Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Betrayal

I still expect for the time when a patch focused on melee comes! The changes to champion or those new skills are so not melee.
FathomWheel a écrit :

I'll agree with that. I'm thinking Loreweave and Tombfist. Kaom's Heart is higher, but that only seems to be on a handful of builds this late (Elemental Hit, RF).

Outside of LW and TF, I can't think of any that really fit that bill. Zerphi and pepe are a totally seperate issue and used only on a single build and will be nerfed for different reasons.

Either ways I hope GGG does not mass nerf every semi viable unique for the sake of it.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Bex_GGG a écrit :

In 3.5.0 we are removing the ability to use stat sticks, through the following changes:
  • You will no longer be able to use skills that require a specific weapon equipped if you are dual-wielding and one of your equipped weapons is unsuitable for that skill.
  • Skills that could be used with two weapons, but were main-hand-only when used, now use both weapons when dual wielding.

I so hope this includes spells, else it would be a beyond stupid change. You just killed every attack stat stick, even the pre-monkey-creep-patch ones. You killed a fuckton of 1h-pdps weapons. You are making Lycosidae basically the best option again. You did shit for "real" dual wielding outside of thicc memes, it's still dead. You didn't even adress the main problem at all. At least you made players appreciate 2h more.
I can't believe you have like 14 peeps in the balance team who thought that this is a good idea.
Ashriel a écrit :
Mostly looks good, but the whole Archetypes bit kind of goes against the whole philosophy of Path of Exile's game design, I feel. Adding skill-specific modifiers, especially to Ascendancies, feels much more limiting than it does expanding with new options. I want to make a spellzerker. I want to go chaos, poison DoT inquisitor, and make it work. That does not seem like the road being gone down any more.

As has been the case since ascendancy.
So stat-sticking left untouched for BV, GC and other Phys based spells.

This makes no fucking sense.
Bananaplasm a écrit :
Bex_GGG a écrit :

In 3.5.0 we are removing the ability to use stat sticks, through the following changes:
  • You will no longer be able to use skills that require a specific weapon equipped if you are dual-wielding and one of your equipped weapons is unsuitable for that skill.
  • Skills that could be used with two weapons, but were main-hand-only when used, now use both weapons when dual wielding.

I so hope this includes spells, else it would be a beyond stupid change. You just killed every attack stat stick, even the pre-monkey-creep-patch ones. You killed a fuckton of 1h-pdps weapons. You are making Lycosidae basically the best option again. You did shit for "real" dual wielding outside of thicc memes, it's still dead. You didn't even adress the main problem at all. At least you made players appreciate 2h more.
I can't believe you have like 14 peeps in the balance team who thought that this is a good idea.

Was a good idea lol. Stat sticks were retarded. Though I'm surprised this was the resolution. Was expecting Nerf to shaper mods as there are a few uniques that seeme to be made for off-hand
Dernière édition par KaseyM21, le 3 déc. 2018 19:57:01
Dracooltenks a écrit :
You are going to see an influx of 2Hand build over dual wielding. Least this league.

No you won't lol, 2h melee was bad previously and is still bad now.
What you'll see is even more gc mines and BV builds.

So yeah let's review. For a while now, the players asked you to do something about shaper\elder statsticks with extra ele\chaos damage. Very specific request. But that's not what you did, is it.
Instead, you nerfed all dual-wielding for attack builds. Including the items that were used way before shaper\elder statsticks were even a thing, like Death's Hand or Princess.
All while leaving some of the strongest builds in the game, physical into elemental damage spell builds, entirely untouched, and ensuring melee builds are not given anything at all to compensate for a massive drop in power.

You know, i always look forward to whatever you do with the game, but sometimes i look at a particular change and wish you simply hadn't bothered.
This is Valve's level of balancing right here.
I am still confused.

Melee is the problem?????

P.S. I do hate stat sticks, but melee is the problem???
Wait, wait, wait.

You PAY people that think the most effective way to nerf stat sticks was to remove the ability for melee to use them?

Don't get me wrong, the rest of the patch sounds great, but this is absolutely ridiculous.

Ranged can clear full screens of enemies at once, and from further away than melee, and does the same if not more damage.

Melee, now, has less damage. Contrary to what I'm sure the patch notes will say, this is NOT a buff.


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