[3.6] The Blizz Sorc - Icestorm/Winter Orb CI Occultist - Viable For Everything

In your opinion, is it possible to make good self-casted/non-channeling version of this build? I don't care about bosses, just for maps. Would "click & go" variant of this build even viable at all, and what's the downsides? Thank you!
Dernière édition par cyberxndr, le 7 déc. 2018 06:26:38
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thx 4 ur build.
Scion Wi was fun in Delve. And now Occ-Cold Version. D2 Hype :D
yeah gonna use this one as main build after starter, cant wait!
Nice build, as always. Will play a slightly different version and I'm really hyped for this league.
cyberxndr a écrit :
In your opinion, is it possible to make good self-casted/non-channeling version of this build? I don't care about bosses, just for maps. Would "click & go" variant of this build even viable at all, and what's the downsides? Thank you!

Self-cast is too slow, the clear speed will suck. And you don't need it for maps, you can easily clear any maps with Spell Cascade and any channelled skill + CwC. If WO adds decent dps - good. If not - it's still the cheapest channeller.
Let's do it, TO IT!!!
Hi Kel

Why did you choose the more mana jewel slot on the right side and not the more elemental dmg slot on the top of tree. Its only one point more.
Or do we have many issues with wo?
Hi Kel,

Are you using this as your starter or are you waiting for the gear to be cheaper later?

I think i may do this as my starter but if you feel its too expensive to start off i'll use it as the build after my starter build,

Also, even though i don't really want to do it that way, but it worth to consider to discard new addition of "frigid wake", and go to malediction instead.
With winter orb addition, profane bloom will guarantee great clear speed in maps, and malediction will give us 10% more damage and 10% reduced damage anyway. Quite comparable to 20% penetration and 10% reduced damage on "frigid wake path".
It would be a shame to lose freeze and chill immunity, but considering that it can be nihilated with simple flask, i think that i should say it.
Zerotanker a écrit :
Hi Kel,

Are you using this as your starter or are you waiting for the gear to be cheaper later?

I think i may do this as my starter but if you feel its too expensive to start off i'll use it as the build after my starter build,


It's one of the cheapest and easiest builds to start, actually.
And kel always start with it.
There is nothing vital in that build that expensive. But it can scale accordingly in late game. Perfect balance.


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