[3.6] Immortal Blade Flurry Assassin - Face-tank All Content - [CAN BE DONE ON BUDGET!] - 1 MIL+ DPS
" Yup, that is the reason why we take Iron Reflexes, it is because we are using Unwavering Stance. You can also skip this if you notice that you are not getting stunned much, but against Uber Elder, it is a lot safer to grab it because getting stun locked is basically instant death on Uber Elder. One thing to note is that evading and dodging are two different things. This is why if we do grab Unwavering Stance, Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics is still viable. Dodging and evasion is a lot more superior in the end-game but I would still prioritize in grabbing life too. I think once you get to end-game content, you will start to see this a lot more. You'll get there though. :) Let me know if you need anything else. Good luck! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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Dernière édition par TurtleSweat#4786, le 1 janv. 2019 21:04:53
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This is not a new players or budget build.
That is a lie. Shame on you, there is no way you got to 1mill DPS on budget. Avoid this build, THIS IS FAR FROM STARTER, BUDGET OR NEW PLAYER FRIENDLY... |
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" Shame on me? I never really lied in this guide. I never once mentioned it being for 'new players'. Also, I didn't say it was a budget build, but 'COULD' be done on a budget. This was also built back in Delve when Lycosidae was just sitting at 20-30 chaos when I made the guide. Lycosidae obviously skyrocketed in price because of all of the CoC builds that have resurfaced because of the rework on the cooldown. The 1 million damage is what the current build is at, which is not a lie. You can potentially get that much damage when you start getting better pieces of gear. My buddy uses all rare gear with a Tabula Rasa (Bloodseeker and Lycosidae are obviously required for the build) for this build and has downed Uber Elder. Min-maxing the build can get expensive, but that is any build in the game. The only requirements for this build are Bloodseeker and Lycosidae and everything else can be done with rare gear and still have the build run. I appreciate you stopping by, but you shouldn't go to threads and twist the facts around. Sure, it can get expensive, but all builds can when you start min-maxing it. I originally played this build with a Tabula Rasa and rare gear until I worked my way up grabbing more gear. Totally possible. *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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Great bulild and guide, been doing well so far.
Question - i finally have enough to purchase a lycosidae, but i am currently using a 5-L chest. At this point, should i buy a 6-L or go through with the lyco? Also, im not a fan of concentrated aoe gem for trash mobs (i switch for boss fights) would you say increased crit damage is a good alternative? Thanks! |
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" Lycosidae is a required item for the build so I would even grab that before the 6L. You can honestly just get by with a 4L-5L if you have Bloodseeker and Lycosidae. Technically Elemental Damage with Attacks would do more for the build, but that would have you recoloring your body armor which is obviously not something you want. The next best thing would Increased Critical Strikes as you mentioned. If you want to swap it out, go for it. You are still getting a good amount of damage by doing so, so I don't see any harm in swapping them. Once you get Lycosdiae going with Bloodseeker, the build REALLY comes together. I would suggest you grab that asap. I would priortize Lycosidae over a 6L for this build any day. Even just using a Tabula Rasa can get you by if you are really on a budget too. Your choice. Glad you are liking the build and I appreciate the thanks. If you need anything else, drop me a message here or as a private message. Good luck, exile! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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How did u get endurance charge? U need it for imortal call isint it? |
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" Immortal Call can still work without Endurance Charges. Endurance Charges just extends the duration of Immortal Call. You do not need Endurance Charges for Immortal Call to work. Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck, exile! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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Assassin is my favorite class along with ranger. I'm back playing PoE after a year and half break, this remind me my favorite character till now i did on Legacy League, it was a Mortem Morsu Lycosidae ST chaos Assassin, dude i loved that build. I already tried Winter Orb (didnt liked) and Slayer ST, that one is ok but i feel that something is missing. I Wonder if we can switch blade flurry for ST (greater clearing) with slower projectiles/gmp in this setup with some minor changes on tree (removing the melee), anyway, i'll farm a bit on my ST to get currency to at least buy a good bloodseeker and Lycosidae (its absurdly expensive now days). Anyway ty for the post.
Edit: how u lvl ur character? Dernière édition par igorbaum#0123, le 6 janv. 2019 18:04:19
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" I just leveled up with Ornament of the East and a basic Double Strike setup in a Tabula Rasa until I was able to use all of my gear. I followed my tree as is while leveling up. I would suggest leveling at the Blood Aqueducts when you get there at Act 9 until you get to level 60-70 when you can finally make use of all of your end-game gear. *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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