[3.6] [SC | HC] [Support] Mana Guard. Up to 21k+ Mana. Up to 300%+ Movement Speed.

Mana Guard

I noticed that the guides to the mana guard are not up-to-date or in no good condition. Moreover I am unsure how much we will play as a group in the future. Therefore I wanted to use the moment to share some of the knowledge we gained during the last leagues with (new/other) players.

Especially for players who want to play together in a group for the first time it's very confusing how a group can be put together. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each support class?

The mana guard is the most defensive of all support classes. His most important task is to buff the group with additional ES. Depending on the character ES can be increased by 5,000 - 20,000. In addition, it allows you to share power, frenzy and endurance charges between party members as needed. Alternatively it is possible to buff the block chance of the group or the life regeneration.

The most important thing, as with any group build, is to adjust it to the other chars.

In the following I would like to show you three variants including their advantages and disadvantages.

1) Max Mana

I recommend this variant only as a supplement to a group. The build is neither suitable for fast mapping nor as solo support.


+ 21,000+ mana

+ animated guardian

+ smite

+ chaos immune

+ high armour


- does not grant any other aura (with the exception of purity of elements and discipline)

- a little bit too slow (190-220% movement speed)


!care: you need 45 dexterity across all items!


remaining items

At this point you have different possibilities to complete your character. Let's start with your abyss jewels:
- mana + energy shield or
- mana + movement speed or
- mana + elemental resistances

The choice of rings strongly depends on your own preferences. The simplest combination is

It is important to wear "Shavronne's Revelation" in the right (!) slot. Moreover u need to craft -9 mana cost on your left ring (prefix – 1Ex, divine if u hit -8) or you need

Shavronne's Revelation is very cheap and also provides 3% ES regeneration.

Alternatively it is possible to use two rare rings. You don't need a -9 mana craft and you can also increase your maximum mana. As tradeoff you lose 3% ES regeneration.

If you have solved your mana cost problem without a Watcher's Eye, you can add one with "mana as extra energy shield" to your build.

When it comes to gloves, shoes and shield you have completely free choice. Make sure to have at least 30% speed of movement on your shoes. Best Enchant for your boots is "10% increased movementspeed if you haven't been hit recently".

Basically you search for the following mods on all your items:
- high mana
- high int
- ES if possible
(- cap your resistances across all items)


If you don't have a "corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" mod on any jewel, you should roll "immunity to bleeding" (of staunching) instead of "immunity to curses" on your "Quartz flask".

Discipline + Purity of Elements + Empower (lvl 3-4) + Clarity (lvl until you got close to zero mana)

Phase Run + Increased Duration + Reduced Mana + Enhance (lvl 3-4)

Vaal Grace + Vaal Haste + Vaal Discipline + Increased Duration

Animate Guardian + Minion Life + Empower (lvl 4) + Summon Stone Golem

Cast when Damage Taken (lvl 1) + Immortal Call (lvl 3) + Increased Duration

Smite + Additional Accuracy + Fortify

Dread Banner + Enlighten (lvl 2!)

Skilltree / Pastebin
The skilltree only exists in form of a Pastebin. Anyone who doesn't use Path of building yet is strongly advised to install the program. It's free of charge, always up-to-date (the programmer nowadays works for GGG) and guaranteed virus free.


2) Aura Support

I recommend this variant if there is only one support available, but it's absolutely necessary to buff the DD (damage dealer) with ES.


+ 8 auras, 1 aspect

+ 14,000+ mana

+ permanent group fortify

+ animated guardian


- slow (170-200% movement speed)


!care: you need 20 strength and 35 dexterity across all items!
(Prism Guardian can provide up to 30 dexterity)


remaining items

At this point you have different possibilities to complete your character. Let's start with the no-brainer.

--> alt-spam until you hit t1 max energy shield, regal, annul until you got a single t1 ES mod --> beast-craft aspect of the spider --> multimod: max mana, hybrid life + mana, life regen during flask effect

For the abyss jewel there are several possibilities
- mana + energy shield
- mana + movement speed
- mana + elemental resistances

The choice of rings strongly depends on your own preferences. The simplest combination is

It is important to wear "Shavronne's Revelation" in the right (!) slot. Moreover u need to craft -9 mana cost on your left ring (prefix – 1Ex, divine if u hit -8) or you need

Shavronne's Revelation is very cheap and also provides 3% ES regeneration.

Alternatively it is possible to use two rare rings. You don't need a -9 mana craft and you can also increase your maximum mana. As tradeoff you lose 3% ES regeneration.

If you have solved your mana cost problem without a Watcher's Eye, you can add one with "mana as extra energy shield" to your build.

When it comes to gloves and shoes you have completely free choice. Make sure to have at least 30% speed of movement on your shoes. Best Enchant for your boots is "10% increased movementspeed if you haven't been hit recently".

Basically you search for the following mods on all your items:
- high mana
- high int
- ES if possible
(- cap your resistances across all items)


If you don't have a "corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" mod on any jewel, you should roll "immunity to bleeding" (of staunching) instead of "immunity to curses" on your "Quartz flask".

Animate Guardian + Minion Life + Empower (lvl 4) + Wrath + Enlighten (lvl 3!)

Phase Run + Increased Duration + Reduced Mana + Vigilant Strike

Vaal Grace + Vaal Haste + Vaal Discipline + Increased Duration

Cast when Damage Taken (lvl 1) + Immortal Call (lvl 3) + Increased Duration

3-link (allways socket into your off-hand !)
Haste + Anger + Discipline

Purity of Fire + Purity of Lightning

Purity of Ice + Blood Magic

Clarity (lvl until you got close to zero mana)

Skilltree / Pastebin
The skilltree only exists in form of a Pastebin. Anyone who doesn't use Path of building yet is strongly advised to install the program. It's free of charge, always up-to-date (the programmer nowadays works for GGG) and guaranteed virus free.


3) Fast Mapper

I recommend this variant only as a supplement to a group if you have to keep up with a fast DD.


+ fast (300%+ movement speed)

+ 17,000+ mana

+ animated guardian

+ chaos immune


- does not grant any other aura (with the exception of purity of elements and discipline)

How does it work?
We use Rallying Cry or Rain of Arrows (RoA) to trigger Phase Run. If you or your Mirage Archer hit any enemy with RoA you and your allies regenerate 3% life/sec ("Unwavering Crusade") for 4sec. If you cast a 2nd ability before your Phase Run cooldown has expired you abort the ability immediately. It takes some time to figure out the optimal rhythm. It is best to alternate between Rallying Cry and RoA.



remaining items

At this point you have different possibilities to complete your character. Let's start with the items that make up the build. Why do we choose a bow? On one hand you can increase your movement speed by 26% with bow and quiver only. On the other hand it is possible to push phase run up to 28-68 (respectively 26-48) with a 5-link and bow mods.

--> alt-spam until you hit t1 movement speed, regal, annul until you got a single t1 movement speed --> multimod: max mana, +8% to qualitiy of socketed gems, +2 to lvl of socketed support gem, trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill

(note: if you are able to hit "t1 movement speed" and "+1 to level of socketed gems" you can increase your movement speed even more. In that case you don't craft "+8% to qualitiy of socketed gems")

--> alt-spam until you hit t1 movement speed, regal, annul until you got a single t1 movement speed --> multimod: max mana, hybrid life + mana, 2x resistance (as you need them)

(note: you can also try to hit t1 movement speed + 2 high resistance mods and multimod mana, hybrid life + mana)

There is a second variant for your quiver. You can trade 10% movement speed and 1 resistance mod and get 30% max mana in exchange. Spam lucent fossils until you hit (20–30)% increased maximum mana and one high resitance mod or (20–30)% increased maximum mana and no other suffix --> suffixes cannot be changed --> scoure --> multimod: max mana, hybrid life + mana, hybrid evasion rating + energy shield, resistance (if needed).

For the abyss jewel mana + movement speed are must have. It's nice if you get some additional intelligence, energy shield or resistance as well.

The choice of rings strongly depends on your own preferences. The simplest combination is

It is important to wear "Shavronne's Revelation" in the right (!) slot. Moreover u need to craft -9 mana cost on your left ring (prefix – 1Ex, divine if u hit -8) or you need

Shavronne's Revelation is very cheap and also provides 3% ES regeneration.

Alternatively it is possible to use two rare rings. You don't need a -9 mana craft and you can also increase your maximum mana. As tradeoff you lose 3% ES regeneration.

If you have solved your mana cost problem without a Watcher's Eye, you can add one with "mana as extra energy shield" to your build.

When it comes to gloves and shoes you have completely free choice. Make sure to have at least 30% speed of movement on your shoes. Best Enchant for your boots is "10% increased movementspeed if you haven't been hit recently".

Basically you search for the following mods on all your items:
- high mana
- high int
- ES if possible
(- cap your resistances across all items)


If you don't have a "corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" mod on any jewel, you should roll "immunity to bleeding" (of staunching) instead of "immunity to curses" on your "Quartz flask".

5-link (allways socket into your main-hand !)
Phase Run + Enhance (lvl 3-4) + Empower (lvl 3-4) + Increased Duration + Efficacy

Haste + Discipline + Purity of Elements + Enlighten (lvl 3!)

Vaal Grace + Vaal Haste + Vaal Discipline + Increased Duration

Ainmate Guardian + Minion Life + Empower (lvl 4) + Summon Stone Golem

Cast when Damage Taken (lvl 1) + Immortal Call (lvl 3) + Increased Duration

Rain of Arrows (lvl 3) + Mirage Archer

1-link (allways socket into your main-hand !)
Rallying Cry

Clarity (lvl until you got close to zero mana)

Skilltree / Pastebin
The skilltree only exists in form of a Pastebin. Anyone who doesn't use Path of building yet is strongly advised to install the program. It's free of charge, always up-to-date (the programmer nowadays works for GGG) and guaranteed virus free.



As mentioned before, it is important to adapt the character to your needs. A few suggestions for this.

coming soon

Leveling section


Basically I always advise to level in the group. Not only is it faster, it is also much more fun to play with your friends together. If you don't have anyone to level with or you level a 2nd char, I would like to give you some tips.

From my point of view there are two simple skill-sets with which you can level any kind of support currently.

Arc Mines

Even if storm brand has replaced arc mines in the meantime. This is a skill tree with which you can do nothing wrong and need no special gear. All you look for is one 4-link, one 3-link and some resistance.

-> https://pastebin.com/99rP0wL3 <-

Arc + Remote Mine + Minefield + Trap and Mine Damage

Lightning Spire Trap + Elemental Focus + Trap and Mine Damage

Flame Dash + Arcane Surge (lvl 4)

Orb of Storms + Increased Critical Strikes

Most of the time you use exclusively arc mines. During boss fights you also throw your lightningspire traps and use orb of storm to trigger "Elemental Overload".

Storm Brand

Especially in the racing scene storm brand has replaced arc mines lately. This is a skill tree with which you can do nothing wrong and need no special gear. All you look for is one 4-link, one 3-link and some resistance.

-> https://pastebin.com/cR52t4Ed <-

Storm Brand + Faster Casting + Concentrated Effect + Added Lightning Damage

Lightning Spire Trap + Elemental Focus + Trap and Mine Damage

Flame Dash + Arcane Surge (lvl 4)

Brand Recall

Most of the time you use exclusively storm brand/ brand recall. During boss fights you also throw your lightningspire traps to gain some extra dps.

Currently there are a lot of racing events and a lot of (speed) leveling guids out their. If you're unsure how to get through the 10 acts the fastest or if you have questions about how to level with arc mines or storm brand you'll find lots of information and videos on youtube/ twitch/ reddit.

I have too much currency and want to minmax the character?

coming soon


- 'Radiant Faith' --> mandatory, that's what this build is all about

- 'Unwavering Faith' --> physical damage reduction and life regeneration per aura (especially useful if you are aura support at the same time)

- 'Harmony of Purpose' --> allows you to share charges among party members which is a must have and your only way to get frenzy charges to increase your 'Phase Run' duration ('Curse Bot' --> allows your DD to generate endurance, frenzy and power charges --> you share them with anyone else) (only needed if you got no 'Sion Support' with 'Guardian' ascendancy)

- 'Time of Need' --> strongest self defence ascendancy

- 'Bastion of Hope' --> strong self defence ascendancy + you can buff your group with +10% chance to block attack damage (after using 'Smite') and +10% chance to block attack damage (after using any of your vaal skills)

- 'Radiant Crusade' --> 20% increased damage which is kinda nothing compared to other increases/ buffs (the bonus is less than a single mod on a single item on your DD)

- 'Unwavering Crusade' --> 3% life regeneration for you and your group + intimidate enemies with your minions (golem + guardian) to take 10% increased attack damage (only usefull against single monster and if your group has no other way to intimidate enemies)

tl;dr: Always use 'Radiant Faith' and 'Time of Need'. Always skill 'Harmony of Purpose' if no other Party member can share charges, otherwise don't waste your valuable ascendancy points. 'Bastion of Hope' is really strong. 'Unwavering Faith' and 'Unwavering Crusade' can be situational. 'Radiant Crusade' is not worth the ascendancy points as a single note.
Dernière édition par BM_Stammtisch#4049, le 18 mars 2019 06:30:51
Dernier bump le 10 mai 2019 12:47:18
video ?
On the one hand I creat the builds for the group. On the other hand I play one of two DDs. So unfortunately I don't have a mana guardian on either of my both accounts. But I can ask our mana supp if he's so kind and takes his time to cut a video after his exams.

I'm also not sure what you want to see in a video? The play style does not differ from other supports: buffing and looting all the time. If there are concrete things that interest you, I might be able to give you feedback in advance.

First and foremost, I wanted this guide to help players to make their mana guard more efficient. In the past I've seen players who give away a lot of potential.
How well do you think this would work with a league started and only one party member? I want to play with a friend for Synthesis leaguestart, and I am going to support for him. Do you think this would be a good option or would you recommend something else? Looking at a managuardian because normally our struggle is survivability. Thanks for detailed guide with different options!
First of all, I'm glad to hear that you liked the guide. If you map in a group of two then Sion support is generally speaking the first choice. Nevertheless you can play the build very well as a duo. Especially if additional survivability is required. In this case I recommend the variant with additional aura support and vigilant strike.

The builde is very cheap apart from three items. 'Shavronne's Wrappings' usually starts at 3-4ex (day 1) and drops to 1ex during the first week. 'Prism Guardian' cost you 20-30c (day 1) and each 'Grand Sepectrum' 5-20c. Everything else is inexpensive filling gear.


example for day 1-2 items:

cap ur resist, get 20 stength, 35 dexterity and try to get as much mana + int as possible (es does not matter)

So yes, it works as a league starter. The only challenge is to decide when to switch from damage (+1 damage aura like wrath/anger) to support (only). If your DD does enough damage you can switch directly with 'Prism Guardian' (should be your 1st/ 2nd item). A 'Coruscating Elixir' might help you. At this point you will be very squishy with low-budget items and without a Shavronne's. Be careful !


The other option is to switch after you get your 'Shavronne's Wrappings'. This one is safer but takes some time.
Dernière édition par BM_Stammtisch#4049, le 23 févr. 2019 08:16:25
Could you give some advice on what to do with the Animate Guardian?
First of all I'm sorry that I did not look into the forum over the league start.

We have always used the following items in the past


As a option the reworked Kingmaker is now very strong and you should definitely consider it.

(Unfortunately i don't have one to link at the moment. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kingmaker 3.6 rework: "Kingmaker now has "nearby allies have +50% critical strike multiplier", "nearby allies have fortify" and 250-285% increased physical damage. Existing versions are not affected.")

Body Armour

Life regeneration is a must have.




Dernière édition par BM_Stammtisch#4049, le 12 mars 2019 20:33:49
I really like your guide thank you for making this! That being said, I was looking at your leveling PoB links and both of them get Righteous Army, Spiritual Aid, and Lord of the Dead nodes as well as a few other minion damage nodes, is this a mistake or do the minion nodes have some kind of effect on Arc Traps and/or Storm Brand builds? Thanks in advance :)
Thanks for the positive feedback. The key note 'Spiritual Aid' allows you to use % increased minion damage for yourself. This includes '% increased minion damage' on passive tree and gear (like 'Bone Helmet' or Delve prefix/ Essence suffix 'Minions deal x% increased Damage' on weapons). This does not include flat minion damage like 'Minions deal # to # additional Cold Damage' on abyss jewels or other gear.

Apart from that the skill trees are only to be understood as help. Of course you can deviate here and there and get through the story just as well. For exaple if you level with someone else you can stay closer to your end tree like

https://pastebin.com/F3P5wTSH (storm brand)

and safe some regrets later on. So you are still strong enough for the first acts to oneshot everything and rely on your DD (=damage dealer) for boss fights.


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