[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

60+ vaal orb on skirmish - 0 point blank) Market price min 2ex
Hey I've been running Armageddon Brand with those two Heiro nodes, the ones that cause enemies to take 10% increased damage with a Brand attached. I know we have Ancestral Bond but the buff from the Brand still applies right? Wondering what you think about doing this, seems like 10% free damage against hard bosses since those last two Ascendancy points are a write-off anyway.

Anyways fantastic guide and build, I'm having a blast playing it.
Dernière édition par Teklap#5210, le 14 déc. 2018 à 13:28:25
Hey guys.

So I just placed my two combat focus Jewels in my Skilltree. The problem is, the Viridian Jewel needs 40 dex AND 40 strength in it's radius - but there is no strength note in range. The same goes for the Crimson jewel.

Picture for reference: https://imgur.com/a/bEeF7NH

Am I doing something wrong?
The threshold jewels look for the sum total of str/dex or str/int. As long as you have a total of 40 (str + int or str + dex), you're good.
This build can play without Uniq Amu (first time, cuz very expensive)
Karleon a écrit :
60+ vaal orb on skirmish - 0 point blank) Market price min 2ex

First try lol

Edit to add some actual value: assuming a 25% chance to add an implicit, and then a 1/14 chance to hit point blank, you have a 1.79% chance each time. At 60 rolls you have about a 66% chance of getting one. Average number of tries is going to be 56.
Dernière édition par mudcat#5196, le 14 déc. 2018 à 18:30:56
Miffy23 a écrit :
Freredacier a écrit :
Cool build.
Started this league with arc, switched to ele hit @lvl 93.
While clear speed is roughly the same, ele hit is way better vs boss and syndicate encounters.

My gear is still quite bad. Not sure what to upgrade next : lvl 21 ele hit ? rings ? belt ? I need to enchant my boots aswell.

Rings > 21 gem > belt imo. Lots of room for improvement on the rings.

Thanks for the answer. Rings were trash indeed, bought/made these two + belt today :

Not top-tier but way better.

I'm finally done leveling, it's uber time !
Hey! I'm wondering what's better for HC:
Kaomi or Loreweave?
Danke dir für den Guide. Spiele deinen Build nun auch...komme aber leider bei Chimära auf keinen DMg. T15 Bosse gehen sehr easy.

Siehst du einen Fehler in meinem Char?

Viele Grüße
Well....pretty interested in the Build....but...if i look at Yoke of Suffering for example, currently priced at 6 exalteds, where the heck is that budget friendly? You do outline high-end equipment with over-the-top enchants and corruptions, but are there any viable alternatives who dont have a donkey in their cellar that shits out gold doubloons? :D
Dernière édition par LostSoul15#0784, le 14 déc. 2018 à 22:51:21


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