[3.8] The Kingsguard - LL Aurabot Dominating Blow Summoner Tank - Uber Elder and Atziri, Delve 600+
Thanks for the guide and the Queensguard, I find both very appealing. Could you outline very briefly the difference between the two ascendancies ? Which is tankier/hits harder/faster/more expensive ? |
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i kniw this is a knob question but how do you get 5 red slots in shaveonnes?
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" Easiest way is to try rolling 3red through chromes/bench then take it to Vorici tier 3 in the master hideouts from Jun quests and hope that he changes two of the remaining non-reds to white sockets. |
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" One of easier ways would be roll 3-4 red and then drop some vorici 1-3white from betrayal and hope it hits non red slot. Dernière édition par za6i9ka#5388, le 9 sept. 2019 à 05:50:29
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Hey, did you use this build last league? I feel it's a bit slow when clearing Legion monolith, it seems lack of AOE or ranged attack.
I'm currently lvl 89 and still in hp based, maybe better after i switch to ES? |
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Hi Paleclaw,
Can you please put the PROS and CONS of Necro vs Guardian? I want to start the league with this but I'm not sure which is which like which has more damage, which has more ES, tankier etc. Thanks! |
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" Didn't play it last league, if the minions attack the unbroken monsters I would think it would be fine. " Necro: A lot more damage(Especially once +2 skill Fix) and minions are basically immortal. You are less tanky though, more reliant on ES recharge. Guardian: More ES and regen. Better for party play. |
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" The problem is how slowly the sentinels follow you as you jump around, clearing. The sentinels can also time out.. Here are some methods I've found effective: 1) Swapping in vaal skeletons helps a lot in this kind of encounter.. they can also help in higher tier incursions with lots of rooms (and sentinels keep getting stuck outside) where your player DPS isn't enough to clear fast enough. (drop 30 skeletons on a side you arent clearing yourself.. then movement skill, attack to apply dominating blow, summon 4 skeletons, repeat) 2) Feeding frenzy makes the minions "offensive" and they -seem- to move around and clear better.. hard to say what that really does, though. (Side note: I WISH offensive minions cleared breakable stuff if they had nothing else to target) 2b) Heck, maybe meat shield would be better... assuming "defensive" minions follow better and attack your targets? Worth a try. 3) Convocation can work. 4) If you also find yourself in a position where you have some unreserved mana (like 60ish) you can use a crafted one hander like so to help stuff clear as they get spread out: Dernière édition par uhuhuh#2251, le 12 sept. 2019 à 11:13:39
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How does this do with endgame content? I saw before you sadi minions just died at elder but with the rework does ti work better? also would Infernal legion work well with Dom Blow and Minion instab. Not sure what the final hp values comes out to but could amke for some aoe time bombs. or drop MI and with such high res and life regen mayeb they out heal the burn from infernal legion.
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Nice build so far.
Some questions though i'm playing it solo self found i don't think i will accumulate enough chromatics to get the shav colors? is there a life based version please? |
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