[3.5] Bashtart's CONSECRATED PATH Inquisitor - budget friendly, fast and high dps! Kill'em first!
I have an insane mana problem with this build.
In your update, you said "I use Clarity instead of Arctic Armour, use a hybrid life / mana flask and also use the passives Essence Cap."
So I went with a different style of the same build, feel free to take a look.I took some liberties with the passive tree and gem links. Note that I kept Phys to Lightning in the chain just so I get full value from the triple ele pen Wise Oak provides me.
PoB link:
I opted for heavier flask reliance (Druidic Rite) - kept a well rolled Ahn's Might for accuracy rating. With this setup I maintain about 90-95% flask uptime while zooming across the map. I use assassin's mark for free power charges in tougher maps and faster attacks support because Ahn's Might is a slow base. The build is at 111% all 3 resses uncapped so when I pop Wise Oak I tear into bosses with all the ele pen - its insane. The closest I got to this much boss dmg was Fire traps in Incursion. You might question some passives I take but theyre all mainly for Int and Dex - both of which Im like 5-10 points over what I actually need so for my purposes this build is done unless I feel like getting a better sword for 5 Ex or something. The stat stick I made myself within like 120 Chaos worth of currency. Im sitting at 6k HP which I find is fine for everything shy of Uber Elder.
Sounds pretty good... but I would not invest anything into ele penetration because Invevitable Judgement sets enemies resistances always to 0 when we crit. You cannot go below that.
Yes you can put enemies into negative resistance with ele pen, I suggest you read up -> https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Resistance_penetration
"Just like resistance stats, effective resistance can be a negative number."
Yes I do not run Ele Focus either - the freeze/shatter is just too nice + shock/burn inflicted too usually.
Increased crit strikes gem instead!
I still run 'good gloves' and phys to lightning suport gem, unless anyone can convince me this is less damage, plus I get life + res from gloves.
Leap Slam attack speed enchant on helmet is nice, as well as double ele dmg abyssal belt.
With enlighten lvl 3 I do not have mana problems yet.
I played arround in PoB quiet a bit and never can reach the same dps as with Hrimsorrow and full conversion to elemental damage. Don't forget we are Inquisitor and we normally always set the resistance of our enemies to 0. With only phy. to lightning you cannot reach 100% conversion.
I tested with Ele.Focus and without it and I always come back to it because it gives just soo much damage but I guess that is a matter of taste. For generell mapping Increased Critical Strikes might be better... I will test that a little longer :)
switched that as well with gloves / helmet and feels better, not quite sure if the math checks out, overall it gives a better feel though, the accuracy is also a massive increase & getting the resistance from the helmet/glove slot gives more freedom of choice on other slots.
also why does phys to lightning + consecrated path not fully convert? isnt it 50/50 or am I missing something here (+ additional phys as lightning for level + increased phys damage for quality)
because it shows physical 0 to 0, I assume it is entirely converted
please correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not well versed in poe theorycrafting as I never bothered too much with it and mostly just do what feels the most fluent to me.
Dernière édition par talichan#7245, le 16 sept. 2018 17:07:57
I played arround in PoB quiet a bit and never can reach the same dps as with Hrimsorrow and full conversion to elemental damage. Don't forget we are Inquisitor and we normally always set the resistance of our enemies to 0. With only phy. to lightning you cannot reach 100% conversion.
I tested with Ele.Focus and without it and I always come back to it because it gives just soo much damage but I guess that is a matter of taste. For generell mapping Increased Critical Strikes might be better... I will test that a little longer :)
? Phys to lightning + Consec Path gives full conversion PLUS 30% of phys damage as extra lighnting damage ON TOP lvl 21/20 (+ 10% increased) and you can actually wear good gloves like these
Am wrecking content - consec path is great! and scales alot with good gear.
Using this setup - switch INC AOE for CONTR DESTRUCTION for t16/uber elder (still hard, need kaoms roots boots to avoid freeze/slow). Before every boss without phases dies in 1-2 sec even with inc aoe.
Got new amu and weapons. Also took extra jewel slot, 4stat jewels...
Dernière édition par Tannhauser1#7879, le 16 sept. 2018 20:48:33
So I went with a different style of the same build, feel free to take a look.I took some liberties with the passive tree and gem links. Note that I kept Phys to Lightning in the chain just so I get full value from the triple ele pen Wise Oak provides me.
PoB link:
I opted for heavier flask reliance (Druidic Rite) - kept a well rolled Ahn's Might for accuracy rating. With this setup I maintain about 90-95% flask uptime while zooming across the map. I use assassin's mark for free power charges in tougher maps and faster attacks support because Ahn's Might is a slow base. The build is at 111% all 3 resses uncapped so when I pop Wise Oak I tear into bosses with all the ele pen - its insane. The closest I got to this much boss dmg was Fire traps in Incursion. You might question some passives I take but theyre all mainly for Int and Dex - both of which Im like 5-10 points over what I actually need so for my purposes this build is done unless I feel like getting a better sword for 5 Ex or something. The stat stick I made myself within like 120 Chaos worth of currency. Im sitting at 6k HP which I find is fine for everything shy of Uber Elder.
Sounds pretty good... but I would not invest anything into ele penetration because Invevitable Judgement sets enemies resistances always to 0 when we crit. You cannot go below that.
Yes you can put enemies into negative resistance with ele pen, I suggest you read up -> https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Resistance_penetration
"Just like resistance stats, effective resistance can be a negative number."
I know that resistances can have negative stats but Invevitable Judgement will always set the resistances to 0 ... so in theory you can have alot of penetration and set enemes resistances to -10% and then comes IJ and sets it to 0.
Yes I do not run Ele Focus either - the freeze/shatter is just too nice + shock/burn inflicted too usually.
Increased crit strikes gem instead!
I still run 'good gloves' and phys to lightning suport gem, unless anyone can convince me this is less damage, plus I get life + res from gloves.
Leap Slam attack speed enchant on helmet is nice, as well as double ele dmg abyssal belt.
With enlighten lvl 3 I do not have mana problems yet.
I played arround in PoB quiet a bit and never can reach the same dps as with Hrimsorrow and full conversion to elemental damage. Don't forget we are Inquisitor and we normally always set the resistance of our enemies to 0. With only phy. to lightning you cannot reach 100% conversion.
I tested with Ele.Focus and without it and I always come back to it because it gives just soo much damage but I guess that is a matter of taste. For generell mapping Increased Critical Strikes might be better... I will test that a little longer :)
switched that as well with gloves / helmet and feels better, not quite sure if the math checks out, overall it gives a better feel though, the accuracy is also a massive increase & getting the resistance from the helmet/glove slot gives more freedom of choice on other slots.
also why does phys to lightning + consecrated path not fully convert? isnt it 50/50 or am I missing something here (+ additional phys as lightning for level + increased phys damage for quality)
because it shows physical 0 to 0, I assume it is entirely converted
please correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not well versed in poe theorycrafting as I never bothered too much with it and mostly just do what feels the most fluent to me.
Yeah you are right with the conversion... not sure why but I thought for some unknown reason phy. to lightning only converts up to 30%. My mistake :)
Well athm I am at 255 and I think nowhere near my limit. I just did not had time to delve deeper. I guess on the following weekend I will delve below 300 and do some endgame content.
Update for static strike: the most popular streamer plays it currently with ancestral call support, and 2x touch of anguish weapons - that seems to do the trick, so you dont need chain support. pathfinder though but will also work with inquisitor like this.
Dernière édition par Tannhauser1#7879, le 18 sept. 2018 18:32:07