[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Hi, thanks for previously answers :)
Pls, how many ele resists is recommend for T16 maps?
Bcs you have secodn ring for DPS only, whats your ressists pls? :)

Thanks for answer :)
FadingDuch a écrit :
Can you explain, how do you put Flammability on enemies? Frenzy doesn't seem to work.

Link: frenzy - curse on hit - flammability (add in greater multiple projectiles to hit more target at once) this WILL work
Ordman a écrit :
I didn't notice anywhere in your previous posts but does this build have any weaknesses on map modifiers (e.g. Physical or Elemental Reflection)


You can do all mods, however no regen is annoying having to spam a mana flask and ele reflect is slightly annoying unless you have the mana regen to spam totems

DK_Nani a écrit :
Hi, thanks for previously answers :)
Pls, how many ele resists is recommend for T16 maps?
Bcs you have secodn ring for DPS only, whats your ressists pls? :)

Thanks for answer :)

75 is the cap unless you get a higher max cap from gear/talent, so that is your first target to get. Then the next target you want is 109 so you will get a buffer in case you get cursed with elemental weakness for instance. This should be your goal as soon as you start maps, not just for T16
Dernière édition par champ3n#0055, le 22 mars 2020 18:38:32
Hi guys, please look for my response to your post below. :)

Ordman a écrit :
Thanks for the fast response but I am still confused? I have the two unique jewels equipped and my stats show that I am doing no cold damage anywhere?

There's "2 reasons" why we are not doing cold damage

- Avatar of Fire makes us deal no non-fire damage
- We have 100% Cold converted to Fire, 50% from Avatar of Fire, 50% from Cold to Fire from Frostferno Helm so all the supposedly cold damage that we can do are converted to fire.

Ordman a écrit :
Just not seeing how this works but when you remove it from POB it shows a big DPS loss.

Combat Focus has a line that says

"With 40 total Dexterity and Strength in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike deal 50% less Lightning Damage"(Same 50% Less for Cold Combat Focus)

Since our damage are converted to Fire, when we have the Combat Focus socketed, the Cold/Lightning Damage will be 50% less before it gets converted to Fire Damage***

Below is a "Simplified" Example looking at just Fire and Lightning only


1. Damage(Original, No Combat Focus, No Avatar of Fire)

Fire - 3000
Lightning - 1000

2. Damage(With Avatar of Fire, No Combat Focus)

Fire - 3500(+500 from Lightning due to Avatar of Fire)
Lightning - 500(But will be dealing zero damage because Avatar of Fire)

3. Damage(With Avatar of Fire + Combat Focus(Lightning/Viridian))

Fire - 3250(+250 from Lightning due to Avatar of Fire, and after 50% Less due to Combat Focus)
Lightning - 250(50% less due to Combat Focus, also will just deal zero damage because of Avatar of Fire)

When you take away the Combat Focus, you go from point 3. to point 2., i.e. Fire Damage changed from 3250 to 3500. That's why you saw the DPS increased in POB.

***I can't confirm if this is the exact sequence it's calculated, but the above should be enough to explain why DPS went up when you take away the Combat Focus, which is what you wanted to ask. If anyone would like to point out any sequencing errors, please do, Thank you! :)

Ordman a écrit :
I didn't notice anywhere in your previous posts but does this build have any weaknesses on map modifiers (e.g. Physical or Elemental Reflection)


This build can do all map mods like what champ3n has mentioned and the only hard one IMO will be No Regen. Below are the things I do(Equipment swapping) for specific map mods.

Note that I don't recommend doing most of the things below. This is more of a personal preference for me as I am not a speed meta person and I like the challenge and fun(For me) of doing the hard map mods(and obviously the juicy IIQs!) and figuring a way to go around those bad mods. It's probably better and more efficient to just sell/trade off those bad maps.

Equipment Swapping
Map mods that can be "mitigated" with 1(or 2) item changes

Elemental Reflect - Simple Sextant can roll "Players and their Minions cannot take Reflected Damage" and it works for our totems. Save these Sextant rolls when you get them for Elemental Reflect Maps

Enfeeble - A Watcher's Eyes Jewel with "Unaffected by Enfeeble while affected by Grace"

Temporal Chains -

1. Get and use a Timetwist unique Ring preferably with a high roll on "increased Skill Effect Duration"
2. Swap Vaal Grace to Vaal Haste gem and use a Watcher's Eyes with "Unaffected by Temporal Chains while affected by Haste"

Hexproof - Awakened Curse on hit gem gives us a chance to curse Hexproof enemies

- % Maximum Resist - Swap Kaom's Heart with a 78% Max Resist Loreweave

Map mods with more issues/troublesome

No Regen - I used to do what champ3n says which is spamming mana flask. Now, I do either of the following methods

Method 1

- Getting Enough "Non-Channelling Skills have -(9-8) to Total Mana Cost"

These can come from

1. Incursion Amulet and Rings
2. Crafted through the crafting bench if we have the recipe. The recipe is discovered through unveiling Elreon's Rings/Amulet

Our Elemental Hit Ballista Totem only costs 28 mana, I manage to reach 0 mana with a total of -26 to Total Mana Cost(Could be due to some rounding off thing), from Rings and Amulets combined, which means our skill(+ all others too!) is free. Cast as much as you want!

Here's the pictures of my rings, amulet and skill(without the mana cost)


P.S For this map mod, Bringing more life flask and switching to Ryslatha Pantheon helps a lot.

Method 2

I use this method before I have the necessary equipment for Method 1

I equip myself with

1. Clarity Level 1(Replaces Summon Skitterbot since we need some mana "base" for this)

2. Watcher's Eyes with the 2 following mods

2A. (10-15)% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill while affected by Clarity
2B. Non-Channelling Skills have -(10-5) to Total Mana Cost while affected by Clarity

3.(Optional) One "Non-Channelling Skills have -(9-8) to Total Mana Cost" Ring/Amulet.

How the above works is

When we use our skills, we have a chance(10-15%) to Recover Mana from the Clarity Watcher's Eye. Of course, we will still run out of mana about half the time, which in this case we then use a mana pot.

Alternatively, which is where Point 3 comes in. With a mana cost reduction Ring/Amulet, it will reduce our Frenzy Skill use to Zero(Or almost) mana so we can Spam Frenzy to Recover Mana. It also helps that Elemental Hit will reduced to between 7-15 mana per cast.

LordOmni a écrit :
Just current fellengs.
Finished compaign. It was the easiest compaign ever. Even with Arakaali's spiders it was not so smooth, because mobs just ignores them, and ballistas are pretty cool tanks. And after second lab on 55lvl it was like a sliding soapy waterslide with a 90k combined tooltip DPS o) I'm a totem builds fan now o)

Awesome! I fell in love with totem the first time I start using them around 2011(Was playing POE before close beta), and when I tried out this build during 3.7, it beats every other build I have played before, it just feels so good with the damage, accessibilty/budget needed(No 6L or 100ex equip to be able to start!), not as vulnerable to game lag, quality of life and is very easy to play which are all the things I look for on a build. :)

TheWizz87 a écrit :
Hi tank you for the build.
Is Kaom still the best option ( aside of a 1x ex crafted multi curse armor ) ?

I've finnaly droped 1 ex and could FINALY upgrade my gd build :D

Yes Kaom's Heart is the best option. 4.5k to 5k life without Kaom's heart is just too low life pool these days IMO.

DK_Nani a écrit :
Hi, thanks for previously answers :)
Pls, how many ele resists is recommend for T16 maps?

Hi, you can follow what champ3n says in his reply to you. :)

DK_Nani a écrit :

Bcs you have secodn ring for DPS only, whats your ressists pls? :)

Thanks for answer :)

My resist for Vei_Legion in Standard League is

Fire - 117%
Cold - 105%
Lightning -105%
Chaos - 74%


Pracis a écrit :
I remember playing this build in Delve.. it was truly an experience.

Vei, you've done a remarkable job in keeping the build updated. I don't know how you do it! You have a patience and helpfulness that I class as "remarkable."

I don't have any questions but I wanted to say thanks! :)

Thank you so so much! Your words really make my day! From the bottom of my heart, Thank You!
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 22 mars 2020 23:20:49
Vei a écrit :
Hi guys, please look for my response to your post below. :)

Ordman a écrit :
Thanks for the fast response but I am still confused? I have the two unique jewels equipped and my stats show that I am doing no cold damage anywhere?

There's "2 reasons" why we are not doing cold damage

- Avatar of Fire makes us deal no non-fire damage
- We have 100% Cold converted to Fire, 50% from Avatar of Fire, 50% from Cold to Fire from Frostferno Helm so all the supposedly cold damage that we can do are converted to fire.

Ordman a écrit :
Just not seeing how this works but when you remove it from POB it shows a big DPS loss.

Combat Focus has a line that says

"With 40 total Strength and Intelligence in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike deal 50% less Cold/Lightning Damage"

Since our damage are converted to Fire, when we have the Combat Focus socketed, the Cold/Lightning Damage will be 50% less before it gets converted to Fire Damage***

Below is a "Simplified" Example looking at just Fire and Lightning only


1. Damage(Original, No Combat Focus, No Avatar of Fire)

Fire - 3000
Lightning - 1000

2. Damage(With Avatar of Fire, No Combat Focus)

Fire - 3500(+500 from Lightning due to Avatar of Fire)
Lightning - 500(But will be dealing zero damage because Avatar of Fire)

3. Damage(With Avatar of Fire + Combat Focus(Lightning/Viridian))

Fire - 3250(+250 from Lightning due to Avatar of Fire)
Lightning - 250(50% less due to Combat Focus, also will just deal zero damage because of Avatar of Fire)

When you take away the Combat Focus, you go from point 3. to point 2., i.e. Fire Damage changed from 3250 to 3500. That's why you saw the DPS increased in POB.

***I can't confirm if this is the exact sequence it's calculated, but the above should be enough to explain why DPS went up when you take away the Combat Focus, which is what you wanted to ask. If anyone would like to point out any sequencing errors, please do, Thank you! :)

Ordman a écrit :
I didn't notice anywhere in your previous posts but does this build have any weaknesses on map modifiers (e.g. Physical or Elemental Reflection)


This build can do all map mods like what champ3n has mentioned. Below are the things I do(Equipment swapping) for specific map mods.

Note that I don't recommend doing the below. This is more of a personal preference for me as I am not a speed meta person and I like the challenge and fun(For me) of doing the hard map mods(and obviously the juicy IIQs!) and figuring a way to go around those bad mods. It's probably better and more efficient to just sell/trade off those bad maps.

Equipment Swapping
Map mods that can be "mitigated" with 1(or 2) item changes

Elemental Reflect - Simple Sextant can roll "Players and their Minions cannot take Reflected Damage" and it works for our totems. Save these Sextant rolls when you get them for Elemental Reflect Maps

Enfeeble - A Watcher's Eyes Jewel with "Unaffected by Enfeeble while affected by Grace"

Temporal Chains -

1. Get and use a Timetwist unique Ring preferably with a high roll on "increased Skill Effect Duration"
2. Swap Vaal Grace to Vaal Haste gem and use a Watcher's Eyes with "Unaffected by Temporal Chains while affected by Haste"

Hexproof - Awakened Curse on hit Level 5 gives us a chance to curse Hexproof enemies

- % Maximum Resist - Swap Kaom's Heart with a 78% Max Resist Loreweave

Map mods with more issues/troublesome

No Regen - I used to do what champ3n says which is spamming mana flask. Now, I do either of the following methods

Method 1

- Getting Enough "Non-Channelling Skills have -(9-8) to Total Mana Cost"

These can come from

1. Incursion Amulet and Rings
2. Crafted through the crafting bench if we have the recipe. The recipe is discovered through unveiling Elreon's Rings/Amulet

Our Elemental Hit Ballista Totem only costs 28 mana, I manage to reach 0 mana with a total of -26 to Total Mana Cost(Could be due to some rounding off thing), from Rings and Amulets combined, which means our skill(+ all others too!) is free. Cast as much as you want!

Here's the pictures of my rings, amulet and skill(without the mana cost)


P.S For this map mod, Bringing more life flask and switching to Ryslatha Pantheon helps a lot.

Method 2

I use this method before I have the necessary equipment for Method 1

I equip myself with

1. Clarity Level 1(Replaces Summon Skitterbot since we need some mana "base" for this)

2. Watcher's Eyes with the 2 following mods

2A. (10-15)% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill while affected by Clarity
2B. Non-Channelling Skills have -(10-5) to Total Mana Cost while affected by Clarity

3.(Optional) One "Non-Channelling Skills have -(9-8) to Total Mana Cost" Ring/Amulet.

How the above works is

When we use our skills, we have a chance(10-15%) to Recover Mana from the Clarity Watcher's Eye. Of course, we will still run out of mana about half the time, which in this case we then use a mana pot.

Alternatively, which is where Point 3 comes in. With a mana cost reduction Ring/Amulet, it will reduce our Frenzy Skill use to Zero(Or almost) mana so we can Spam Frenzy to Recover Mana. It also helps that Elemental Hit will reduced to between 7-15 mana per cast.

LordOmni a écrit :
Just current fellengs.
Finished compaign. It was the easiest compaign ever. Even with Arakaali's spiders it was not so smooth, because mobs just ignores them, and ballistas are pretty cool tanks. And after second lab on 55lvl it was like a sliding soapy waterslide with a 90k combined tooltip DPS o) I'm a totem builds fan now o)

Awesome! I fell in love with totem the first time I start using them around 2011(Was playing POE before close beta), and when I tried out this build during 3.7, it beats every other build I have played before, it just feels so good with the damage, accessibilty/budget needed(No 6L or 100ex equip to be able to start!), not as vulnerable to game lag, quality of life and is very easy to play which are all the things I look for on a build. :)

TheWizz87 a écrit :
Hi tank you for the build.
Is Kaom still the best option ( aside of a 1x ex crafted multi curse armor ) ?

I've finnaly droped 1 ex and could FINALY upgrade my gd build :D

Yes Kaom's Heart is the best option. 4.5k to 5k life without Kaom's heart is just too low life pool these days IMO.

DK_Nani a écrit :
Hi, thanks for previously answers :)
Pls, how many ele resists is recommend for T16 maps?

Hi, you can follow what champ3n says in his reply to you. :)

DK_Nani a écrit :

Bcs you have secodn ring for DPS only, whats your ressists pls? :)

Thanks for answer :)

My resist for Vei_Legion in Standard League is

Fire - 117%
Cold - 105%
Lightning -105%
Chaos - 74%


Pracis a écrit :
I remember playing this build in Delve.. it was truly an experience.

Vei, you've done a remarkable job in keeping the build updated. I don't know how you do it! You have a patience and helpfulness that I class as "remarkable."

I don't have any questions but I wanted to say thanks! :)

Thank you so so much! Your words really make my day! From the bottom of my heart, Thank You!

Awww.. I'm a spoiler! Haha! It's the very least I could do!
Dernière édition par Pracis#3889, le 22 mars 2020 22:24:02
One more question: I am pretty satisfied with my run speed with Quicksilver flask + Onslaught + 25% inc. mov. spd during flask effect. Isn't it better to fit like 12-14 lvl Ice Golem in CWDT instead of phase run to get more accuracy and crit chance? Phasing is coming from Quartz flask. Precision lvl 1 gives less, btw o)

And I have moved vaal Grace to CWDT setup for inc. duration, will selfcast golem for now, and removed phase run and second inc. duration. Now I have one free socket. What options for it? Warcries? Ancestral Protector for bosses with two clusters and 9 totems total (20% more ASPD)? Wave of Conviction for fire exposure? Vaal skills?

And note to everyone: 6L and 6socket Quill rains are cheap as dirt (compared to meta items), you should just buy it, don't craft yourself.
Dernière édition par LordOmni#2266, le 23 mars 2020 03:40:23
Pracis a écrit :
Awww.. I'm a spoiler!


LordOmni a écrit :
One more question: I am pretty satisfied with my run speed with Quicksilver flask + Onslaught + 25% inc. mov. spd during flask effect. Isn't it better to fit like 12-14 lvl Ice Golem in CWDT instead of phase run to get more accuracy and crit chance? Phasing is coming from Quartz flask. Precision lvl 1 gives less, btw o)

I think Summon Ice Golem definitely is a possible idea especially when linked to CWDT, replacing the Phase Run if our play style don't need it.

As for Precision, the main purpose of using Precision is to mainly take advantage of the Attack Speed and Crit Multi Precision mods from Watcher's Eye which are huge DPS gains!

LordOmni a écrit :
And I have moved vaal Grace to CWDT setup for inc. duration, will selfcast golem for now, and removed phase run and second inc. duration. Now I have one free socket. What options for it? Warcries? Ancestral Protector for bosses with two clusters and 9 totems total (20% more ASPD)?

Go for Vaal Haste(Just for the Vaal part of it) for your spare socket. :)

Ancestral Protector doesn't work with our build as it requires a melee weapon.

Warcries isn't that good an idea as they taunt the enemy... I mean I would prefer the enemy to wack my totems rather than be charging towards me ;)
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Hi, I really love this build!.
But I have a question, between helmet corrupted +2 projectile and +2 fire gems, which one is better.

Thank you in advance!
Arukabe a écrit :
Hi, I really love this build!.
But I have a question, between helmet corrupted +2 projectile and +2 fire gems, which one is better.

Thank you in advance!

Hi there! +2 Fire will give more DPS than +2 Projectile :)
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

I noticed that you did not take point blank in your "3.10 cluster jewel" pob.
It only cost 1 passive point, is it worth taking?


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