YT_HB a écrit :
darktuga a écrit :
how core is atziri's foible? i was thinking about going gloomfang and magma orb , since the the encahnt is stupidly expensive, plus i dont rly like volatile dead
Atziri's Foible is pretty significant for this build with the amount of max mana and mana regen. The ammy is so cheap and it should work with any skill so why not use it?
because gloomfang makes you deal more than double dps with full chain
Posté pardarktuga#5409le 11 oct. 2018 à 15:32:00Banni(e)
darktuga a écrit :
YT_HB a écrit :
darktuga a écrit :
how core is atziri's foible? i was thinking about going gloomfang and magma orb , since the the encahnt is stupidly expensive, plus i dont rly like volatile dead
Atziri's Foible is pretty significant for this build with the amount of max mana and mana regen. The ammy is so cheap and it should work with any skill so why not use it?
because gloomfang makes you deal more than double dps with full chain
Double damage can be insignificant when it comes to scaling Indigon damage with max mana and mana regen. Gloomfang would be great for any other build possibly. But in this build, the max mana and mana regen are the key to damage through Indigon. It's the same reason that the skill tree takes all mana nodes and no (out of the way) damage nodes.
Dernière édition par YT_HB#0097, le 11 oct. 2018 à 16:11:42
Posté parYT_HB#0097le 11 oct. 2018 à 16:10:54Banni(e)
might just try out with both, its not like any of the amulets is expensive xD
Posté pardarktuga#5409le 11 oct. 2018 à 16:30:30Banni(e)
darktuga a écrit :
might just try out with both, its not like any of the amulets is expensive xD
Windz has a build video of gloomfang/magma orb/PP scion. Looks pretty sick. You should check it out if you haven't already.
Posté parMoridin79#6328le 11 oct. 2018 à 16:47:00
Moridin79 a écrit :
darktuga a écrit :
might just try out with both, its not like any of the amulets is expensive xD
Windz has a build video of gloomfang/magma orb/PP scion. Looks pretty sick. You should check it out if you haven't already.
ye i know, but it doesnt seem tanky at all, it will probably get 1 shot most of the times
btw am i blind or there is no POB for this build?
Dernière édition par darktuga#5409, le 11 oct. 2018 à 16:58:52
Posté pardarktuga#5409le 11 oct. 2018 à 16:58:21Banni(e)
Moridin79 a écrit :
Which you guys go for first? Tempered spirit or acuities? I'm just using voidbringers atm as a placeholder.
Facerolling everything up to T16 but surprisingly had a lot of trouble in some abyssal cities at depth 300. I found it pretty sketchy managing bodyswap, while trying to keep the lights on. There were two damage mods, maybe that was it? Or am I just bad? lol
Hey bro, didn't see anyone answering your question so I will do it. Sorry if someone had answered but I didn't see.
Definitely buy acuities first. They will certainly make a difference in cities where you can get hit hard and often. I am currently doing 380 delve cities and it's a breeze with 10k ES and herald of ash instead of discipline. Your next buy should be tempered spirit as it gives 120 mana. For cities I would also advise to throw flares on the ground and not to rely on the light circles - makes your life much easier.
Posté parchancer#1645le 12 oct. 2018 à 08:20:53
darktuga a écrit :
btw am i blind or there is no POB for this build?
PoB is my own profile.
Account: Darkxellmc
Character: DarkxellIsANiceGuy (Delve)
Posté parDarkxellmc#0807le 12 oct. 2018 à 09:06:58
Moridin79 a écrit :
darktuga a écrit :
might just try out with both, its not like any of the amulets is expensive xD
Windz has a build video of gloomfang/magma orb/PP scion. Looks pretty sick. You should check it out if you haven't already.
Care, you can't really squeeze in the 2 magma orb jewels. Other than that magma orb should be "fine". make sure you have some life gain on hit or you will instantly kill yourself as lowlife, and you'll need 2 points for stats in the tree. Overall, it's kinda hard to make it work.
Posté parDarkxellmc#0807le 12 oct. 2018 à 09:09:06
hey guys, started this build last night as my final Delve build. Have almost everything but the watchers eye and a few jewels. One stupid question tho, how do I start building up damage when I have 100% reduced mana cost on full shield? Do I just need to get hit so I can start building up? Feels like I'm missing something simple.
Posté parNorbain#1073le 12 oct. 2018 à 11:10:47
chancer a écrit :
Moridin79 a écrit :
Which you guys go for first? Tempered spirit or acuities? I'm just using voidbringers atm as a placeholder.
Facerolling everything up to T16 but surprisingly had a lot of trouble in some abyssal cities at depth 300. I found it pretty sketchy managing bodyswap, while trying to keep the lights on. There were two damage mods, maybe that was it? Or am I just bad? lol
Hey bro, didn't see anyone answering your question so I will do it. Sorry if someone had answered but I didn't see.
Definitely buy acuities first. They will certainly make a difference in cities where you can get hit hard and often. I am currently doing 380 delve cities and it's a breeze with 10k ES and herald of ash instead of discipline. Your next buy should be tempered spirit as it gives 120 mana. For cities I would also advise to throw flares on the ground and not to rely on the light circles - makes your life much easier.
Hey thanks for the reply. I finally managed to grab some acuity's after a late night price spike of 2ex ughh. Makes such a huge difference in delves! Now, onto the tempered spirit and then maybe a 5-off shavs. :)
https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/988f3369-4b68-4eb9-bc0e-edfce4c3c950 Dernière édition par Moridin79#6328, le 12 oct. 2018 à 11:44:44
Posté parMoridin79#6328le 12 oct. 2018 à 11:43:20