Leech, Increased Critical Strikes (+ Spell Echo from Pledge of Hands).

I further spec'd to nodes that provided a mix of mana/life/es, as well as global es leech to proc Elemental Leech higher dmg tier (39% more dmg when leeching ES). We can ensure that this happens 100% of the time when we spec for EB, and we can make the whole build more viable with MOM. Given the decision to use a Staff for the purifying flame build, I added crit chance and block nodes "while holding a staff" for further viability.

Added Hrimburn's gloves to fully convert all phys dmg these skills use to elemental dmg to synergize with inquisitor's Inevitable Judgement -- that way, all damage from both skills penetrates all resistances, assuming the skill crits. This build stacks lots of crit chance to make sure that happens most frequently, including crit chance that can proc as a result of using Gifts From Above. Eventually these gloves will have to be replaced by some other jewels or something to convert 100% phys to an element.

Added 2nd Curse and applying both warlord's mark + assassin's mark using the heretic's veil unique. This'll generate charges for the cwdt immortal call setup, as well as provide life and mana leech and additional crit chance against all mobs in the aura.

Here is as far as I got with my theory crafting:

Hoping to see more ideas about what people are thinking with this build!
Dernière édition par LucidOndine#0331, le 7 mars 2019 03:13:07
LucidOndine a écrit :
Single Target: Divine Ire, Faster Casting, Intensity, Elemental Leech, Increased Crit Strikes, Infused Chan

Intensify does not work with channeled skills. And I assume you mean ES leech.
We really need the new gems updated into POB.
About ES\CI discussion. As noticed earlier this league is ES-league. New chaos skills means a lot of occultists and tricksters + there is new es leech. So i think es gear will be not just expensive as usuall, but extreamly expensive. On templar we have huge life nods, so i think we should use it.

This is what I have so far.

Life based, crit, EB with Inquisitor for infinite mana and ES leech gem bonuses.

Idea is to go Divine Ire +CWC +Wave/Purifying Flame. Wrath is placeholder for Zealotry. Probably Warlords +Asscrit in a bane setup.

By the way, I'm wary of CWC with Divine Ire, since the triggered skills would kill some enemies, decreasing DI's charge gain..
Dernière édition par plesi42#4401, le 7 mars 2019 06:26:07
plesi42 a écrit :

This is what I have so far.

Life based, crit, EB with Inquisitor for infinite mana and ES leech gem bonuses.

Idea is to go Divine Ire +CWC +Wave/Purifying Flame. Wrath is placeholder for Zealotry. Probably Warlords +Asscrit in a bane setup.

By the way, I'm wary of CWC with Divine Ire, since the triggered skills would kill some enemies, decreasing DI's charge gain..

Are you going to use any auras? I think that going with 2 auras would be good, and you can ignore all +mana nodes since you won't be using it anyway.

And getting that es+life wheel nodes next to Pain Attunnement looks very good.

Also, since you're not going crit-mult (which is a mistake imo), you should look into getting Elemental Overload.
I'm pretty sure combining Inevitable Judgement in Inquisitor with resistance reductions like Conductivity isn't going to work super well, especially if your crit chance is high.
Sobienski a écrit :
plesi42 a écrit :

This is what I have so far.

Life based, crit, EB with Inquisitor for infinite mana and ES leech gem bonuses.

Idea is to go Divine Ire +CWC +Wave/Purifying Flame. Wrath is placeholder for Zealotry. Probably Warlords +Asscrit in a bane setup.

By the way, I'm wary of CWC with Divine Ire, since the triggered skills would kill some enemies, decreasing DI's charge gain..

Are you going to use any auras? I think that going with 2 auras would be good, and you can ignore all +mana nodes since you won't be using it anyway.

And getting that es+life wheel nodes next to Pain Attunnement looks very good.

Also, since you're not going crit-mult (which is a mistake imo), you should look into getting Elemental Overload.

I'm still debating between MoM or reserving for auras... not sure what I'll do. If I use auras, Zealotry is going to be one of them.

Regarding crit multi, I'm too point starved to get all of it. I usually plan builds to 105 points, since if it's too strained at that point I wouldn't be able to comfortably get the later levels.

EDIT: Killed a power charge to get crit multi nodes (54% multi)
Dernière édition par plesi42#4401, le 7 mars 2019 10:58:51
I was thinking a CWC build using all three of the new Holy damage skills with es leech and infused channeling.

( Both supports will have maximum effect on all 3 skills being used ) 2 HUGE more modifiers, and in addition going CI gives us the regen, divine ire the overwhelming kick to the build, inquisitor will have the infused defensive buff AND consecrate buff on him while hes moving and because the other skills drop even MORE areas of consecrate it should basically be all over the place....

Now heres the CWC kicker, it will ALTERNATE the 2 holy spells. Well Wave of conviction will give you 25% penetration and massive aoe damage. Plus because it alternates it will allow the wave to get pretty big before its cast again maximizing your aoe nodes. Purifying flame will get all of the other modifiers drop consecrate all over creation AND overlap damage even further. PLUS infused channeling gives 8% phys reduction base PLUS 8% for any of the tags of the gems its using, so 8% phys dmg reduction, 8% fire and 8% lightning.

I think this build will be tanky, have great aoe + regen ( zealots oath and ghost reaver will combine for decent leech AND es regen ) and very solid damage. Do yall agree? My only issue is as I build a tree for level 100 there are great nodes EVERYWHERE. I can reallocate points for more defense, more es, more damage....I cant pick!

I decided on inquisitor because of the regen nodes ( es regen ) the cast speed nodes ( for the channel I hope ) consecrate sticking while I move and 200es regen a second basically all the time plus mana regen.


Sorta what I was thinking about.

I have a bit of an issue with how righteous providence would work with this build. It gives 100% more crit strike chance, great that works with inevitable judgement, except it only works when the enemy has no ailments....we gone be shocking the bejesus out of everything left and right. So your losing that crit strike chance for the 45% critical modifer instead. Kinda a wonky node that loses half its power and synergy when your build is actually doing what its designed to do.

Sounds not bad...

but... Wave of Conviction and pen from Inevitable Judgement won't work together. Inevitable Judgement ignores Resistances. so so Wave of Conviction would only work for non crit Hits, but you will be critting a lot.

Infused Channeling would only work for the Chanelling Spell, correct me if I am wrong. So you probably won't be getting the Fire Damage Reduction

Righteous Providance: You can use Ele Focus and don't shock at all you would crit more but deal less crit Damage and it's just 100% increased Damage which is additive and not multiplicative like a More Multiplier


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