[3.6] Immortal Blade Flurry Assassin - Face-tank All Content - [CAN BE DONE ON BUDGET!] - 1 MIL+ DPS
" Clearing is actually going to feel even slower without the Concentrated Effect Support gem. Reason being is because you can have a slightly larger AoE, but if your damage is low, it won't matter. Concentrated Effect Support gives a huge damage boost and the most for this setup. I would suggest just grabbing more crit multi on items and on jewels. But just remember, you want to focus on survival before the damage which you have been doing so that is good. Once you feel that you are starting to become tankier, you can start really investing on the DPS side of things like crit multi and the like. Good luck and it is awesome seeing some progress in your build. *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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" Dexterity is definitely still not pointless. We might be removing our evasion because of Unwavering Stance, but you do not need to use this node until end-game content like T16, Guardians, Shaper and Uber Elder. So you can still leave your evasion as is. Also, when you do grab Unwavering Stance, this is the reason why we also grab Iron Reflexes to take all of that lost evasion and converting it to all armor. I wouldn't suggest grabbing Unwavering Stance until you can grab Iron Reflexes or until you are tanky enough to out leech bosses and mobs. Also, the simple reason is that we need dexterity for attribute requirements for items/gems too. You cannot replace Lycosidae for this build. Even if you do use a 'Hits can't be Evaded' weapon, that means you lose out on the instant leech from Bloodseeker. Using a 'Hits can't be Evaded' weapon along with Bloodseeker does not work because both the instant leech and can't be evaded mods are local meaning they only apply to the current weapon being used. Blade Flurry alternates weapons every time it hits. This means that in one hand, you will never miss but don't have instant leech, and on the other hand, you will not have 100% hit but have instant leech. You want to have instant leech 100% of t he time so that is why Bloodseeker is required alongside Lycosidae. And yes, like you said, 'Hits can't be Evaded' is only able to be crafted on weapons. Not shields. Good luck. *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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" You can just use a simple Double Strike/Vaal Double Strike setup until you get to level 28 which shouldn't take too long until you can make the change. If you have are using Vaal Double Strike, you can still keep the gem to use it to level and map alongside your main Blade Flurry setup which you can start using at level 28. Just using the Vaal version of Double Strike even without links is still really good for clearing and boss melting early stages. Just make sure you have your Double Strike linked to Melee Splash Support so clearing feels a lot better. Getting to level 28 shouldn't take too long before you can start using it so Double Strike will get you by until then. I would suggest just finding a cheap claw to use with life gain on hit too. You will have mini instant leech with it and it grants some great survivability earlier on and even late game. Good luck! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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" Honestly, If you cannot afford an Enlighten gem yet, you can just use Wrath > Blasphemy > Punishment for now. This is already gets you enough DPS as it is. The extra auras is really just the min-maxing part with extra quality of life. If you do end up using the whole setup, then yes, you would need a level 4 Enlighten alongside at another Enlighten that needs to be at least level 2. I originally just ran the Wrath+Punishment setup I mentioned earlier until I corrupted another Enlighten gem to level 4. I don't know if you read the guide section where I mention how I start my builds, but I usually just level my characters to minimum level when I can start using my gear/gems or the level 70 mark. This build can be done at league start though, but the setup might be slightly different depending. I generally have the same template for every melee character I play. I mean as in the way I level them. I generally use the same exact setup in my Tabula Rasa for every build until I get to the minimum level or level 70. For example, for this character, I just used a Tabula Rasa with rare gear to get to level 70 when I then swapped out my gear. I always use a Tabula Rasa with a basic Double Strike/Vaal Double Strike setup if I go this route. I just have my Tabula Rasa setup as is: Double Strike/Vaal Double Strike > Added Fire Damage Support > Multistrike > Melee Splash Support > Ruthless Support > Melee Physical Damage. You can easily swap out Double Strike with Blade Flurry at level 28, and swap some of the gems to use Concentrated Effect for more DPS. Hypothermia won't really be used until you can start inflicting crit and having some flat cold damage somewhere so you can chill/freeze. Hypothermia is not really going to benefit until you can start chilling enemies. If you don't choose to go to this setup, yes, you can also use Reave to map as well until you can start using Blade Flurry efficiently. Really, you can build and use what works for you until you can utilize the build. This is really just the blueprint of the build. Good luck! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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" You can do any corruptions that you'd like. :) I just leave mine as is. I corrupted it myself trying to get a specific corrupt implicit for one of my other characters, but didn't get it so I just used it for this build. The shield definitely does look bad though, haha. I have a shield MTX though so it swaps it at least. I mean, I don't mind having it shown either though. I'm more about the gameplay. A weird looking shield isn't going to stop me from using an item or build, ha. I mean, if you have the MTXs though, go for it. *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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" Oh I see, you are right, didn't realise it would work like that (about Blade Flurry swapping between weps with each tick), thank you good sir. I'm lvl 89 btw, have reached t10 maps, the syndicate gangbang is the only problem I think. |
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" Haha, the syndicate will always be the syndicate, won't they? I personally used this build last league so I never had the chance to use it against the syndicate, but I'm pretty sure once you get the build up with enough damage and tankiness, it should be able to handle them pretty well. For me, personally, I haven't had much trouble with the syndicate even in red-tier maps this league. This might just be because my current build that I am running (writing a guide on it right now so be on the look out! =D) one-shotting everything or melting everything before any danger gets to me. I league started with a Herald of Agony/Assassin and got him to level 90 within a week or so. I am actually working on the guide as I write this post, haha. It will be up hopefully later today or tomorrow. If there is anything else you need or suggestions, let me know. I'm all ears. :) *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 Dernière édition par Bakuhakubasugasu#6072, le 19 déc. 2018 15:53:06
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I am 81 and doing maps tier 7-10 and the only problem is the syndicate :D
I feel cannot facetank them as they would one shot me and has to run around without doing much. Guess should continue on maxing hps on items. Any suggestion on replacing the flask alternative? I cant afford the sin's rebirth and taste of haste. Figuring out what kind of life flask to use https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/aka2411/characters |
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Im tearing shit apart with this build, loving it! One question though, can i use a tabula to keep my 6link until i have the currency to buy another chest? if i can manage to balance stats/res without a rare/loreweave body armour.
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" Yeah, syndicate is going to be the trolls that they are, haha. One thing looking at your character, you could definitely get more life on your items and jewels. This is one of the main things that could make it difficult for you to survive, but I know a lot of people are struggling with the syndicate in general. Just in general, grabbing more life for a character with instant leech is easily one of the best defensive measures in the game. I guarantee you once you get some more life, you will feel way more tankier and start showing those syndicate members who is boss. :) For replacing the flasks, yeah you can just use some utility magic flasks until you are able to purchase the unique flasks. You can leave your two utility flasks along with your Atziri's Promise flask. You can replace one of your life flasks for a Diamond Flask. A Diamond Flask will make your critical strike chance lucky, and give you a big boost in DPS as well. I think it is okay if you still just have a single life flask, but if you are going full blown DPS, then you can also replace your second life flask with another utility flask. With the addition of the Diamond Flask, then you already have all of the DPS flasks you can get on a non-unique flask. You could just grab a Quartz Flask for utility. Quartz Flask gives you 10% chance to dodge spells and attacks. This works great if you end up having Unwavering Stance because you can still dodge since dodge is different from evade. Do what works for you. Good luck! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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