[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Hey Vei, thanks for updating the guide, been a blast so far, getting my 20th watchstone atm
And i also hit this today :D absolutely digusted at myself, took 6 tries
In the "OneShotKill" Edition, it is mentioned that Barrage Support is to be used in place of Elemental Damage with Attacks but in the PoB, Combustion is replaced with Barrage (not the support one).

Which one's correct?

Edit: It's actually the support in the PoB, my mistake. But still, the Combustion is replaced in the PoB instead of the Elemental Damage w/ Attacks.

Edit2: Maybe it's because of the Awakened gem in PoB. If Elemental Damage w/ Attacks is not the awakened version, then replace it with Barrage support. Otherwise, replace the Combustion. If this is correct, this answers my question.
Dernière édition par _mrkvn#1264, le 24 sept. 2020 à 07:31:40
_mrkvn a écrit :

In the "OneShotKill" Edition, it is mentioned that Barrage Support is to be used in place of Elemental Damage with Attacks but in the PoB, Combustion is replaced with Barrage (not the support one).

Which one's correct?

Edit: It's actually the support in the PoB, my mistake. But still, the Combustion is replaced in the PoB instead of the Elemental Damage w/ Attacks.

Edit2: Maybe it's because of the Awakened gem in PoB. If Elemental Damage w/ Attacks is not the awakened version, then replace it with Barrage support. Otherwise, replace the Combustion. If this is correct, this answers my question.

Yes you are correct, it will replace Non-Awaken Elemental Damage with Attack first if it's in the helm, else it will replace Combustion.

So POB is correct. Will update my guide with the necessary info.

_mrkvn a écrit :
Oh shoot! I totally forgot that part of the guide. Thanks.

No problem! Hope that help boost a bit on the Single Target Damage :)

Plane a écrit :
Thanks to Lunasicc187 for originally coming up with this build and a massive thank you to Vei for continually improving this build and keeping it alive. I feel very lucky to have discovered this build. It was mediocre 1-40, good 40-60, and ever since 60 it has just been amazing. I am in the mid-tiers of maps right now and I haven't had to slow down since act 7 -- actually, the hardest part about this build is figuring out how to navigate with great speed so that you can keep up with how fast you are killing everything. I have played too many "budget" builds that either top out early or actually become incredibly expensive in the end game. So far that has not been the case with this build at all, it is inexpensive, powerful, fast, and fun.

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to this build over the seasons.

You are most welcome! Very happy to hear that it's working great for you. Enjoy the build! :)

Kehaaaaaan a écrit :
Hey Vei, thanks for updating the guide, been a blast so far, getting my 20th watchstone atm
And i also hit this today :D absolutely digusted at myself, took 6 tries

Oooo you got the best corrupt on it, Congrats on that! I am sure it will serve you well :)

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 24 sept. 2020 à 08:31:33
Sup guys

another small update.

I'd like to give a small review of the build as i approach the "end" endgame.

- it's a great league starter. Yes there are builds that will level much faster and do early to mid endgame for less chaos, but power curve and power ceiling of this build is incredible. 10c for t1-t5, 40c for t6-t12, and about 2.5 ex for up to t16 (2 combat focuses, frostferno, quilrain, kaoms, timeless jewell, rain of splinters, skrimish, unique boots (:d) and some random rares)
- it's a great mid league build if you have like 10ex to spare and want to play high-movement speed totems.
- Build is really, really fast. Berserk gives a ton of movement speed.
- Clear is very good and easy on the eyes. Projectiles are small, no flashy explosions.
- 5.5k HP, 50% chance to dodge attacks, about 15-20 chance to evade attacks. Build is decently tanky. Plus, blind via abyss jewell if you got one.
- High DPS with good mobility. Since we play totems you can just place them and focus on dodge

- It's a totem build. Sometimes they are clunky af. And sadly, despite 1taping screens sometime's build still isnt the fastest due to short delay on totems.
- It's a dodge build. You will die to a random shit sometimes. (fuck on death effects in heists :( )
- not a piano-build, but you need to press more than 1 (more then 3 even) buttons fairy often. Flasks also.

- some endgame upgrades are either extremely expensive or frustrating (double corrupt frostferno, quill rain, kaoms).
- build is hard to pilot. You need to balance hight movement speed with slow deployment of totems and plan ahead or you will die a lot (like me! But, iirc i never actually died in maps. mostly on bosses when im reckless)
- maybe some other? cant think of any yet!

All in all im super happy, thanks again Vei!

got my upgrades, both today. Bow was 20c + 70jewellers+70vaals for 5 sockets. Helmet was like..80c in total (plus some chromes and valls to recollor)? At first i bought 3 FF's 15-18c each, all 3 unsuccessful, then i just bought 4 or so heatshivers for 1alch/1c each, bought 4 prophecys for 2c each and run t3 estuary that i had, ezpz. Single target here i come :D

anyways, any upgrade suggestions? I feel like my gear is ok, but trash at the same time :D

ps. wasted 200c divining timeless jewell.. till no intimidate :(
Dernière édition par lolshie#0438, le 24 sept. 2020 à 18:09:04
lolshie a écrit :
- 5.5k HP, 50% chance to dodge attacks, about 15-20 chance to evade attacks. Build is decently tanky. Plus, blind via abyss jewell if you got one.

I'll like to elaborate a bit on this part specifically on the % Evasion Chance as 15-20% is not quite showing the potential possible and other upsides.

So we take the Wind Dancer Keystone in the build which gives:

- 20% less Damage taken if you haven't been Hit Recently
- 40% less Evasion Rating if you haven't been Hit Recently
- 20% more Evasion Rating if you've been Hit Recently

Which means we have 2 state:

1. Haven't been Hit Recently

and that means we have about 15-20% Chance to Evade BUT we take 20% less(multiplicative) damage which helps to mitigate damage received since we have lower Evasion

2. Have been Hit Recently

This increases our Evasion to around 30% chance which is much better though we will not have the 20% less damage bonus.

That said, lolshie mentioned, blind via abyss jewel, which is a very important affix that helps to easily and effectively double our Evasion %, letting us reach around 60%+ Chance to Evade in both state.

I'll copy the explanation I wrote on my guide about Blind on Hit here for those who missed it:

Vei a écrit :
In particular, I would like to highlight the 2* defensive suffixes above which are very strong affixes and synergizes very well with our build due to us having multiple totems firing multiple projectiles thus easily triggering "on Hit" Affixes on the enemy.

Blind lessens the chance to hit of the affected target by 50%. As our build is Evasion Based, it effectively doubles our Evasion %, no other mods comes close to doing that(Doubling Evasion) at such a low cost of 1 affix!

*The other defensive suffix mentioned is the Taunt on Hit Affix on Abyss Jewels which is another very strong affix.

Those who want to read a bit more can refer to the Abyss Jewel section under "23. Ideal Non Cluster Jewels" in Part 2 of my guide

lolshie a écrit :
anyways, any upgrade suggestions? I feel like my gear is ok, but trash at the same time :D

*Ahem* You have the highest Ele Hit Totem DPS on Poe.Ninja currently!

Anyway, here are some suggestions for further improvement you can consider:

1. You can look into Cold/Lightning Puhuarte Gloves with at least 2 of the following affix and craft the other missing one:

-70+ Life(Prefix) or
-14%+ increased Attack Speed(Suffix) or
-351+ Flat Accuracy(Suffix)

Ensure there is an open prefix/suffix to craft the other affix.

Cold/Lightning Puhuarte Gloves are gloves with

+(46–48)% to Cold Resistance
(30–50)% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies

+(46–48)% to Lightning Resistance
(40–60)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies

Avoid the Fire Version as that provides a much lesser DPS.

Examples of Puhuarte Gloves with the above mentioned stats

2. Upgrade Elemental Damage with Attacks to the Awaken version, seems to be around 90c atm

3. Upgrading Combustion Support to Divergent Combustion Support

4. Quality on Berserk Gem help boost a small bit of damage.

5. Trying your luck on crafting a +2 Skill(Dex + Fire) Amulet with Awakener Orb, always can sell off if the results is not desirable(So far I always end up with a profit or breakeven though that is at the middle of leagues, not sure about this early) Ideal Amulet Base to use will be Turquoise

6. In the future you might want to look into changing into a rare boot since Gang's Momentum doesn't give any life.

Some useful influenced affixes on Boots are:

Shaper's - (31–35)% increased Totem Damage*
Shaper's - (9–10)% chance to Dodge Attack Hits
Hunter's - Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets
Redeemer's - (9–10)% chance to Dodge Attack Hits
Redeemer's - (9–10)% chance to Dodge Spell Hits

*Elder has a similar version which is supported by Spell Totem instead of Ballista Totem and that will screw up the Gems socketed in the boot so avoid that.

If unable to find a nice boot with the above affixes, getting tons of resist on boots helps too since they will free up the need for resist on rings, then we can look for a ring with more DPS affixes(Crit Multiplier(Requires Elder/Warlord Base), Attack Speed, Deafening Essence Crafted Fire Damage, etc) or if you don't mind missing the life, you can go for The Taming Unique Ring

7. I see that you currently don't have any pierce, if you don't mind an additional button and can spare a gem slot, you can look into using the Ensnaring Arrow Gem which makes "Ensnared Enemies take (15-20)% increased Projectile Damage from Attack Hits"

Hope these suggestions help.

lolshie a écrit :
ps. wasted 200c divining timeless jewell.. till no intimidate :(

Ah that sucks :( One thing you can consider trying which I did myself was to buy Lethal Prides(Live Search to catch cheap ones), test them and resell them off if they are not good. Sometimes I earn a bit, sometimes I lose a bit but overall it ends up without costing me anything as long I don't hold on to them(Since they are likely to continue to fall in price especially at this current pricing)

lolshie a écrit :
All in all im super happy, thanks again Vei!

Happy to hear that and you are welcome! :)
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 25 sept. 2020 à 03:42:38
Wallach a écrit :
Hey, just so folks are aware, the community fork of Path of Building still doesn't have full support of all the new 3.12 gems yet, including Sniper's Mark (and all other Marks). Setting the target as bosses / guardians will still reduce the effectiveness of the curse in PoB even though this does not occur in-game.

You can simulate how strong Sniper's Mark really is manually by adding "200% increased effect of your Curses", so long as Sniper's Mark is the only curse you have active at the time in PoB. You can double check under the Calcs tab that afterward the magnitude of Sniper's Mark matches what is listed on the gem's tooltip under the Skills tab.

I'd be pretty surprised if any Hex actually works out stronger than Sniper's Mark for projectile skills when dealing with any form of boss that has even 33% reduced hex effectiveness. Just as an example, I know that for Freezing Pulse totems, even a level 9 Sniper's Mark stomps a level 20 Frostbite handily.


i cant see that in pob.. ill do against sirius 56k with sniper and 61k with flammability O_o
realhoffi83 a écrit :


i cant see that in pob.. ill do against sirius 56k with sniper and 61k with flammability O_o

This might help


Sorry about the small size, note the 2 red rectangles in each picture, one highlights the DPS, the other highlights the curse's effectiveness.

Flammability with 33% Effectiveness VS Sirus - 832k DPS

Sniper's Mark with 33% Effectiveness VS Sirus - 796k DPS
(This is the current POB which has not updated Mark's Effectiveness to 100% versus bosses)

The above 2 picture is what you are seeing on your POB which is Flammability does more DPS than Sniper's Mark

And here's the picture of Sniper's Mark with 100% Effectiveness

Sniper's Mark with 100% Effectiveness VS Sirus - 968k DPS
(This is after adding in "200% increased effect of your Curses" as suggested by Wallach to simulate the Actual 100% Mark's Effectiveness versus Bosses)

From the above you can see that if POB calculates Mark's Curse Effectiveness correctly, Sniper's Mark will do more damage than Flammability.

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 25 sept. 2020 à 23:04:25
Great build, thanks, Vei.

A couple of questions:
1. I see small fiery explosions when mobs die. It is my first fire build since I started playing in Metamorph, so I am not sure if it is a default graphical fire effect or does it actually do some exploding damage? If the latter, what is the source of it?
2. Do you take off Rain of Splinters when facing purely single-target bosses?
FREEZE_ball a écrit :
A couple of questions:
1. I see small fiery explosions when mobs die. It is my first fire build since I started playing in Metamorph, so I am not sure if it is a default graphical fire effect or does it actually do some exploding damage? If the latter, what is the source of it?

Hi there!

I believe what you are seeing is this, copy pasted from Elemental Hit Gem's Description:

Each attack with this skill will choose an element at random, and will only be able to deal damage of that element. If the attack hits an enemy, it will also deal damage in an area around them with the radius being larger if that enemy is suffering from an ailment of the chosen element.

FREEZE_ball a écrit :
Do you take off Rain of Splinters when facing purely single-target bosses?

Personally I don't swap the Rain of Splinters for some DPS Jewel, as the increase is not too significant. On the other hand I do swap my Frostferno Helm for a Spare Barrage Frostferno Helm(If I have one) for tougher bosses.

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Hi all,

Thanks to Vei for this guide. I have played totems for like 9 leagues in a row now, from Ancestral warchief, to RF totems, to GC, to Arc, to Freezing Pulse, to HFT. This is my first time trying attack based totem since GGG gutted the Soul Mantle (i hate the feeling of farming 14ex every league for the Atziri Reflection, uggh)

Im a pretty big fan of totems, but This build made me fall in love with totems all over again. I feel like im playing a bow build, i am actually zoooming through maps too fast and my old eyes and hand sometimes panic haha.

I'm actually having so much fun zooming thru atlas and t15 maps. Killed Sirus for the first time too :)

I am the No.8 top DPS in poeninja. Can someone tell me why am i like half of the top guy there? He has almost 1 mil DPS and im only at 516k. I went to POB and gear wise, all i can see is that if i swap my corruption to fire and corrupt my quillrain, it will only raise me to 570k. This is the first time im trying to push my totem build and learning POB. My gear is as good as him, from what i can see (there's no way a few percent ele damage difference on the belts and rings are putting it to double the dps, is there?)

Much thanks in advance everyone!


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