[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly
" Very nice " Yeah, I have Tombfist and a good Stygyan Vise belt but I wanted to use Harvest mechanics to craft my Abyss Jewels to make the whole crafting process funnier but this takes times, so I don't wear anything. I'll respec my character anyway. |
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What are the best rolls on Watcher's Eye for our build?
TIA. |
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" So we uses 2 Aura Gems, Grace and Precision, below are the best mods from these 2 Grace These will be the best mods Defense and Utility Wise - (5-8)% chance to Evade Attack Hits while affected by Grace - (6-10)% chance to Dodge Attack Hits while affected by Grace - (10-15)% increased Movement Speed while affected by Grace Precision The best mods will be the three DPS mods (Ranked Highest to Lowest Shaper DPS at their Max Roll) - (30-50)% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision - (40-60)% increased Attack Damage while affected by Precision - (10-15)% increased Attack Speed while affected by Precision Highest Possible DPS And if one don't mind to replacing Grace with Anger in our Gem setup, then these 3 mods will be the highest possible DPS Watcher's Eye for us (Ranked Highest to Lowest Shaper DPS at their Max Roll) - Damage Penetrates (10-15)% Fire Resistance while affected by Anger - (30-50)% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Anger - (30-50)% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision Obviously the similar Aura ones when grouped together won't be cheap! Cheers My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581 Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 26 juil. 2020 à 23:04:21
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Vei, if you have time, could you look over my build and comment any further upgrades i could go for? im hitting 747k on POB but my evasion is only sitting at 58%. Loving the build so far and i've tried a few this league, this is by far the best yet.
Silv Dernière édition par silvdered#3614, le 27 juil. 2020 à 07:43:39
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" Great to hear you love the build :) Here are the things that you can consider
1. Swapping your The Overflowing Chalice Unique Flask for a Magic DPS Flask. The benefits from the unique is not as useful compared to the Prefix + Suffix you can get from a Magical Flask. A Silver Flask is does more DPS than Sulphur so consider going for that.
2. Look for a corrupted Quill Rain with 18% Increased Critical Strike Implicit on it. This Increased Critical Chance is different from those we get from other sources like Passive Tree and Equipment Affix. It is applied to the base Crit of the Bow which in turn, is then multiplied with the Increased Critical Strike we get from other sources, which means, everyone's favourite Big DPS gains :) 3. Using Abrasive Catalyst on your Ghoul Gyre Opal Ring. 4. Look for a better Ring to Replace Chimeric Eye Ruby Ring It is pretty weak in both resist, DPS and also has no life. 5. You are currently over 100% Chance to Hit, after swapping out Chimeric Eye Ruby Ring it will be just nice. If your new upgrades have more accuracy, consider reallocating the Farsight Notable area Passives into either Primeval Force Notable(Take the upper path) or Heartseeker Notable. These 2 provide the same Shaper DPS per Passive Point spent to reach the Notable. 6. Look for a faster Movespeed Boots with 2 Projectile Pierce with that lets you craft 3 resist(Suffixes) on them with the Harvest Seeds. With more resist on the boots, this lets you go for more DPS affixes instead of Resists on Rings and Belts. Examples of DPS Rings and Belts: Still in the midst of crafting my that belt above, just imagine the cold damage on it is changed to - (36–40)% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies That's 4 DPS affix on the belt. :) Normally in other leagues its hard to craft the Redeemer Belt but this league it's much easier with the "Attack modifiers are more common" Seed Craft. We will try to get both these affix together - (43–50)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills - (31–35)% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect Assuming it's not a bricked belt(i.e. has affixes we can remove through seed crafting) we can do a "Non Attack to Attack" Seed Craft to guarantee the Speed Suffix - (8–14)% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect which has low weightage and normally don't roll. After that we do a Non Cold Resist Suffix first, then the Cold Chilled Damage and Life Prefix and the belt is done :) Hope the suggestions help. Cheers My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581 | |
Vei, if you could also kindly too look at my profile. I am at 640K (Shaper dmg). I want to push to at least 800k-1m shaper damage.
Let me know what you think to improve, thanks. POB Fork: https://pastebin.com/fPQ6H9LW |
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i have a "old " double setup for use legacy bow with bosses. at short range POB claim i do more dmg with the legacy bow. my dmg it is 560k at moment, with more then 95% accurancy. if i use a skirmish i drop to 490 but i think it myust be more dmg because i have 8 totem? i try to change my quiver with something like: Arrows Pierce an additional Target +36 to Dexterity Adds 7 to 16 Fire Damage to Attacks 10% increased Attack Speed +31% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier +97 to maximum Life 30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills but in pob i lose a lot of dmg (drop at 520k): why? accurancy seems give mor dmg of attack speed? At least, where i have to invest ( execpt gems, i will raise them playing) ty |
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" Ok so the goal here is 800k-1m shaper damage. Below is base on your Pastebin provided.
Starting DPS: 623k
Not factoring in the cost, these 3 steps will be most ideal way to reach your goal. 1. Ilvl 86+ Redeemer Belt with the following Affixes: - (43–50)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills - (31–35)% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect - (8–14)% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect - (36–40)% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies You might have seen this mentioned in my previous post which I wrote some rough steps to making it. It provides a very big DPS boost for a cheap cost. Just buy an Item level 86 Redeemer Belt and start spamming those "Attack modifiers are more common" seeds :) DPS change with max rolled belt(20% Quality(Attack)) : 623k -> 740k 2. Switching to Double Curse Setup: Which means a Level 5 Awaken Curse on Hit and a 21/23 Projectile Weakness This will require giving up 1 Gem Socket for Projectile Weakness. Since Watcher's Eye is not used, we can remove Precision Gem for the additional Gem Socket required. DPS change : 740k -> 857k 3. Double Corrupted Frostferno Helm with 2 of the following implicits: +2 to Level of Socketed Fire Gems (Best DPS) +2 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems (2nd Best DPS) +2 to Level of Socketed Cold/Lightning/AoE Gems The Ultimate goal for our build :) DPS change : 854k -> 1m * 1m Shaper DPS Goal Reached :) * General Overall Improvements Other than the above, here are some others things you can consider: 1. Consider getting the Summon Skitterbot's Gem quality to 20%, the Movement Speed increase from the 20% is pretty substantial and helps when the action is fast. 2. Switching to a +2 Skill(Dex + Fire) Amulet with T1 Crit Multiplier and some other useful Stats. DPS wise it's a small improvement over Marylene's but we get some additional things like Life and Resist which helps. Hope that helps. Cheers " 560k X 7 Totems = 3920k 490k X 8 Totems = 3920k Base on the numbers the DPS is the same but one thing POB doesn't apply is the "Each Totem applies 1% increased Damage taken to Enemies near it" from the Surveillance Notable so 8 Totems will deal a bit more damage to enemies near them. " I have ranked the different stats in my writeup, copy pasted here below. As you can see, Accuracy gives us the highest increase in DPS 21. Stats in order of DPS boost(3.11)
A. Flat Accuracy(Until "Chance to hit %" reaches near 100%, ignore "Chance to hit Evasive Monster %" as that doesn't affect our DPS by much)*
B. %Global Critical Multiplier C. %Attack Speed D. %Increased ("Generic"/Fire/Projectile/Elemental etc) Damage (All these types gives the same increase per %) E. % Accuracy above 15% F. %Global Critical Chance(Low DPS increase, better to go for other affix like the ones above or affix like resist, etc) G. Adds # to # ("Generic"/Fire etc) Damage (%Damage Works better for our build) H. % Accuracy below 15%(Too low %, just "ignore" this) A to C - adds lots of DPS, always look for them in your rare equipment D to F - is ok adds a small bit of DPS but don't prioritize them. G and H - Don't bother about them *For Accuracy, usually one to two Tier 1 Flat Accuracy affix on our rares is enough for us to reach near or 100% Chance to Hit. Anything over 100% Chance to Hit doesn't contribute to our DPS so avoid overinvesting in this stat. A good target to aim for is between 95-99% Chance to Hit. " Here would be my suggestions on where to invest:
1. I see that you are not using Lethal Pride(Akoya) Unique Timeless Jewel which is a lot of DPS you are missing. refer to Section "07. Passive Tree Preview and POB Pastebin" on my writeup for more info on that, where to place it, etc. After implementing it, replace one of the Increased Duration gem with Berserk gem and start using it :)
2. Replacing Versatility Anoint on Amulet with Shaman's Dominion 3. Going for 20% Quality(Elemental) on your both Rings and Belt with Turbulent Catalyst. 4. Buy a Quill Rain with 18% Increased Critical Strike Implicit on it. then craft the Sockets and Links on it through the crafting bench after. This Increased Critical Chance is different from those we get from other sources like Passive Tree and Equipment Affix. It is applied to the base Crit of the Bow which in turn, is then multiplied with the Increased Critical Strike we get from other sources, which means, everyone's favourite Big DPS gains :) Hope they help. Regards My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581 | |
" Thanks, Vei. Looks like gonna be big spend. Btw, I've been wanting to get the crafted amulet. By rough estimation, how much currency needed to craft those? |
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" Say for an amulet like this +2(Dex and Fire) Turquoise Amulet with the following affix Prefix 1 - +1 Dex Skill Prefix 2 - +1 Fire Skill Prefix 3 - Life Suffix 1 - Crit Multiplier Suffix 2 - One Resist(Non Fire when crafting to avoid removing +1 Fire Skill) Suffix 3 - (3–5)% additional Physical Damage Reduction(Warlord Suffix) Base +2(Dex and Fire) Amulet If you craft the Base +2 Amulet through Awakener Orb: - Awakener Orb - 4 Ex - +1 Fire Warlord Influenced Item Level 86 Turquoise Amulet with no other Warlord Affix - 50 to 100c - +1 Dex Hunter Influenced any Amulet with no other Hunter Affix - 50 to 75c So 5-6 Ex but then it will a gamble with Awakener Orb as the result might have a 3rd unremovable prefix If you buy the Base +2(Dex + Fire) Amulet it could be anything from 6-15 Ex depending on sellers. Higher priced ones might have 1-2 Affix we already need. Crafting the remaining(Price taken from Forbidden Harvest) Rem/Add Crit - 80c per attempt Rem/Add Life - 50c per attempt Rem/Add Lightning* - 20c per attempt Rem/Add Phys - 20c per attempt Since Lightning Seed is the most common out of the 3 Elements, we can craft Lightning Resist first and change the element to Fire/Cold later with T2 Wild Bristlebeast Grain. Ultimately the cost of the amulet will depend on your luck but maybe say 20-30ex? At this cost, probably better to spend on the 3 that increases your DPS before spending on the amulet IMO. My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581 |