[3.6] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike / Molten Strike - The Immortal Ascendant - Excels Everywhere
Hello! I'm planning on using this as my delve starter. It seems like the best flicker for delve due to how tanky it gets and since it uses molten strike along with flicker incase flicker is just 100% unusable inside delves with the darkness mechanic. I know delve is not released so this is a hard question and 100% theoretical, but if you were going to run a weapon swap molten strike just for delves what changes would you make? I was thinking of adding ancestral call in atleast to test. It might be overkill with multistrike.
What do you think about a ngamus axe for the moltenstrike weapon swap? This is purely for delves, not end game boss killing. Ive always like the axe because you can 6 socket it and it functions as a 6 link for the spell. This would require using a belly instead of a kaoms though. |
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" Really sad to see the gloves gone until 3.5 when Alva will hopefully return, they were pretty much 3-4 extra passive points worth of stats. The build can get pretty starved for resists so switching to a unique probably isn't realistic unless the unique gives resists. Tombfist isn't attractive since we already get intimidate. Even spiked or gripped gloves don't seem that attractive as the benefits they apply (projectile or melee) only benefit either molten strike or flicker strike, not both. To be honest I'm hoping that we will be able to craft some new mods on gloves which will rival the temple gloves, using the socketable currency coming in Delve. That helm seems pretty damn sweet, will be very interesting to see if it can roll more than one socket. Definitely something to keep an eye on. " Hey Boerz, Slayer is insanely good, due to the fact that they can maintain absurd levels of health recovered per second, over a long period of time. For a slayer to die, they need to take one huge spike of damage. That being said, the Scion provides a ton of benefits which the Slayer doesn't have access to. - 1000 accuracy - free endurance charges - fortify on melee hit - Free 1.2x damage multiplier (intimidate + taunt) - Slightly higher life pool (10% more) Concerning this specific build, I'm fairly certain Scion is better due to significantly superior damage and other quality of life perks. The Slayer may potentially be harder to kill, however I did not find that dying was a problem with the Scion start - It's already really beefy. " Hey Alide! With the little that GGG has said on the topic of flicker and Delve so far there is a high chance that we won't be able to flicker in the delves without killing ourselves. Molten strike - ancestral call (replacing immolate/fire penetration gem choice) will most likely be the optimal delve clear for this build. Due to the infinite scaling, there won't be any overkill. If you position correctly on single target you can even abuse ancestral call (won't have to swap the gem out), as the AOE balls from your swing and your ancestral swing will overlap. You do need fairly clean positioning to abuse this though, which is why it isn't mentioned in the guide. Will add how to do it in guide once 3.4 drops. Ngamahu's appears to be a very strong choice for AOE clear. In terms of straight up damage Oro's beats it by roughly 40% more damage, but this isn't counting the potent "Molten Burst" effect which Ngamahu grants. POB is showing 80k damage per individual molten burst ball, which is pretty significant if it's possible to activate molten burst frequently (every 0.15 seconds). I tried testing how Ngamahu's compares to Oro's in some T16s, but everything is too weak to survive more than one hit. You'd most likely have to compare them during the delve league where hopefully the monster packs are a bit more durable. - Scion Build Guides -
Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571 |
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Wondering if going slayer for the cull, AoE, and leech would outweigh champion as far as ascendancy goes..... thoughts?
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Gibbonsj01: It was already summed up in the post above you and we have cull on the weapon.
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Doing abysses is highly annoying with flicker strike. It constantly teleports me away from the abyss and i have to use molten strike. I avoid abysses for this reason.
Breaches can be a pain too but i can clear the surrounding area before clicking the breach so i don't teleport away. |
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I experimented a bit with ancestral call instead of ruthless in my flicker setup and it seems to me that the clear is a bit better(t15/16s).
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Dernière édition par MistaChun#4123, le 26 août 2018 03:59:06
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I'm looking for a build to start 3.4 league (i know flicker is bad option, but you've said we can use molten + totem in delve). And I like yours, cause it's well-written. I'm noob and can make currency only in UberLab, so i've played only sunder juggs before (and i can't sustain sunder builds anymore) during league start, and then made others builds with currency from UberLab. So i have couple questions: 1) How your build feels in chaining UberLab with no stuff? 2) How it feels in early mapping without all legendary stuff? 3) Last question is not about build, but about "Might of the Meek" jewell. I'm also interested in tanky BV scion build, but both are using this jewell. I don't know the common price (poe ninja shows 12c and on poe trade today it is 60c-1ex) during several days after start and how it is important, does it play core role? |
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"1) It's "ok" with budget gear. Probably a 6 or 7 out of 10 on the feelsgood scale. A lot of the physical mitigation that the build gets is the product of being in active combat (endurance charge + fortify + flask). Since trap gauntlets don't have much active combat it can sometimes get sketchy. Overall though if you are confident/experienced it's decently fast and safe. Izaro gets melted even with garbage gear. Budget uber lab clear 2) Felt good enough to play as a league starter - A 5 link Oro's and a self crafted rare 6 link chest will carry very very far. Many budget options outlined in gear section. 3) Get your hands on might of the meek as soon as possible, the past few leagues they've started at 8-10 chaos for the first few days but quickly rise to 35-50 chaos. They don't play a core role though, good rare jewel is a perfectly acceptable budget option. Will be updating build sometime in the next few days for optimal delve clear, and will continue updating as 3.4 goes on as I will be playing some variant of the build. " Thanks for the feedback, curious if this is because of yoke giving you enough damage to vaporize the rares without ruthless. Will test more extensively in delve. - Scion Build Guides -
Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571 |
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How far can you get on this build with a 4link and the effigon? Can i comfortably clear storyline with 4 link oro's, and get thru atleast most white tier maps comfortably? And will a 5 link be enough to get me into red tier maps ? And I mean just a 5 link oro's not a 6link chest or anything. (i've seen your budget video - i'm not gonna count that because you had 21/20 gems and you probably also had all your unique jewels equipped including meek jewels, personally that is not 'budget'for me. But i'm not planning on doing guardians on this build but ideally if i can fairly easily and quickly get thru t15 corrupted maps then its done its job) reason i ask is because i tend to have garbage luck the first 1-2weeks of league (have never gotten an exalted till 1 month in) and at my casual playtimes im usually not hitting red tier maps till about day 7 or so. in the first 3-4 days, for a casual/poor guy like me, theres a steep, steep difference between a 4link (i can easily attain that), and a 5link (may not have the currency, or may make more sense to save my currency for other things i'll desperately need or want to acquire early in the league like meek jewels) This build is also going to just be my league starter - unless i get really lucky with build associated drops or it just performs way better than i expected, im planning on switching builds at endgame too-another reason why i dont want to sink too much into this build (altho i definitely plan to atleast get a 5link before switching) Dernière édition par rozakk#4688, le 30 août 2018 20:23:44
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