[3.5] Guffin's Rain of Hope (Shredder) | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices
Hey Guffin,
Can you pls answer one question? I want to try the scourge arrow version in addition to my RoA. Do you think Yoke of Suffering is worth it? (especially in regards to boss killing) SkillshotsOP's guide uses Yoke + Hypothermia... Thanks in advance ;-) |
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" Hey mate, very glad you enjoy your Time! I mean, RoA still feels lazy/afk ish without HH :P But HH obviously elevates it to the next level. That's some great Gear you have, I think you won't have big problems with the Bosses. Feel free to keep us updated on how it went :) " Yo dude, ty for the Update :) Really nice progress there, Char is looking damn solid! Only thing that's missing is gem levels now :P Recommend picking up Phase Acro tho, the Survivability it and the 3 Nodes before it add are insane. Really no reason to nor go for it :) Also, RoA obviously works on the same Colours. So no harm done trying it out for a bit. And as you can see from the Videos, it also farms Bosses while being way smoother for mapping. Gl on the future journey and Uber Elder :) " Cool to hear that you'll stick to it for a while :) Helping out people here is appreciated, as I get quite a lot of questions and sometimes it feels good if some work is taken off my shoulders in that regard :P I don't think I "need" any more Videos since I just recently updated mine, but it surely can't hurt to have more. " Yo mate, cool to see you pulling through :) As for the Degen: everything Morelikeew said is correct. That said, the Strength of Leech scales off of our Max Life. So you need to reach some more comfortable Life Levels first, before going for it. I'd recommend getting merc Lab done, and dropping all of that levelling Gear. Thiefs Torment, Victarios, Karui Ward and the Deceiver need to be replaced, ideally with cheap rares from the Trade Links. You'll gain a lot of Damage and Life, which will make your Overleech Stronger. Just remember to place a Murderous Eye Jewel (also got Trade Links for that) into your Tombfist to keep the Intimidate. After all of that, grab Vaal Pact and Vitality Void and it should work out. Mostly you're just missing some Levels, labs obviously, and a looot of Gear for now. Hope I could give you a point to start from, let us know if it works out for you :) " Great to see you're having fun :) How is a 2nd Meek a loss of DPS for you? I just checked: https://pastebin.com/GaSq02Xq And you only gain Life, Res and a bit of Damage. And it sets you up for going for an Unnatural Instincts in the near Future. As for the Gem Sockets: you're free to do what you want obviously :P You could go for a 3 link Blink Arrow for fun, or just keep levelling Gems. In a sense, levelling more Gems = more Character Power, as selling (or keeping levelled and qualitied) Gems means more Currency to get Upgrades :P That said, keep in mind that you'll ideally upgrade to a 2 socket Bubonic Trail sometime for more Damage and Life, and lose a Socket. Other than that, your Char looks very Solid. The only thing left to do is upgrading Rares forever :P And everything Morelikeew said is obviously correct! Just noticed he also adressed the Bubonics :) Big ty to Morelikeew btw! " Yo dude, sure I can :) Yoke is not worth it for Scourge Arrow, and I had an extensive discussion about that with the Guy but I guess he doesnt agree with my points. Which is weird, because he implemented other Changes I suggested. 1: Ticking Shock in PoB is almost always wrong, simply because PoB then applies a maximum Shock for 50% increased Damage Taken. This only happens when dealing 10% of the Enemies Health in one Hit, which is not the case with any relevant Skills and also not SA. 2: Default Shock Duration is 2 Seconds, and 1.4 with Yoke of Suffering. The so called "snowballing" of Shocks (appliying a Shock which increases Damage taken by X%, then having a stronger Shock apply next time due to a stronger hit, repeat) simply doesnt happen. With SAs charge up mechanic, which is required for proper DPS, the window gets very tight. While theoretically the Chargeup time is less than a second on a beefed up character, no Human reaches that. Same issue as with Blade Flurry: you will never reach theoretical max DPS as you can't release right when reaching 5 Stacks. We as humans actually lag behind a loooot and release weeeell past a second of Chargeup. Then you need to factor in the reality of relevant Fights like Uber Elder etc. requiring frequent dodging and repositioning, and we won't be able to keep up shocks for any meaningful amount of Time. And obviously especially in phased Fights, which is what feels like 99% of Fights these days :P, you constantly lose your Shock. 3: This is a low crit Weapon, and Shocks only happen on Crit or with passive Shock Chance. ~65% Crit Chance with a Diamond Flask up (which won't always be up, ~46% Crit Chance without), and 6% passive Shock Chance from Yoke are not enough to guarantee constant Shocks. With 100% perfect Execution and no movement required, you might apply 2 Shocks and snowball them. But only if you get lucky with Crits. The Crit Chance is simply too low to be able to guarantee Shocks. ALL OF THIS adds up to make Shocks incredibly unreliable, and they simply won't happen enough with Scourge Arrow. You will obviously Shock an Enemy with a Shot, but 90% of the Time the next one won't benefit from that Shock. Lastly: Yoke offer no fucking Life. A rare Amulet can fix Stats, res, offers big Life and constantly reliable Damage, that can easily outscale Yoke even under good Conditions (for Scourge Arrow). I don't recommend Yoke. . Dernière édition par Guffinn#6759, le 10 oct. 2018 18:10:21
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Thanks man, much appreciated.
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Hey Guffin, can you post the minimum gear required to kill uber elder with Scourge arrow variation? stuff like do I need 2 might of the meek and unnatural instinct ? do I need Helm enchant? do I need 2 socket bubonic or 2 socket tombfist ? and stuff like that.
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Had a pretty good session yesterday; got a couple red/yellow elders, bought a few upgrades thanks to getting a Fiend card drop while opening up elder influence for the questline.
I feel like I'm nearly set as far as gear goes at this point. Obviously don't have an Unnatural Instinct yet; though most of the Abyss Jewels can be easily upgraded, but past that I feel it's just enchanting boots & crafting a helm for each skill. Still need levels; both for the character and gems but we're nearly there. I can 100% recommend Doryani's Delusion; the comfort the free PoI gives me of activating my Freeze immunity and lets me grab Curse immunity whilst mapping is huge on top of full sockets and having 1.5x Abyss jewel damage + life on them. I feel like with various gear swaps this is incredibly well suited for any content. Rippy -max biomes? Loreweave. Farming t16 maps and want an extra hp buffer? Slap on Kaom's. Farming Red/Uber Elders? Kaom's + Bubonics with your Purity. Want to spam some t11 UGS? Swap the chilled immunity Watcher's and Elder Chest for extra sockets to level gems and more qol links. I've done everything up to t16s with my rare Elder Chest + Doryani's; only switching to Kaom's recently going into Elders now I have my Phys taken as Cold Watcher's. I'll play with my PoB too; see if I can drop Aspect of the Eagle and get Phase Acro or if there's a better way to spend some other points. I think I'm at a point where it's hard for me to see the gear upgrades; nothing other than what I mentioned is standing out to me. If anyone has any ideas please feel free to let me know. I'm incredibly tempted to vaal my Kaom's and Bow LMAO E: ye okay Dernière édition par Morelikeew#4171, le 13 oct. 2018 20:03:07
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" Nah mate, I can't. There is legit no way to do that. The best way to say it is like this tho: ~6.2k Life and 200k Shaper DPS per Arrow (with Kaoms Roots) in PoB will be pretty comfortable. Recommending specifit Items doesnt work, since so much is dependant on Levels and rares. Health and DPS thresholds are pretty sure ways to look at it tho. " Hey mate, cool to hear you're still having such success! Gear looks good, and gz on the nice Crafts :) Besides Unnatural Instincts, you can go for a Hatred or Wrath + Watchers Eye Setup for maximum DPS. Would have to check what's better for you, and if you can meet the INT requirements on a high lvl Wrath. And maybe pick up a perfect Wise Oak because why not. Other than that, you can always infinitely upgrade Rares :P And yes, Phase Acro is definitely worth it. I'd personally drop Druidic Rite, there really is no reason for it if you can map at a decent pace these days. Yes the Duration helps a bit on Bosses, but there shouldn't be anything you can't Phase in the default Flask Duration. In general: go grab a few Levels. Obviously you're looking really solid right now, and it's awesome to hear you're having a good time in such a variety of content! .
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I just got my first uber elder kill ever, and it was with this build!
Gear used:
Pretty lame gear, rares aren't nothing too special, was hard to get rings because i needed resists, and was hard to get a ammy because i needed STR and INT, and my budget wasnt too big. No loreweave, no kaoms chest, no 2 sockets bubonic, no meeks, no watchers, and the build still managed to carry me to my first uber elder kill(i didnt managed to do it before even on pre-nerf arc traps!!!). On PoB, i had 162k per arrow DPS (1.3M with scourge arrow) and 6k life. I dont think you need 200k DPS to kill uber elder as guffin said, the swap to Scourge Arrow is pretty strong and my damage was very very high during the fight once i got to full charges. But he recommended 6.2k life and i totally agree, even with 80% cold res, shaper balls would oneshot me sometimes, so if you could aim for higher life you will be safer. By last i just want to thanks guffin for the amazing guide, mapping was a blast with the build and since i got the rare upgrades, single target started to be a joke because the damage got really high. Very good overall build, would recommend 10/10 |
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" Hey mate, glad to hear you have such a good time and like the Build! Big Gz on the first kill! As for the Damage Numbers etc.: I tried to give a rough estimate for a really comfortable Kill, it can always be done with less :P I did a 60c Budget Uber Elder Kill Video with my other Build at 5.8k Life and 1kk Shaper DPS tops, still I won't recommend people to go into the fight with that. As you say: your Gear could be improved a lot. Ever more so impressive that you managed to kill Uber Elder! Again, feels good to hear you having such success! If you decide to play the Character further, feel free to keep us updated on big Upgrades :) .
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Currently playing this build because I minmaxed my Toxic Rain Trickster to death but couldn't take down U. Elder. Just picked up these this evening:
Now I'm running Hatred AND Wrath and getting killer DPS and the amulet helps save me a point on the tree for intelligence. The only thing I've noticed is my health still seems low (Around 6k). Is this a level problem or will my health just skyrocket when I throw on Kaom's roots? Also, what do you think the best corruption for Tombfist is? Crit chance or +1 Frenzy charge? Thanks! |
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It's been a fun journey. I had never even attempted Shaper before this league.
![]() ![]() I steamrolled Shaper; went into Uber Elder with no experience and only 2 Shaper kills (accidentally ran a second one bc didn't check guardians attempting Uber Elder) I bricked my first set on the last phase; as I got instagibbed by Shaper balls 3 times in a row before leech was up after dying the first time. Second set would have been deathless except I think I got crit as I Culled him? Regardless; it went incredibly smoothly until that point.
+ 2 Meeks; and none of my Abyssal jewels were over 40c. Incredibly solid all-round build; would reccomend to anyone. |
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