[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Cheers guys, appreciate the detailed answers!

Will be looking forward to try the build in near future :)
royvisser1990 a écrit :
Should i use the combat focus jewels asap? Or only when i get certain key items for this build and/or avatar of fire?

Never really tried a totem build but your looks really cool.

Hello sir,
at the beginning of the leauge I leveld to arround lvl 50-55, than I could afford to buy the two combat focus jewels. At the same time you equip the jewels, you take the "avatar of fire" note. It has to be at the same time.

Please keep in mind, that the combat focus jewels need to be at the exact same positin and the same order as in my tree (with the stats in radius) or they won´t be active.

Ridman a écrit :
Cheers guys, appreciate the detailed answers!

Will be looking forward to try the build in near future :)

Hey buddy,

great to hear :-)
It is nice to have someone else who has fun to min max a char.
I´ll see you around on poe ninja in the build section (hierphant with ele hit) soon :-)))


So got my flasks,

Got new Boots, Redid my Bandit choice.


Build feels really good,

First Time I have ever reached guardians so far, Had some issues with Chimera(he went invis and kept attacking me couldnt do anything and died 4 portals not sure on the mechanics so my fault though :P)

To those interested the corruption on kaoms gave me a nice dps boost, 8k on tooltip not sure on path of building but getting close to the OP's damage now :)

Need a few more 21:20 gems then ill be good :)
First reply I've made to a build guide on the forums, as I typically follow either EE's guides over @ youtube, or very popular builds here on the forums -- to which I don't really have much to add ever.

Picked this up after I hit a break with my Viper-Strike Pathfinder just because I was frustrated I hit the wall, and I must say that a) this is the first Templar I've rolled, and b) the first totem build. (although it being my first Templar, that's not as big a surprise)

I have leveled with this guy by far the cheapest, and fastest, ever. This may be my favorite build yet. I've not even quite added a Kaom's or the Chin Sol (have the bow, but not quite 62 yet), and the build as it is with the Quill Rain, a Tabula, and the FrostFerno is so strong!

It felt a little glass-cannon until I got art of the gladiator, and the second set of ascendancy, but since that --- WOW!

Since I still have the room (and even maybe after I move to the Kaom's) I have both Blood Rage and Phase Run linked in my Tabula to Increased Duration... This allows me to drop blood rage when dropping totems, then a Quicksilver and Phase run after to let stuff die off-screen. Since my current totem duration is 20.5 secs, I just flask/phase run until I see the totem count drop, then drop more and do it again. The ascendancy and tree makes the degen not even noticeable except as it removes what little ES I have!

@Lunasicc187 Friggin awesome build. Should honestly have much more of a following than it has right now!!!!!!
Lunasicc187 a écrit :
royvisser1990 a écrit :
Should i use the combat focus jewels asap? Or only when i get certain key items for this build and/or avatar of fire?

Never really tried a totem build but your looks really cool.

Hello sir,
at the beginning of the leauge I leveld to arround lvl 50-55, than I could afford to buy the two combat focus jewels. At the same time you equip the jewels, you take the "avatar of fire" note. It has to be at the same time.

Please keep in mind, that the combat focus jewels need to be at the exact same positin and the same order as in my tree (with the stats in radius) or they won´t be active.


Although I'm well past this, seeing this (or at least putting my brain against it) would have saved me a little trouble.

I raced to Avatar after only getting the first (Crimson) Combat Focus. This caused quite a bit of damage drop during leveling which probably accounts for my perceived "Glass cannon" feel until after the second ascendancy...

@Lunasicc187, I might humbly offer that it would be decent to add this tidbit into the FAQ somewhere, for others like me whom don't put the brain-power behind it.. haha
hackulow a écrit :

So got my flasks,

Got new Boots, Redid my Bandit choice.


Build feels really good,

First Time I have ever reached guardians so far, Had some issues with Chimera(he went invis and kept attacking me couldnt do anything and died 4 portals not sure on the mechanics so my fault though :P)

To those interested the corruption on kaoms gave me a nice dps boost, 8k on tooltip not sure on path of building but getting close to the OP's damage now :)

Need a few more 21:20 gems then ill be good :)

Chimera is quite easy - watch my showcase video for chimers kill. If chimera is invisible, run & find him in the small red clouds all over the arena. He is hidding in one of them. When you find him, we will appear again.

Roese a écrit :
Lunasicc187 a écrit :
royvisser1990 a écrit :
Should i use the combat focus jewels asap? Or only when i get certain key items for this build and/or avatar of fire?

Never really tried a totem build but your looks really cool.

Hello sir,
at the beginning of the leauge I leveld to arround lvl 50-55, than I could afford to buy the two combat focus jewels. At the same time you equip the jewels, you take the "avatar of fire" note. It has to be at the same time.

Please keep in mind, that the combat focus jewels need to be at the exact same positin and the same order as in my tree (with the stats in radius) or they won´t be active.


Although I'm well past this, seeing this (or at least putting my brain against it) would have saved me a little trouble.

I raced to Avatar after only getting the first (Crimson) Combat Focus. This caused quite a bit of damage drop during leveling which probably accounts for my perceived "Glass cannon" feel until after the second ascendancy...

@Lunasicc187, I might humbly offer that it would be decent to add this tidbit into the FAQ somewhere, for others like me whom don't put the brain-power behind it.. haha

Hey buddy, I just added this as an important hint right at the beginning of the level section. Thank you for your suggestion.

Hihi! Wow this looks like a powerful build and what a detailed and well written guide. Well done!

I know you said the starting cost of the build is 130c on week 3 delve.
But wondering if this is a good league starter build? Since you don’t have 130c in the beginning and some of the time in week 1 might be even more expensive. Like for example what build would you level with until enough currency is farmed to start this one?

Also do you have a rough order of most important gear to least? And like the bare minimum gear you recommend getting before starting to play this?

Also any recommendation on making the build even more tanky? I got noob reflexes so need a lot of room for error. Thinking of building in MoM with cloak of defiance or a belly? I know you said you don’t like MoM but from my experience it has helped me stay alive, but is a pain sometimes. And since we are Hiero we naturally get moreMoM through ascendancy. Damage seems plenty so I imagine it’s ok to sacrifice offensive for more defensive.

Thank you for answering my noob questions. So excited to try playing this when I get home.
Sorry if my question is noob but literally every EH build uses call of the brotherhood then why does this build don't ? I'm playing EH deadeye atm but i feel really squishy with 6k HP even though the dmg output is insane. So i saw your build and it looks amazing with that amount of dmg. I'll switch to your build bacause the gears are mostly the same for 2 builds except for the call of the brotherhood as i mentioned.
Looking forward to hearing your answer. Tks in advance .


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