[3.5 OUTDATED!] LL, poet's pen indigon template

Hi guys this build is great,and i dont spend too much,but i want to ask if this build is good for pvp?for maps elder shaper is great xd
Hi guys this build is great,and i dont spend too much,but i want to ask if this build is good for pvp?for maps elder shaper is great xd

No, it's absolute garbage for pvp. Triggered skills from poet's pen have been nerfed by 80% last patch, and VD too. both multiplicative. you don't do any damage in pvp, it's horrible.
Hello all.
Just to say thanks to Darkxellmc and everyone who contributed to this thread.
Got bored of my other characters and decided to go for this build as my last delve reroll.

Sold all my occultist and deadeye items so i started with a confortale amount of currencies and the build is just awesome.
Did uber elder with it at level 81. Not deathless, but mostly because i suck at the game.

Considering i probably won't farm enough to buy indigon with enchant AND elem penetration poet's pen, which one should i focus before the end of the league ?


PS: Sorry for my bad english, not my language, hope it's understandable.
I'm not using either of them and it's fine.
I'd say penetration pens are pretty damn good. I am currently using a lightning warp duration indigon (dunno about how much it costs, self enchanted it), and it feels amazing for mapping. Penetration is really good just because you can get an other damage gem in instead of fire pen support, so it ends up being a comparable damage increase to additional corpse.
If you have some big money, a reduced mana cost indigon, corrupted jewels for reduced mana reserved and a herald of ash ring is an insane mapping boost. It's an other option I wanted to try, but I'm done with the league and kinda broke so... ^^'
Hi Guys,

thank you for guiding me.
This Build is awesome!
Just killed my first Uber-Elder ever one first try, did die twice.

My setup is kinda cheap 9k Es 10k Mana, 3 purities +heral of ash (no disciplein, no lv4 enlighten, no Acuitys,..)

here is my gear if you wanna compare

3xGrand spectrum
4x Healthy Mind
1x fevered Mind
1x pure talent
1x Clarity Mans ES 18% Watchers Eye

But he did not drop me an Eye,.. will try a few more times to get a decent one.

Thanks again!
(My char is Markus_der_Molekulare)
Alienbutter a écrit :
Hi Guys,

thank you for guiding me.
This Build is awesome!
Just killed my first Uber-Elder ever one first try, did die twice.

My setup is kinda cheap 9k Es 10k Mana, 3 purities +heral of ash (no disciplein, no lv4 enlighten, no Acuitys,..)

here is my gear if you wanna compare

3xGrand spectrum
4x Healthy Mind
1x fevered Mind
1x pure talent
1x Clarity Mans ES 18% Watchers Eye

But he did not drop me an Eye,.. will try a few more times to get a decent one.

Thanks again!
(My char is Markus_der_Molekulare)

I would recommend getting rid of added chaos, and add added lightning for 10% more mana cost.

Anyways, good job on your uber elder kill, and have fun for the rest of the league! ^^
Darkxellmc a écrit :
Alienbutter a écrit :
Hi Guys,

thank you for guiding me.
This Build is awesome!
Just killed my first Uber-Elder ever one first try, did die twice.

My setup is kinda cheap 9k Es 10k Mana, 3 purities +heral of ash (no disciplein, no lv4 enlighten, no Acuitys,..)

here is my gear if you wanna compare

3xGrand spectrum
4x Healthy Mind
1x fevered Mind
1x pure talent
1x Clarity Mans ES 18% Watchers Eye

But he did not drop me an Eye,.. will try a few more times to get a decent one.

Thanks again!
(My char is Markus_der_Molekulare)

I would recommend getting rid of added chaos, and add added lightning for 10% more mana cost.

Anyways, good job on your uber elder kill, and have fun for the rest of the league! ^^

Thanks for the tip. What do you think about the boot enchantment?
I think 0,6% leech of Mana is very good vs late game bosses, warlords leech should only be 0,4% vs Shaper/Elder.
Even better with Acuities!
I ran around 20labs with my other char and did not get the Regen enchantment,... this is the best I got.
Darkxellmc a écrit :
I'm not using either of them and it's fine.
I'd say penetration pens are pretty damn good. I am currently using a lightning warp duration indigon (dunno about how much it costs, self enchanted it), and it feels amazing for mapping. Penetration is really good just because you can get an other damage gem in instead of fire pen support, so it ends up being a comparable damage increase to additional corpse.
If you have some big money, a reduced mana cost indigon, corrupted jewels for reduced mana reserved and a herald of ash ring is an insane mapping boost. It's an other option I wanted to try, but I'm done with the league and kinda broke so... ^^'

Thanks you for your advices.
Vd enchant will probably stay off budget until the end of the league so i'll look to snipe corrupted poets' pen and/or try to add herald in my setup.

Thanks for your time. Take care.
Hey, tried to add op ingame but havent seem him online. I'm going to respecc my 93 Hiero and try this build out once my MS jug gets 100.

The question I had in my mind is about Shavs and it's 5 offcolor. Did you spam vorici socket trick, or did you do 2g1r to hit 5 offcolors?

I'm about to also create 30Q, trash to treasure shaped Shavs so some advice how to get desired colors is welcome!
larsahh_ a écrit :
Hey, tried to add op ingame but havent seem him online. I'm going to respecc my 93 Hiero and try this build out once my MS jug gets 100.

The question I had in my mind is about Shavs and it's 5 offcolor. Did you spam vorici socket trick, or did you do 2g1r to hit 5 offcolors?

I'm about to also create 30Q, trash to treasure shaped Shavs so some advice how to get desired colors is welcome!

I used vorici.

Sorry, I'm not that much online, I'm pretty muich done with the league and I have things ot do irl. I'm basically on only to run lab on good days.


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