{3.6}Hamohello 's Two-Handed Axe Convert Acrobatic Cyclone💣Who said Axe is dead? 22,9 M Dps💣
![]() News:In preparation of new cyclone builds when the patch occures. Welcome exiles. The moment has arrived and after months of preparation its time to update my Cyclone build.(2018 early 2019 physical version is posted below as well). Warning!! this is not a tutorial build for starters but an end game core build 95% original items that are on of a kind. Lets get started ... -Insane amount of Dps buffed / unbuffed -Speedy and fast clearing -Close eyes Shaper farmer -Close eyes Uber Elder farmer -Close eyes Uber Atziri farmer -No gem swap needed for boss fights -Dodge/Spell Dodge and evade, fortify/blind oriented defenses abusing the power of acrobatics. -Mechanics required -Good management of cyclone use due to max reservation of mana -Problematic to cannot leech life/mana maps -Cant do ele reflect(unless u optimize elementalist) "
UPDATES 31/3/2019
Gem slot combination on helmet changed Gem slot combination on boots changed 2 nod on left area Ampily/Area of effect removed 2 nod on right area dexterity/mana leech added to help warlord's mark 1 nod of dexterity removed 1 nod of of life% increased added life capacity is at 7854. the small talentry changes will be aplied the soonest possible. Currently experimenting between breach portal vs to see whats the best way to abuse the maximum damage possible on boss due to charges gain. (breach portal can be used either aggresivly to gain the charges/either defensivly to start leeching. Most of the gems are 21/23 from Incursion Temple of Atzoatl.
No comments about this weapon, literly one of a kind in existance. The base damage speaks by itself. Critical strike implict ripper with T1 Phys/add physical 32% DOUBLE DAMAGE (the 12% Deal double damage veiled is legacy) let alone the juicy hits cannot be evaded give u space create to the build and prevents the use of accuracy in many slots. Special thanks to ZIPPO providing me this amazing weapon so i can experiment and special thanks for all the help provide to finish the creation of this build. The weapon can be aquired by hes original mirror thread site: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2024779
Evasion base absolutly important for the build. 1.5% crit chance, 25% increased aura let alone the 7 link cyclone combination boosts the damage to the sky. The life prefixes are really important to keep our health bar high. +1 additional curse helps us to use 2 curses at once(from both rings).
The power of abyssus helmet with no fear to use. Almost perfect legacy one with 15% cyclone speed for even more damage. The whole itemzation of the build makes it safe to use 100%. Classic immortal combination nothing special about that.
The best of the best by far melee gloves in the game. Abyssal socket + the maximum dps available of any other rare gloves existing atm in the game. Enligten + Grace and Hatred to lower the mana reservation. Trigger commndement of fury enchant has crucial part for the build. (more details to the proc dps senction).
N1 life legacy implict 20/20 resistances + 10% penetra boots. Aggresive and defensive aproach at once. Classic leap slam combination + blood magic to avoid mana problems when we use our escape or intro ability the "godly leap slam".
The Undisputed n1 dps melee leech belt in the game! Provides everything that the build requires (life,damage,recovery,resistances.)
Huge amounts of dps amulet that has potention in future to become even stronger.
Best in slot by miles away... The n1 Assasin's mark + the n1 Warlord's mark rings together hits like a track. Foe Nuckle is really crusial to the whole part cause its the source that provides us the % of life and most important the mana so we can spin happy like fidget spinners.
The Wise Oak:As u noticed on some of the items the resistances looks a little weird thats because we tried to stabilize them and put them in harmony so we can abuse the power of the pot and get the maximum results. so when i press my pot the system reads 112% to all of them that means i get the maximum benefit of 10% reduction to all elements. On 2 phase of the pot we get the 20% penetration cold + 10% reduction to fire and lightning defenses when we press taste of hate. Cinderswallow Urn:Free Onslaught ya baby, gave me space create to remove Slaughter and go higher in the tree to use Amplify.Mention also give a lot of recovery and alot of dps as well.
Classic Scion center combo (the reserved jewels generally help the mana pool for our spins). In my case, i focused on critical strike and attack speed since i am using abyssus helmy.(if there are plans to swap abyssus in the future the gems might change to improve the multiplier). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFENSIVE MECHANICS EXPLAINED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The power of acrobatic's GRACE! 47% chance to evade (without blind) 40% chance to dodge attack 30% chance to dodge spells the life recovery from belt + the leeching from ring,blood rage Endurance charges from Foe Knucle Wize Oak 10% reduction from all elements Pantheon defenses Ascendancy (Concentrated ground/Fortify) Immortal combination jewels that give blind on hit that boost my evasion rating even more(up to 74%) and 7743 life total!! All this things mentioned allowed me to use the Abyssus without beeing afraid or having any problems at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROC MECHANICS AND COMBO IDEAS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We had our convert to 100% cold to maximize the damage but then another idea came. (watcher's eye,skill tree,and glove veiled craft). We divined the Watcher's Eye to lower % of cold conversion. The reason was to have at least 1% of free physical damage spare ,so we can be able to proc the bleed from cyclone which enables us to make full use of bloodlust from the totem.That means that totems in return hit like a truck and with the added gained lightning damage from the amulet , plus ruthless ( every third attack procs 115% more melee damage ) and double damage, allows us to have a somewhat reliant source to proc shock without having to invest in heavy lightning damage and losing a significant portion of our deeps from the new hatred ( You and nearby allies gain 26% of Phys Dmg as Extra Cold Dmg/ 18% MORE cold damage ). Commandment of Fury from gloves, and gain phy as extra fire allows us proc the ailments we need so we can have access to Inqusitor 30% multiplier ascendancy bonus,witch was previously blocked since we couldnt cause any ailments due to using elemental focus inside our main 7 link cyclone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PANTHEON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Soul of Arakaali as a major Soul of Yugul as a minor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BANDITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SAVE ALIRA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TALENTRY LVL 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The talentry line is fixed in harmony so even if u want to remove any ascendancy and test something else (Pathfinder,Raider) witch are marvelous options for the build u can do it easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POB PICTURES BELOW WITH FULL STATISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I didnt include shock proc inside, if i press it its a dps fiesta 26M DPS
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By adding only The frost bomb the damage skyrockets at 22.9 M DPS I honeslty dont know if the -25% penetration is added as a damage automatically when i press tick on the frostbomb,if not added the correct dps would be estimate at 26,5 M (i will not include the -25% in the picture below). ![]() By adding phase run proc damage if i get hit the damage skyrockets at 28,6M. If i dare to tick enemy is shocked the damage skyrockets at 38,9 M DPS And finally if i dare to include to open a breach stone before i fight shaper at he's last phase/or use the unique boots swap/reswap to take the charges ... Oh well the numbers is...49,2 M dps Mention again that the picture below will not include the -25% penetra from frostbomb cause i dont know if the system applies it or not. Also the picture below represents the maximum possible way of dps and its not always accurate cause everything must be perfectly be applied rolled proced. ![]() HERE IS THE LINK FOR PEOPLE WHO WANNA EXPERIMENT pastebin.com/tSN3VpkY
Special Thanks
My gratitude and appreciation to the following guys: YouOwnMe (My friend,Co crafter and supporter to everything i ever dreamed for the game. Tempest Mistress My friend, guild master, and supporter in every possible way. WintersWar aka Steve aka click click guy My friend,and supporter to everything i asked till now. Scarab My real life friend. Gz My real life friend. To Porshe aka Jussim My friend, and supporter with pob and hes time investment to everything so we dont do any mistakes according the build creation. And finally big thanks to Zippo Marvelous ideas that turned to work out perfectly in order to maximize the build . PURE PHYSICAL VERSION BELOW
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURSE VERSION 1 GEAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Curse Combo!! Warlord's Mark on Foe Nuckle,Enfeelbe and Assasin's Mark on hit on Oskarm all at once from +1 curse from Chest and +1 curse from amulet. Following with Grace,Banner and Cat's Stealth from the belt. (yes the mana reservation is fine,i even remove the telentry line of Charisma and went even more aggressive to True Strike. In total of 3 curses,1 aura,1 buff(aspect) and the banner all at once!!
Another Aproach
By removing the banner,i can add Vulnerablity By removing True stike and put Charisma line i will have the mana reserved By removing Assasin ascendancy and set up Occulist By removing boots and set Windscream boots, I can honestly use on this build 5 curse at once!! Sadly i will loose a lot of damage due to that but ill test that as well. WHY CYCLONE NOT DISERVE TO BE A CURSE BOT??? ^^
Talentry 100lvl
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.6.1/AAAABAABAQBeAdwDBAX5BiAGogguCZYPqxDwFCAUcRXwFr8X3BmOG6obrR3CIdAi6iP2JIsk_SaVMHEwfDGwMfsyATIJNZI5DjpCR35KyEt4TZJQR1FHVUtfP1-wYeJh62MXZU1oZWxGbqpvO2-ecFJybHSgdf12rHcHd-N4DXloelN7FHtue8N_44E6guSEb4TFhNmFUocTh2qJ04qvjDaNfY2_kBGSfZS4lcyXIZd5mG-bJpuNm7WcpKOKpjKmr6luqZStjbFbshm18r02vqe-vMAawQTBB8F8wzrKSsv1z3rPftN-1CPUUtd-2L3ZYdwj3L3dqORR5c_nD-dU6hjrCe0_7YPuDu8O73ryWvPd9zL46_lj_94= Consider to place a mana leech talentry to avoid mana returns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BANDITS + PANTHEON + ASCENDANCY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bandits KILL THEM ALL I prefer the + 2 free skill points, it allows me access to everything i desire. The rest choices are also really good especially Lord Alira. Pantheon For Uber Elder, i prefer to use as major Soul of Arakaali and minor Soul of Yugul For mapping, i prefer to use as major Soul of Lunaris and minor Soul of Garukhan. Ascendancy Points At the moment, am using Raider and finish the root Path of the ranger to allocate. My second choice is Assasin. The build is so flexible and u can even cut Assasin and go for Slayer to avoid physical reflection, or Juggernaut if u feel u need the extra accuracy. CYCLONE DAMAGE FULLY UNBUFFED 1,337,005,1 M CYCLONE DAMAGE WITH CATS ONLY 1,455,311,6 M ANCESTRAL W UNBUFFED 668,604,5 K ANCESTRAL W WITH CATS AND GOLEM 766,110,1 K CYCLONE DAMAGE WITH CATS BANNER AND SUMMON GOLEM AT BASE WITH SCREENSHOT 1,530,415,2 ![]() Dernière édition par Thatguyjohny#6103, le 7 juil. 2019 10:23:45 Dernier bump le 7 juin 2019 14:30:05
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Well well well what we have here? Im looking at this post as at the sanctuary of the freaking uber items, Iam even afraid to write something here))
But I can say with confidence that this is unprecedented, hey GGG I propose to introduce an achievment to collect all the items described in this build)) However after that the physical damage is nerfed by GGG lol, it will be a disaster cuz im slayer cycloner too ;D I’ve watched the formation of this build lately and I know how much torment it brought to its creator, now that the journey has been made, I congratulate you bro don't stop there! Dernière édition par insiderg#2789, le 23 déc. 2018 08:12:38
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Congratulations on completing the build! It would be nice to watch the video with this build!
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no PoB?
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Love it bro good job
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" Holy Cow, after 6 months finally i see a slight better Bron than mine gz bro. Thanks for your kind words my man it was a looong journey but m planing to improve it even more and constantly testing and experimenting. |
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Truly outstanding, one of a kind build. so few builds ever get to this level of min max. you should be proud. Huge grats on the level 100 as well.
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" Thanks man, so many projects pop up and i burned my mind and now am working slowly. If the thread goes good as i expecting ill post insane things to watch. |
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" ty ty ;d |
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" ty so much, it means alot to me. The lvl 100 part was painful but finally its done i feel so relief. |
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