3.4 Holy Shepherd-Dominating Blow+HoP-Shaper&Uber Atziri down (Videos)

New Minotaur test: https://youtu.be/0feXUbqmIYg
titides a écrit :
May be the final issue is that to have phys + elem conversion.
Ofnir_ has already said, and I think that we will have more dps.

I do a reave build with brutality too.
I have the same problem versus phys + conversion elem (stats stick)
Conversion phys to elem and gain (hatred) are a big boost of dps.

For exemple, we can change :
- hatred instead of haste => gain 36% of conversion phys to cold
- elemental with attack instead of brutality
- gloves "grip of the council" => minions gain 20% phys to cold

Set up gem can be :
- Dom blow + mdp + WED + minion damage + multistrike + ruthless (maim with your body)
- Hop + mdp + wed + culling (may be too much reserved mana!)
- guardian, spectre, holy relic

Check the profile of Ofnir_ ^^
Kilgorek, you have the same items in yours builds :)

Note that Hatred reserve 50% like Haste.
But it need 98 dex and 68 int at level 20.

Don't use elemental damage with attacks. It's a bad link since most of your elemental damage comes from your total amount of physical damage.

I'm testing elemental proliferation instead of minion damage for mapping. It's pretty fun.

Here's an example of how elemental proliferation works in delve 421
Wed give us more dps to you and your minions.
It's right that if you shock an ennemy, it give us more dps too.
And smite give us 19% to shock too and a big flat lightning.
(note that smite doesn't work with claw)

Ofnir_ , I change my tree like your tree.
With a shield I have the same life than before (around 6,1K).
And I take skill effect duration :) (I love this)
But I loose some dps for the domblow but I have more AS.

I drop the scourge and try bloodseeker (for the instant life leech).
May be try with a Soul Taker (and phase run for ms)
May be Scourge isn't a the best weapon for this build.
(because we have no mitigation except the block and regen boost)

May be a rare claw with gain mana/life by hit will be the best.
Gemini claw have this affix and possible to craft with minion dmg.
With Bound Fossil whe can have :
- Auras from your Skills grant 2% increased Damage to you and Allies
- x% Minion damage
May be craft attack speed with serrated fossil.

I don't try to have elem conversion, because it's too expensive for me.
And I have tombfist with intimidated and vulne on hit.

But I drop brutality for mdp in my set up.
My link is : DomBlow + MinDmg + MDP + MULTISTRIKE + MSPLASH/RUTH + MAIM)
The rare dominance give us elem damage or ES, or AS/MS etc (stat of the rare monster killed) ...
it's like the effect of an HH apply to this rare minion and he shares his buffs.
And with brutality, we loose this bonus for more dps (elem dmg)

My PoB https://pastebin.com/ceiA0bdx
Looks great with bloodseeker :)

Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Dernière édition par titides#7182, le 15 oct. 2018 à 00:57:30
Gemini Claw was not the best for mana issue.

So I buy it for 80c :)

Can test leap / faster attack / fortify or Phase Run / inc dur / enhance

edit : outch ! very nice change !
Mesa double boss was clear very fast :D
Thks a lot Ofnir_ :)

edit 2 : I have 6145 HP atm with loreweave and a rare shield
If I put a belly of the beast and a perf lioneye's remorse, I have 7K life.
The rest has no change, 13°1 abyssal jewels, tombfist 1s, 1 spectre, 1 guardian.
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Dernière édition par titides#7182, le 15 oct. 2018 à 02:42:47
80c for soultaker? You got robbed mate :) (psst quality on your faster attack gem will make a difference)

Anyway, I really enjoy our discussions related to build min-maxing. For me this is the biggest fun factor in poe. At the end of the day, the question you have to answer while optimizing build is what you actually try to achieve with it. This build concept on its early stage presented by Droguletz was already OP as fuark. It was capable of clearing most of the content. All the tweaks we did for the last let say 1-2 weeks were only dps improvements which are fine but still juz QoL. The real question remains: is it capable of defeating Uber Elder and Uber Atziri (in her case I would say yes without hesitation because I already tried that and failed only because my poor skill - dps survi is there).
I would like to focus on that right now. It will definitely require changes in gear auras etc so in its final form probably will be less efficient dps wise but capable of handling all content.

Having said that, discussion about pure phys approach and hybrid (ele/phys) is actually a discussion about things you are willing to sacrifice in order to be able to hit hard with DomBlow generated minions. In Ofnirs_ setup, HoP is working as a gem with no links. How much dps do you get from 5x5L Sentinels of Purity comparing to additional elemental damage you can add to your DomBlow minions? I don't know the answer. Is it worth to drop 140% minion damage form double or single (70) scourge to get this additional % of ele dmg? I don't know either :) I would love to see Ofnir_ setup in Shaper fight to see how it goes. having only one uniqe target you have only 10% of chance to spawn Sentinel with dps (HoP is only gem without links).

Anyway I will try to prepare my setup for Uber Atziri fight since it can be spawned easily (cost is crazy but what can you do). Ill also work my way again to Uber Elder. we will see how it will work for me.

Content-wise these are the remaining encounters I would like to complete. The rest - maps, delving (currently around 310) is just a silly fast.
Dernière édition par kilgorek#0594, le 15 oct. 2018 à 03:22:57
80c for soultaker? You got robbed mate :)
(psst quality on your faster attack gem will make a difference)

It's the price for a good roll atm and I was not poor, but I'm not rich too.
(I have 14 ex and some -little- chaos)

I finalise a set up for swap :
- scourge + a rare shield (max life and cold res)
- soul taker + lioneye's remorse

In theory, when we fight a boss :
First time : hit with soul taker to have minions quickly.
Second time : swap and hits with the scourge to have 70% of dmg and as for minions.
After or before : active "phase run" for being invisible to the ennemis ^^

In PoB, the only difference is the life leech of the Scourge.
If I find a other base for my rare shield, I can have more life.
I just have a loreweave in Delve, but I can switch with a Belly.
You can see this set up here => https://pastebin.com/dEpDTE3r (or my profile)

I love to min-max this build, but I loose a lot of time for this ;)
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Dernière édition par titides#7182, le 15 oct. 2018 à 03:46:46
kilgorek a écrit :
New Minotaur test: https://youtu.be/0feXUbqmIYg

wow, that damage.
Thank you :)
Back for the future :)

Change tombfist for rare gloves (4L) and set up gem :
- HoP + MDP + MD + Culling (gloves)
- RSpectre + AG + MLife + Emp3 (boots)
- FOffering/Convocation + ID (helmet)
- CwDT + IC + Enfeeble (shield)

Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Dernière édition par titides#7182, le 15 oct. 2018 à 07:17:26
So I find 2 set up wear with a belly of the beast :

Pathbin PoB => https://pastebin.com/akXTGwew (hatred)
Pathbin PoB => https://pastebin.com/JK8pLxrH (haste)

Base item

Conversion phys to cold with Hatred

Physical - with Haste

NB :
- unset ring & rare amulet with life, dex, res (no need intel) phys dmg is bonus.
- spiked gloves with life, as, res if you want it. (life leech is bonus)
- sidhebreath with dex corruption if you need (I need 5 dex of hatred set up)
- you can have better grip of the council than me :) (more life & cold res)
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Dernière édition par titides#7182, le 15 oct. 2018 à 12:39:47
For shaper, I link herald of purity with minion damage and minion speed since enfeeble isn't that useful for that fight. Minion speed cause I don't feel like changing colors on shield.


For general mapping, I prefer using caster spectres with summon phantasms over the chieftains since I don't really need the dps for clearing. It leaves less stragglers. Only issue with spectres is GGG broke a lot of them in the latest patch and I don't know when they will fix it.

Shaped Belfry

I have no desire to fight uber elder or uber atziri. I prefer to focus on mapping and seeing if I can make it to 600 in delve without too much trouble.


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